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Posts posted by shravankm

  1. Well, now as you have asked for...


    #1. The text in the open book seems to be more blurred than actual photograph. (You cannot make out what is written).


    #2. The font size in the open book is too large. Hardly one shloka will fit in a page. So He will actually need lot many books, to have complete ramayana. It is also not spaced properly.


    #3. That garland which Hanumanji is wearing is in form of semi circle, where as actually if would be in shape of 'V' due to gravity. But this is true if the garland is made up of thread.


    #4. The tail (if it is) handing at bottom right does not look like tail.


    By writing these, I do not intend to be offensive for anyone as I myself am Hanuman Bhakt.


    eliminate processed sugar from your diet.


    nothing will run you down like a stong dose of processed sugar.


    get your sugars from fresh fruit


    white sugar should be labeled POISON, because in my experience that is about all it is good for.


    raw sugar is not so bad in small amounts


    Can you/anyone please give some more explanation about white sugar? Why/How it is harmful? I believe in this, but its difficult to convince others (including my wife) as to why it is harmful. Also, where do we get Raw Sugar? What is it called in Hindi?


    That is gross. How would washing your eyes with urine affect your eyesight? Or decrease irritation in the eyes?


    It may be gross for someone who is very new to Urine Therapy. But it is very trusted and very old (5000 years old).


    Now, why you are doubting that urine cannot affect eyesight? How come eye tonics work then? When a body is suffering from any ailment, human body automatically tries to generate harmones to cure it and these are found in abundance in urine. Otherwise also, it contains many cheimcals (it is not studies fully even now) which are extremely useful.


    I am writing after experiencing it and there are thousands who do so (although few admit it).


    A warning, to those who would use fresh urine for medical uses. Remember, you who advocate such practice, the urine in question must be without disease, or wrong composition. For a person on modern diet, urine from them is toxic. Beware of such therapy, as toxins can do irreparable damage to the tissue of the eye. It is also more usual to use the urine of an Ox for such therapy, is it not?


    I agree to some extent that Urine Therapy works best when the person concerned is on good diet (best if vegetarian diet is taken). But to say that for modern diet, urine is toxic is not right. If that is the case, then you will any get many diseases before you use your urine as it is nothing but extract of blood.


    And ofcourse, one must not be suffering from any kidney/bladder diseases.

  5. I agree with you. If we do not take any steps now, I am sure very few hindus will be left after few generations (who actually know hinduism).


    Many parents take this lightly and their religious teachings are limited to do daily pooja (in whatever way) and to learn few aartees. They do not teach basic principles of hinduism. This is because they themselves do not know much (and many don't care).


    But I have a question, can we refer ONE good book or website, which parents can use to teach their children hinduism.


    nadi jyotish like all other branches has come under severe criticism because of the dishonest practices. What they do is they have a karn pishachini sidhi, in which a ghost tells them about u in the ear(karn). She can only tell about ur present and once u r impressed they make ur horoscope n predict on their own which in most cases (as with the law of probability)is 50% correct.


    No. This may not be true.


    Had it been true, they could have told present and future (even while guessing) without asking any questions. They ask many questions to know the present and then they guess (or use astrology etc) the future as you said.


    And if they really have this siddhi, they will surely wont waste it like this.

  7. Exactly. Hinduism honours all of creation, but some see it as male dominated, which shouldn't be the case. There is talk of a wife seeing her husband as a god but why not vice-versa? We should see all of creation as divine. becuase if God exists it can only be that all of nature is divine, since everthing emanates/is a manifestation of God.

    [i dont know how to quote...]


    Well I completely agree. Hinduism honours all creations and we should always respect all human beings, animals and plants. No doubt about that.


    Here question was about worshipping husband? Its bit different than giving respect to everyone. You respect all human beings, but you dont worship everyone right!


    Now, I am not advocating male dominance by saying this. Actually any person will 'worship' other (Guru's etc) only when he/she feels that other person is intellectually at higher plane and will help him/her to reach God in easy way.


    Generally (because of various factors) it is seen that Girls are involved only in household work and do not have much knowledge of what is there outside the home, so husband is almost always at higher level of conciousness than wife, hence this tradition. (I am talking of scenarios few years back)


    But there are cases, when it is other way round. In this case, husband should simply reciprocate and follow his wife. Once such case of 'Maa Anandmayi'. Her husband worshipped her throughout his life.

  8. I just want to comment on who is bigger Husband Or God?

    Well, no doubt, God is bigger.


    But if the question is who should 'wife' worship? Tradition says 'Husband' and I quite agree to this. [Assuming husband is religious, well behaved and respect his wife]


    To understand this, lets take example of 2 year child. If you introduce GOD to child, he/she will be confused and will not understand properly. So instead. But it is very easy for the child to 'worship' (sort of, means full respect, obedience, etc) mother, on whom he/she has full faith and trust. So, unless child is fully grown up, its ok to 'worship' her mother as if she is GOD. Mother's role in turn is to act as messenger to GOD. To pass on the prayers of her child to GOD. I have seen this working and it works very well.



    Now, Having said this, I am not trying to compare women with 2 year old. But remember that in earlier days, marriages used to happen at very very young age (specially for girls), and at that time, husband used to have more knowledge and experience of this world. Since 'wife' was so young, and need to live in totally foreign environment in husbands home and town, it's easy for her to relate to her husband, who is closest to her. So, its easy to follow rule of 'Worship your husband'. But this is more in early years, after some years when she is grown up, its her own will and she will do accordingly.


    And, when we can see GOD in stone, whats wrong in seeing GOD in husband?

  9. Does anybody have any experience of travelling in Astral Plane and meeting departed souls?


    It is said (even as per hindu philosophy) that once a human being dies, he/she remains in Astral Plane for some time with the astral body (human body minus earth element) in astral space. Several people claim (including many sadhus) to have travelled to these planes and met with great people who are in between incarnations.


    Please share your experiences. I want to travel in astral plane. Everytime I try, i end up in normal or lucid dreams, but not in astral plane.



  10. I said many times in this forum and again rapeating... Nadi readers are fooling people and taking advantage of blind faith pople have.


    They just extract information in form of yes/no and use intelligent guesswork/astrology to predict your future.


    There is no scientific basis for this. If there is, someone please enlighten me.

  11. Well, my personal advise is not to keep studying till morning without sleep. Even if you take some tablets/drinks, that is just a artificial means of keeping awake. It will not complete the sleep quota that your body and mind needs.


    So, better thing may be to take 2-3 hours of sleep at least at night and the study.


    Best study plan is to include 8 hrs of sleep in a day, its ok even if its in breaks.


    Jesus Christ can heal your disease and set you free!

    Believe on Him, ask Him into your heart and live forever!

    His name is above all names! Above Psorasis, Cancer,

    above Stress!

    God So Loved the World that He gave HIs only Begotten Son

    that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting Life! If you want to open channels, open your mind and your heart to Him.

    He loves you, He created you...

    Blessings in Jesus to You!

    If Jesus Christ can heal everything, why does Pope suffers from so many diseases?

  13. Following things will help to your improve digestion.


    1. DO NOT drink water (specially cold) before, after and during the meals. If at all you need to drink, drink sparingly or replace it with butter milk.


    2. DO NOT eat too much. Always leave some room in your stomach.


    3. Light walk (NEVER RUN) after meals is helpful.


    4. Avoid tasks that require physical or mental strength immediately after meals.


    5. Avoid Tea/Coffee etc.


    6. Consume banana.


    Comments welcome.

  14. Last week, I saw one story in 'Mano Ya Na Mano' TV Serial, which is telecasted on Saturdays at 11:00 PM IST in India in Star ONE Channel.


    Briefly, it goes like this.


    A Truck driver was driving one night, and he noticed a traffic Jam on highway, on investigating, he found that there was a pregnant snake lying in the middle of the road and it was not moving, but stayed there, inspite of several attempts to move by people. But, this truck driver decide to run his truck over the snake to get rid of this nuisance and he did that. Snake was killed on the spot.


    At the same time, his wife was pregnant and delivered a boy. Amazingly, his entire skin was like of snake's skin, and he looked like more of a snake than a human being. After this, his two other sons are also born like that. Now they are grownup, but still carries the same skin. The episode showed their entire family with the driver.


    This shows that there is some form of curse that is either given by snake of some almighty power...


    Believe me... this is true... Curses do exist.

  15. Dear Indian Muslims,

    Lets accept some facts first.

    1. India has been attaked by Islamic Militants several times and they have no plans to stop this.

    2. There are several Islamic (terrorist) Organizations (Inside/Outside India), whose sole motto is to make India a Islamic country.

    3. Most attacks and law and order situations of big scale have almost always been traced to some Islamic person(s).

    4. Islam is not very polite with Non-Muslims (Hindus, in this context). There may be many Indian Muslims, who live peacefully with others, but at the same times, there are thousands of people, who believe otherwise.

    Now, My Appeal

    1. DO believe that we are INDIAN first, and then comes the religion.

    2. DO NOT support any person directly/indirectly, who is suspected to carry these activities. Since these militants follow Islam, and stays in muslim colonies for long time, before carrying these activities, they will be in touch with many people (muslims). If you keep your eye/ears OPEN, you can easily spot these people. REPORT to police.

    3. DO Condemn such incidents openly and in all forums, as much as possible. Say 'ISLAMIC MILITANTS, GO AWAY FROM INDIA' in all gatherings.

    SHOW, that you are different than these people.

    4. DO NOT blindly follow by just what your moulvi (sorry for spelling) says. Question each and everything, and do it only if it is in the intrest of the country.

    5. DO Follow your Islam in whatever way you want, but for the portion of Islam, which says Kafir's (Non Muslims) are not be spared... If you believe in Allah, he will take care of Kafir's in what ever way he want, so you don't have to worry about it.

    (If I am wrong in understanding, correct me)


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