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Everything posted by pavilinc

  1. HBOL I am an Indian and a brahmacari. please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! We are presently looking for 1 or 2 brahmacaries or 1 grihasta-couple who would like to take up the following fulltime services for the Gauradesh Temple (Cologne): - Deityworship - Cooking We are offering: - Accomodation & Prasadam - The oppurtunity to serve one of the most beautyfull Gaura-Nitai Deities of the world We are well known for our: - weekly ecstatic sundayfeast programs - ecstatic Ratha yatra festival and also other Vaishnava festivals - to have a very friendly and familiar relationships amongs the Templedevotees and the Congregation - our steady growing nama-hatta programs - good prasadam (restaurant) If you are inspired by our offer and you are a communicative & intigrated person with legal papers for staying in Germany then please feel free to contact us. Please Contact: Keshava dasa Your humble servant in the mission of Srila Prabhupada Keshava dasa
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