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  1. I hear a sound in my right ear..more like pounding and whooshing sound, the times I hear it more is during early morning, mid afternoon and starting from 6 in the evening to early morning again, I can hear it only when Iam alone and theres no outer noise..is it called the Anahata ? can anyone explain to me what it is?and what happens after I hear this?
  2. Can anyone tell me the english name for maruvam? its the fragrant green leaves added into the garlands at temple in India.. along with jasmine and kanakambaram. Thanks
  3. What is the significance of toe rings..and mangala sutra and tilak..for women
  4. What is the vedic system of learning..has it always been repetition?
  5. lotus300


    How to see god in the faces of anger and hurt?
  6. a) what is kundalini ..and since what time the aspirant starts to see it manifest in him/her... is it pretty silent...or does it come with a warning...what precations does one has to take if kundalini is awakened...and is it good to be in isolation to not to worry others during that time... b) what is anahata sound..and what kind of various sounds are heard...does it sound like a train? ..how does anahata sound manifest... and does it continue to be present for people who have attained highest spiritual order... c) how does the ajna chakra open...and how does it feel when it opens...is it seen as a dark dot between the eyebrows...and what happens after it opens... d) how is prana perceived in meditation... e) what are the swirls of colors we see in meditation ...and why do we see them.. f) why do we see auras and what is the point of seeing auras... g) finally..how do all these things bring us closer to god..
  7. lotus300


    Can god not know why Iam born..? let alone I might not know why Iam born ...nor my parents... but wouldnt god know why we are born..would we be born without his permission...does anything happen without his permission..?
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