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Everything posted by divine_soul

  1. hello all, i tried finding out what it is on internet. looks like this one is "Asuri Kalpa". Anyone have any knowledge about it?
  2. Hi ra kamal ji, Thank you so much for your reply. I sent my mail to gurudev ji's id. I wish he would guide us. Even I am so worried that tried to find some tantrik's number on internet ..also talked to them but everyone doesnt listen completely my problem instead they start talking about money and expenses....Its very hard to find a right person in this world to get answers or get solution... I dont want to get fooled by someone thats why i posted my problem here. Hope guru shrimaliji would like to help me out.... Thanks again.
  3. hi, my family is going through some problems from past 2 years..incuding my father's unreasonable untimely death. There is some one close who is doing all this for property. We recently found one piece of paper written one mantra on it. please some one tell me what is this for? please please we have no one to help us out.dunno whom to ask where to go.i dont want my mom ,brother and famiy to be in danger.please help: MANTRA ohm katuke katukpatre subhage asari rakte raktvasasi arthar vandasaya duhite aghore aghor karm marke mampati kratim(My family member's name was written here in braket) dadah pach pach math math hal hal paavat dah dah pach pach math math...hal hal paavat yavan meh vash manay swaha
  4. I badly need some one's help......There is someone in our family who is doing something wrong with rest of the family members.As we are suffering a lot including my father's untimely death. We recently found one piece of paper in that person's room which i m mentioning here. Please please please some one tell us what that mantra is for.we are in danger.Please help: "ohm katuke katukpatre subhage asari rakte raktvasasi arthar vandasaya duhite aghore aghor karm marke mampati kratim(My family member's name was written here in braket) dadah pach pach math math hal hal paavat dah dah pach pach math math...hal hal paavat yavan meh vash manay swaha" Teena....
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