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Posts posted by kumar70s

  1. I think ancient scriptures does not mentioned complicate and long procedures of rudraksha pooja but simple chanting of mantra of rudraksha. Just hold the rudraksha bead on your right hand palm and simply chant the mantra as detailed in puranas.



  2. Dear friends


    Currently, I am wearing one bead of 3 mukhi of nepal origin in left wrist. Is it ok to wear or should I discontinue. It is mentioned in puranas that one who wears rudraksha on wrists attains moksha. If anyone wants to wear beads on hands I presume that all odd number mukhis (3,4,5,7,etc.) to be worn on left arm/wrist and even number mukhis (2,4,6,8,etc.) is to be worn on right arm/wrist. Please guide.



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