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Posts posted by Sephiroth

  1. 1) Unless God's intention was to create chaos and confusion, he would not have created all religions


    Wrong ... that is an atheist's view, that God created confusion.


    In order for humans to evolve, suffering is required. In order for humans to know which is true and which is false, confusion is required.


    As can be seen from the Puranas (from Mastya Avatar all the way to Sri Krishna), God have been pushing Man to evolve pass its animalistic background to a higher form. That had been His goal then and it is His goal now.


    Humans MUST suffer in order to know the Truth, to know WHO is God and in order to HOW to go back to Him. That is His purpose and its not hidden like some claims. God don't work in mysterious ways, His ways is just beyond those who don't understand Nature and role of Man on this world.

  2. I was thinking about prophets in Christianity and Islam when a question pops in my mind.


    What if the so-called Prophets in Christianity and Islam are not prophets (messangers) send by God but men who proclaim themselves as such?


    When Hebrews were in Egypt, they pray to God who ordered Moses to bring them out of Egypt and to the promised land. But Moses was not a great man himself, he was a fugitive who ran out of Eygpt after killing a man (even so in self-defence).


    God already chose Moses to do the job and fine, Moses lead them to the promised land and Israel was formed.


    Question now is ... WHO gave authority to others who came after Moses and proclaim themselves as Prophets? Except for Abraham, everyone else was sort of selfish SOBs for doing their own things and proclaiming it is will of God (just like some terrorists does so now).


    There is no proof that anyone other than Moses ever came by authorization from God. Muhammad himself didn't do any miracles and many time injured and lose battles.

  3. Some people have also said that the ramayana happen iin 25,000 BC...long before jews existed.


    1st settlement of Humans in India (according to Modern History) is 180,000 years ago.


    According to the Bible (however corrupted it maybe), Man tried to create a tall tower to climb back to present of God and this tower symbolized Man's Ego and Pride. God smitten it down and order them to spread across the world. That is why, there had been three migration from 250,000 years ago which resulted in settling down in India as well.


    So, if you consider those who left Africa and come to India as Hebrews (as define by the Bible), then Indians are descendants of Hebrews as well. If Ramayana occured 25,000 B.C, it is logical and still within time frame of acceptable argument.


    In the mahabharata , there is even talk about atomic weapons one that arjun possesed could counteract an atomic weapon ..he was given that by shiva.


    Read up on what sri mahaprabhuji of ISKON has to say on the kshatriya spirit...we were way ahead of the jews in our time. Infact in the bible it says three men came from the east...and quite a few scholars say that the three men were yogis from india...


    Read up History and Science first. People who has NO knowledge and understanding of Science and History will become weak in defending against attacks on their beliefs.


    Maybe this is why I have seen a LOT of Hindus know Puranas and Gita by heart but don't know much on Science and History and end up making stupid claims like Puranas are fairy tales taught by elders to put children to sleep.

  4. Reminds me of a debate I had with a Muslim in another forum. This Muslim woman told me that Muslims worshipping the True God (and others, including Hindus weren't) because Muslims didn't make any statues, form etc to symbolise God. I said that is false statement.


    When a devotee picture God like this and that, he actually making forms for the God. God is merciful, he says ... WHY? Because he believes God is merciful. God is loving, he says ... WHY? Because he believes God is loving.


    When a devotee makes various definations of what God is like, he is making "mental image" of God in his mind and thus, he is an idol worshipper (for worshipping something man-made).


    So, by this context, EVERYONE (including Muslims) are idol worshipper.


    WHY do you think Muslims fighting against Hindus and claim they are idol worshippers? Not because Hindus are evil, because Hindus do not agree with Muslims' defination of God. They say God is like this and that and if you don't agree to that, you are an infidel who is against God.

  5. The Jewish books are full of these violent teachings. Jews always blame others so nobody will see.


    Nonsense ... /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


    As I said before ... there is no historical accounts and such records of massive genocide for the past 3,000 years in Arabic Penisula. ONLY accounts of genocide comes from Christians and Muslims for the past 1,400 years during the war against each others - a.k.a Crusades.


    Also, we all know that Christians had modified their Bible to support Jesus as God. All this above statements taken from a Bible which itself is an Anti-Jews propaganda.


    The Bible can be split into 6 timeline :


    1. Genesis to Fall of Man.

    2. Great Flood to Moses talking out the Hebrew out of Egypt (and setting down the Law of Moses).

    3. Creation of Israel to John the Baptist.

    4. Jesus - birth, life and death as a wall decoration. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    5. Jesus's resurrection and his "new" teachings.

    6. St. Paul's teaching in making Jesus a God in order to pascify Greeks to accept Christianity.


    From timeline 1 to 2, you can say there is no much modification done.


    Timeline 3 is modified to add prophecies of coming of Jesus and also, strenghtening the Original Sin Concept (which was unheard of during timeline 1 and 2).


    Timeline 4 is not required to explaination. Jesus came, act like a man, died like a man and Christians (who betray him in his time) made him a God.


    Timeline 5 - Concept of Original Sin is strengthened by stating Jesus died for their sins and therefore, they are free if they believe in him. Those who reject him (as Jews did) are still living with the sin and living a life like animals.


    And just like what Muslims tries to potray Hindus as idol worshipping sinners, who commit adultery, eat things unclean and commit all sort of sinful activities, so did Christians potray Jews.


    Timeline 6 - Jesus blown into a full-time God, just like the mythological figures of Greek Gods and Goddesses who has sons and daughters with men and with Gods.



    So, there at least 3 modification - one before Jesus, one during Jesus's time and one after Jesus died; all strengthening Jesus as a God and concept of Original Sin. Don't be fooled by foolish men and their writings.



    One person, even if he comes by authorization from God won't be able to change anything.


    Muslims and Christians will call him "evil" - Anti-Christ or Dajjal and such.


    Hindus will be too divided to care and the minute he supports Lord Vishnu, he will be called Anti-Shiva and the minute he support Lord Shiva, he will be called Anti-Vishnu. If he supports both, he will be called a Fake who trying to grab attention and if he bring his own defination, he will be called as a leader of a Cult. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


    ONLY way out I see is mass destruction - destroy ALL others and leave the 0.000001% which you spoke off to start a new Era. Then he can come and guide them in a proper path.

  7. But again, this is not history.


    It is history.


    200,000 years ago, Man moved out of Africa and settle in what is known as Mesotampia Region (today's Iran and Iraq), from there, another group split from this main from and ventured to India (about 180,000 years ago) and started Indian civilization which worshipped Lord Shiva. From India, they moved to Malaya, across the sea to Australia (by 80,000 years ago), China and across the Bering Sea to America.


    While Santana Dharma known as Mother of ALL religions (because Indian made it so advance, it peaked ALL others while Jewish Tradition kept within the group and that made the progress slow, not to mention that Jews have to compete with Christians and later Muslims who hated their guts), Jewish People are source of where Civilizations comes from.


    This is part of World History as it accepted in Mitochondria Eve theory AND Out of Africe theory which explains Human migration across the globe.


    However, the word Hebrew didn't come to till Moses brought Hebrews out of Egypt and I have no idea where the word Jew comes from either.

  8. I have an orthodox Jewish friend at work who explained the meaning to them. Basically the laws and rules God has laid down are for the Jews. They are to obey all of these rules but no one else is obliged to follow in that same path.


    Yeah, Jewish Laws (as set by Moses) is meant for Jews. After God (through Moses) brought out the Hebrew out of Egypt, He gave them Laws to follow so they couldn't go astray again. Those Laws for for Jews alone.

  9. Remember u (our jewish brother) do not believe in reincarnation and karma but we do, so theres where we're different concerning cosmology, but many concepts are the same.


    In the Torah, it is not mentioned about possibility (or deny) Reincarnation or Karma. Therefore, it is not possible for you to say they do not believe in Karma or reincarnation.


    Judaism is about living live accordance to Laws set by Moses, NOT worry needlessly on whether you going to go to Heaven or Hell or what you going to get there.

  10. Discussing the form or shape of G-d is not that important to G-d. Worshipping G-d is not that important either, G-d does not need our sacrifice nor our flattery. We can indulge in these activities once, and ONLY ONCE we have learnt to respect other human beings, fed all our children and provided a peaceful environment for our family (hint: wife) and our community. Then, once all the work of the week is done, it is healthy to rest and to talk about G-d.


    If Hindus look carefully, this system is similar to the Pyramid System where flow of responsiblity goes from lowest - Mother, then Father, the the Guru and finally upward to God (as the goal). Goal of Judaism is to live in peace in one's own society.


    Christianity failed to follow Judaism because Christianity based on blind faith (to God). Anyone can claim he works for God and be regarded as Holy men, priest and such ... same condition India is plaqued now.


    Islam failed to follow Judaism because Islam is based on Fanatism. Muslims day-dream too much about Heaven and its plessures and fear too much about damnation of Hell to live a proper lives.

  11. I've heard that the soul is always reincarnated as a sperm. Many sperm die but only one makes it. The sperm that do die have to be reincarnated again. While the child is growing inside the mother, the soul is already there.

    It is absurd to think that the soul joins the baby after it is born!


    Where did you get such information? I think you are influenced by Atheists beliefs that the "Soul" is something physical and will perish upon death.


    Souls comes from God. It is not made, born or destroyed (except by hands of God) and it taken thousands if not millions of birth, death and rebirths in order to find God.

  12. I was told by a Hindu swami that the 'gods' are not to be taken literely but they represent different aspects of Brahman and only Brahman truly exists, the gods or devas are mythological and only exist in stories but not in reality. When you pray to these gods you are only praying to that aspect of Brahman.


    I remember one Hindu during my Studies. He always meditate whenever he has chance and talk about God and Gods. After finishing the studies, we lost contact about a year. When I meet him again, he says "There is no God, I couldn't find him".


    So, don't simply fooled by Swamis and so-called "Holy men".


    Maybe because Sri Krishna equates himself with Brahman in the Gita, he is hinting that other forms are useless or lesser.


    But Sri Krishna also says "those who worship other gods, even though in error as long as they worship with true faith they are really worshipping me".


    Hint versus actual statement about Demi-god worshipping, which do you wish to believe?


    If Sri Krishna spoke (directly and NOT a Hint) that worshipping other Gods with true faith is equals to worshipping Him, then that is acceptance of demi-gods worship in the Gita.

  13. If you do not remember that's your fault. I've dected your contradiction and it is your responsibility to recall where and when. Anyway it is not cardinal sin and you would not be punished for that.


    Wrong ... you claim I'm wrong. You show where I'm wrong. I don't have to do anything or take responsibility for something you think I have errored. Frankly speaking, I think you are wasting my time.


    If you are not a male than you must be a female. So I shall call you darling. If you are not both what shall I call you then??


    Call me Sephiroth ... that is my chosen name. Just as I don't give a damn about your background, I will not give a damn of giving any information on my personal life either.

  14. soul enters the body sonn after the child is born.


    I say Souls already exists within the body in the 1st four weeks of conception, freely moving in and out of its abode (the body) till much later when the Soul is already bind down by the Mind (as it develop in the womb itself).


    By stating that soul has enters the body in time of its birth, you are saying that the child inside the stomach is soulless (and probably justification for Stem Cell Harvesting).

  15. religion as a concept has been around for a long time. many followers of different concepts of religion have existaed in all parts of the world. it is most likely that 90 % of the world's religions in the past have been forgotten. many animistic religions have long been dead.


    True ... as if God pushing Evolution through creation and annihilations of religion.


    The vedics worshipped Indra, Surya, Varuna, Agni, read the Vedas and revered devas over the evil asuras.


    Not all Asuras are evil, you know. Do I have to remind you that Phalatan and Maha Bali was two Asuras who devoteed to Lord Vishnu and many Asuras (like Ravana) was devotee of Lord Shiva.


    This is NO WAY means that the Aryan invasion is correct.


    I don't believe in Aryan Invasion either. I believe the Concept of Aryan Invasion was something the British government cooked up in attempt to modify India's past. They probably viewed Muslims as Aryans (because they came from the west and invaded India for a long time and there is no records for how long they were there). Maybe it was British's attempt to muster Indians to overthrow Muslims and install themselves as rulers over India.


    Also, as for Shaivaism ... I have a theory.


    200,000 years ago, Man moved out from Africa and settled in place known as Mesotampia today (in Iran). From there, another group went to India and by 180,000 years ago, they already in India and settled in lower, much warmer climate region in the south where food can be harvested easily. I believe this group is the one who considered as Shaviaties today. That is my theory.

  16. Extreme Intolerence and prejudice towards the opinion that differs from ones own can lead a person to call another an animal!


    Why do I call Atheists animals? Here's my answer :


    1. Atheists do not believe in God. They don't believe that God made (or responsible in ANY WAY in creating) Humans. In Hindusm, Brahma in directly in charge of creating ALL living and non-living objects in the physical plains.


    2. Atheists do not believe in Soul. For them, NOTHING will survive after death of a body.


    3. Atheists do not believe in Religion. Many atheists I have meet have labelled Religion as some sort of drug and religious followers (collectively known as theists) as drug addicts, wanting to believe whatever they want to believe.


    4. Spiritualism do not exists. To an atheist, Spiritualism means hard work, love etc, and nothing to do with Supernatural.



    Since atheists do not believe in God responsible for human physical form and do not believe in Souls within human body, then they view Man as just another product of nature - an Animal. In such way, calling them animals is justified.


    I mean ... if you are a human being who follow Hindusm, me calling you Hindu is justified. You cannot possibly argue with me, stating I shouldn't call you a Hindu but a Human being, right?

  17. Ya thats right, and he will surely come whenver there is a decline in the religion, but he will come as Kalki in the time as its written in the scriptures, suchnas Bhagavatha nd many more. He willl/can ofcourse take as many incarnations as he likes to deliver the pious and the devotees before that time.


    Not decline in religion, but decline in Dharma and Satyam. Both are different.


    Remember, Hindusm as it is today only appeared less than 1,000 years ago. God NEVER made promise to safeguard Religion, only Satyam and Dharma.

  18. Only thing Hindus need to know is that Kalki can came at anytime.


    ONLY thing stated in Bhavagad Gita was, He WILL come when adharma is at its peak and people do not know the difference between truth and false. Current age is sufficient enough.


    Furthermore, if you want to believe in prophecy, then I can play both Taoism AND Mayan Calendar, stating that the world will come to an end (as we know it) in 2012 (that's less than 6 years from now).

  19. Laws of Engagement in Discussion (and combat) is :


    1. He who claims something MUST prove his claims.

    2. He who states something MUST shows source to back it up.

    3. He shouldn't twist and turn his statements when going to lose a discussion.


    This is among Rules of Engagament in Discussion in a Forum.


    If you say I have contradicted my own statement, it is your responsiblity (NOT MINE) to show clearly where and when I have contradicted myself. I don't remember any.


    Till you do, I will assume I have not errored in my statement.


    And DO NOT called me Son. I'm not your Son ... and you are not my equal (or even same caste for that matter). Also, did I say I was a guy in the first place?

  20. God or Gods may or may not exist, but we seek them as best as we can if we believe in them. This means more than one religion till a time when every human being learns to respect one another for his or her belief in his or her GOD.


    This is an atheist's nonsense.


    I have meet atheists who have similar nonsense, viewing Religion is same context as a drug - religious followers are drug addicts and religion is drug kind of statement. They view God/Gods as non-existence and those who follow path of spiritualism as drug addicts which trying to find relieve to their "pains".


    As far as I know, atheists are animals ... it is useless to discuss Spiritualism with animals who do not have any. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

  21. Any faith if propagated by a leader is a cult. Christianity is CULT, Islam is a CULT and so is ISKCON. Such following only emphasises on an individual and tries to prove that it is the only way to kingdom of God. We have seen many such cults mushrooming all over the globe.


    Fine ... what does it have to do with me?


    Get real man the charactor you dream of is out of date and you can waite till doomsday but HE would not come. Why? That's because the Christians and the Muslims are making fun od him.


    Hmph ... such statement comes from a person who doesn't know Spiritualism. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


    In Kaballah's form, I see Hindu God (single one), the three forms of Trinity and various Gods and Goddess which branch downward to the lowest physical aspect (of the World), yet someone who calls himself Hindu (but I assume you are not) cannot see anything past his own illusion. You are indeed trully a blind man. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


    The world is not of Krishanas alone but of Shivas, Durgas, Ganeshas, Murugas and Vengadeshas.


    And where did I say it was about Krishna alone?

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