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Everything posted by q8dude

  1. "up to 200 years ago, any other explaination means death in a horrible way" Is this a general or specific statement?? On what basis / authority is it made. Does it apply to the whole of Christendom??
  2. Indeed and doubtless(some)Christians (those that are actually practising one's that is) still believe that creation took place in 6 days and on the 7th day the Lord rested. If one takes that in the context of a vedic day of Brahma, then it seems perfectly rational / logical that it could have been so. I suspect however, that most Christians would probably associate it with a "material / human" day. The actual definition and indeed probably the word (day) itself, may well have been corrupted (either accidently or by design) during translations of Biblical texts from Aramaic to Greek to Latin and later to English and other languages - not to mention various Kings & Popes etc. who wanted to change or omit / add things for their own gratification! Q8D
  3. Apologies for making assumptions - I guess your chosen name should have given me a hefty clue that you are not a Hindu! Ref. Kali-yuga: I will stand by that as I firmly believe it, however, I will add that it most certainly does not specifically apply to Hindus - Hindus are as much subject the laws of nature as anyone else - indeed it applies to the whole of material creation. One can observe its' effects in just about any culture / country / situation etc. I never said that it need not be corrected. There were no 'Hindus' per se, 10000 years ago; the term being a relatively 'modern' one. There was however, widespread 'vedic' civilization/culture and although centred in and around modern day India, contributors to the advancement of mankind - albeit under the 'vedic' label - could therefore, have come from anywhere in the (civilized) world, it being prevalent worldwide at that time. To which nation / culture would you attribute the (modern day)'invention' of the atomic bomb? Was it A 'western' invention? A Scottish invention. A 'caucasian' invention? A Christian invention? or a Jewish invention? Does it actually matter who invented what? Is all this not symptomatic of the 'false ego' syndrome? Reference all the above and preceding comments: I would not presume to claim anything I say is 'absolute' and cast in concrete -I am merely expressing an opinion / point of view that's all. You, and anyone else, are of course, perfectly entitled to believe whatever it is you wish to believe. Kind regards, Q8D
  4. Not sure why my comments are classified as 'nonsense'. I don't recall saying anything contrary to what you have said. My thread was essentially a reponse to the statement about not being able to find something on the internet. Your last para. could equally apply to any member of any religion / creed etc. If you are a Hindu (which I assume you are) then just be one and concentrate on getting it right and (hopefully)lead and influence others by example. As for myself, a follower of Srila Prabhupada, B-g 18.66 applies. Q8D
  5. Namaste, I note your comments and although I do not disagree with them in general, I will disagree on one specific point: the sincere seeker WILL find what he/she is looking for - even in the depths of kali-yuga. The challenge is to transcend the negativity / indifference etc. of the current age. By the way, you will find the entire Universe on the internet (you will find it in other places also) you just have to be sufficiently aware enough as to be able to recognise it when you see it. There is a line from an Art Garfunkle song from the 1970's "..............who would notice a gem in a five-and-dime store....." (trans: who would notice a diamond / ruby or whatever, amongst a pile of junk being sold for 5 or 10 cents / rupees or whatever). If you are a sincere seeker, then do not despair, do not be distracted or deflected from your goal. Remember clues to help you on your journey, can come from the most unlikely sources. Age and wisdom ARE NOT synonymous - as an (what you would call) 'elder', I have met many "old fools" and I have also met many (uncannily) inately wise young people. Of course, in both cases, the opposite can apply equally. Be descerning, learn to recognise which applies. It's not easy, but it needn't be that hard either. Good hunting! Q8D
  6. Namaste, I think the point I am trying to make is: be tolerant of others faults (particularly in these open forum type scenarios), do not feed their (very small and essentially 'false')ego's nor encourage their childishness by giving them more 'ammunition'. One should a) ignore them - or rather ignore their childishness but (at the same time) b) lead by (constructive / instructive and inoffensive and non-inflammatory) example and hope that the misguided / immature one's somehow 'get the message'. If they don't, then they will simply get bored and move on (to another forum where they will doubtless find someone to take their bait). Kind regards, Q8D
  7. Namaste, With great respect, I feel that one should try to avoid personal sleights / snipes and attacks in such forums. One may disagree with another's point of view of course, but it should be done with 'tact and diplomacy'. We are all here to learn after all and such forums give us the opportunity to learn from the wisdom and experience of others. One definition of criticism: that which you perceive in another, that is but a reflection of yourself. (source unknown). Kind regards, q8dude
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