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Everything posted by goverthana

  1. Apologizing first of all for the belated comment on this topic but I've just discovered incidentally an external source describing an additional form of Tantric Worship to Pratyangira Devi, as given above earlier for a varied mode of 6 different ones. I found this in "divinebrahmanda" blogspot where the post claims of Soundarya Lahari Sloka No 47: "Bhruvau Bhugney Kinchid BhuvanabhayabhangavyasaniniThvadeeye Nethraabhyaam Madhukararuchibhyaam Dhruthagunam! Dhanurmanye Savyetharakaragruheetham Rathipathehe Prakoshtey Mushtau Cha Sthagayathi Nigootaantharamumey!" , refers to the Amba Pratyangira Devi thus the post claims the source of this information comes from the Soundarya Lahari commentary in Kannada by Sri. G.Ramachandra Shastry. Correct me if I'm wrong but I wish that this could complement the Tantric Worship of Thy Mother. I personally am not sure of the accrued information, different commentaries are available from Profound Shakta Upasakas and this one caught my attention because there is none so far I've seen that attributes the names of Devis and Images of Thy Devis whom are the corresponding Patrons of the Slokas in Soundarya Lahari.
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