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Everything posted by JJE

  1. Dear friend, After that dream I have found the word ZANTAYA by searching google at this very site, has a part of a prayer or mantra. It means "paceful, absence of perturbation". I'm not afraid, but intriged... I dream about a word I never heard before and it mean someting very significant... Someone (maybe my own inconscient mind) is trying to tell me something... I just need some help to figure out. Thank you to tranquilize me.
  2. Few days ago I dreamed about the word ZANTAYA. I'd never heard this word before. At the present site I found a prayer (?) where the word was translated as "peaceful, absence of perturbance". I'm not iniciated in Hinduism or Samscrit. I live in Brazil and have no access to any material in portuguese. Please, help me to understand what that dream means (I don't remember the circunstances of that dream, I just remember the word ZANTAYA and a name: Monique - I don't know any person named Monique!). The word ZANTAYA is part of a prayer or mantra? Ther is some meaning to dream about that word? I'm a little sacared about that dream. Please, someone answer. It' serious. Thanks a lot.
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