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Everything posted by BhaktaBionic

  1. /*Response*/ using System; class Quote { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Quote: You write as if "light year" is a unit of time. "); } } routines printIt is == prints Response do print put @10 ‘Another test, and you have passed’ put @12 ‘Truly you are the wisest of your people' put @24 ‘Thus ends the testing procedure' put @40 ‘Unless I need to use it again to’ put @72 ‘cover up any future "errors" ' end printIt end class
  2. // 'Response' program GET "LIBHDR" LET START () BE $( WRITES ("Do not wish for what you can not have!*N") WRITES ("Earth shall discover this most perfect language!*N") WRITES ("in 2 ¾ light years. Your people are not ready!*N") WRITES ("for such technology!*N") $)
  3. /*Response*/ using System; class Quote { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Quote: There are syntax errors in your C++ program."); } } routines printIt is == prints Response do print put @10 ‘We do not use your primitive language C++’ put @12 ‘Our language, if translated in Earthling would be: (Z++)^5’ put @16 ‘Nor is X an undeclared variable’ put @24 ‘X is an undeclared language subroutine, permitting communication with primitives’ put @40 ‘Your statement about the use of the ; (semicolon) is correct’ put @72 ‘The council has placed this single error as a test to discover the wisest of the primitives’ put @88 ‘Based on this test it appears that you are the wisest of the primitives’ put @96 ‘You shall be our ambassador to the primitives of this planet’ put @100 ‘Should you refuse, you shall be placed in a 4 ft diameter glass tube’ put @102 ‘and put on display in our intergalactic zoo’ put @104 ‘Choose wisely’ end printIt end class
  4. /* Introductory Message To People Of Planet Earth */ #include <iostream.h> int main(void) { cout << "People of Planet Earth" << endl; cout << "I come to you from the future" << endl; if X>1 then cout<<”I have come to study your primitive ways”<<endl; else cout << "Live Long And Prosper" << endl; return(0); }
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