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Everything posted by subodh_312

  1. Hi, I have lot of mucus production in respiratory system. Does anyone know of ayurvedic product which I can carry anywhere and which removes congestion quickly. I am searching of ayurvedic product in the capsule form. i am bored to mix honey and churna and take in the office. Regards, Subodh
  2. Please check with a Gastroenteritis. Blood in stool indicates ulcer in intestine
  3. Hi, I am not able to clear my motions completely. I get many times bowel motion in a day.I have low appetite.My prakruti is kapha-Pitta. When I take some medicine to increase my appetite there are always excess bowel motions associated with it.Can somebody suggest some ayurvedic product which does not cause multiple motions but will increase my hunger. i tried Lavan Bhaskar Churna which increases my hunger but there r always multiple motions and gas associated with it.
  4. Hi, I am kapha-Pitta prakruti . I am suffering from Allergy (Mucus congestion).I am underweight.I suffer from bowel problem where bowel dont clear completely and my hunger is very less.Can you sugggest food which will increase my weight but not increase the allergy problem and wont cause bowel problem.
  5. Hi, I am sufferring from Kapha imbalance from childhood. My age is 24. I always have mucus in throat and chest. Whenever I eat anything my chest get congested.I am taking ayurvedic medicine from 1 year.Contrary to kapha imbalance I am thin and have irregular bowel movement I am not able to remember things which contradicts kapha behavior.My prakruti is kapha-pitta. Can anyone suggest anyway to balance kapha .I am not taking any diary foods.
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