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  1. Dear Learned friends and gurus, I have a question troubling me since a long time. Is everything pre-determined? Is it destiny or free-will? It looks like pre-determination - as we have some greater souls that are tri-kala-jnani's, that know past present and future. If future is known, it has to be determined. A mixture seems not possible, as there is no small and big functions - several strings of small events would create a big event. As said a butterfly wing flutter may cause psunami. If you agree for destiny / pre-determination, what is the use of one's pryathna / efforts? 1. We put efforts in anticipation of certain things - to shape life as we desire. If life is defined / determined / predestined, what is the meaning of efforts? 2. We are taught to take responsibilities on effects of our deeds (more so if intentional). If life is as determined and not under one's control, why and how would a person be responsible? Hari Om Sendhil
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