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Posts posted by brinthan

  1. Does someone have to be born as a brahmin? I read in one the forum that Brahmins are not supposed to get married, they have to be a brahmachary for the rest of their lifes. What decide one is brahmin or not? Can someone become a brahmin? I'm asking it because I had an arguement with my friend about it.

  2. <<..i have already told u ignorant people like you cant understand ram lila & krsna lila. people like you always make negative comments on God rama & god krsna.


    yes there are many sinners like you who argue on lilas of Rama & krishna. they are none other than asuras. so u too are one of em..>


    I didn't say that I don't believe in Krishna. I want to know why would Rama and Krishna do such things?


    I don't want to have a blind faith in god because I'm scared that of him. I want to have full faith in him not out of fear, with no fear at all.


    What you have is a blind faith. I can show you a lot of examples of persons who had blind faiths and lost their lifes because of it. In 63 Nayanmaarkals, some of them had very blind faiths such as the one who gave the wife to someone who took a disguise as a devotee of Siva, and told him that Siva told him that he should give his wife for this guy for one day. So, that guy give it to him, because he had a blind faith and really thought that god will ask such a thing.


    And a king who was fighting with his enemy, enemy took out his shield and showed that he was wearing thirunooru. King saw that thirunooru and freeze right there and said "God forgive him from killing me when I'm not holding the weapons" and throw the weapons and get killed.


    So, I'm just trying to understand God. I didn't say that I suspect whether he exists or not. If you have understand all the lilas of Rama & Krishna, please teach the other followers and show them the path. Stop saying to everyone who questions god to understand god that they are asuras.

  3. <<..Where did you come up with the idea that NASA was considering using sanskrit in it's programming?..>>


    I heard that Nasa has published a science book which it dedicated to the sages who lived in India. Most of the inventions done by Nasa, or today's word has already been done by our sages who lived in India. Because we are full of ignorant, we reject our scriptures. Because of the other religions influences , nowadays Hindus are ashamed of saying that they are hindus, and they think that Sanatana Dharma's scriptures have nothing in it. Read it with a scientific knowldge and you'll understand a lot.


    Vishvamitra sent a man in a satellite without special equipments. You'll see that happen in 50 years from now. Nasa and western scientists always read that, and discover the things said in there. Big Bang Theory has been taken from Vedas (Breath of Brahman). Cloning has been done by Vishvamitra, test tube babies are described in Mahabharat.


    Don't be in ignorant, read our scriptures with a scientific point of view.

  4. If you really want to know about Sanatana Dharma and their scientific discovries which was discovered millions years ago by our sages, you should learn Sanskrit. Most of the Vedas you learn, or taught is translated by British (Christians) like Max Muller. So you cannot be sure that whatever said in Vedas are directly translated without any mistakes. I think only the people who are not ignorant can understand Vedas. But British whoever translated the vedas are ful of ignorant.


    And if you learn Sanskrit, and read our scriptures, you'll understand it more, and you can recognize, or might even discover the weapons or scientific discoveries done by our sages.

  5. <<..Rama is parabrahma . he has right to do anything. only idiots like you wont understand Rama..>>


    Rama's arrow is said that it breaks the mountains and hard roccks and everything. But when Rama hit Vali, his arrow didn't even come through the chest of Vali. It stuck in the middle because of the way Rama hit Vali. Because he didn't hit him face to face. Even the people who have studied literatures and everything argues whether it was Killing of Vali is right or wrong.



    <<..Also krishna is parabrahma. dumpheads like you wont understand krishna..>>


    Krishna did a lot of tricks to make the war happen. And did everything to make Pandavas win. Saha Devan (the fourth one in Pandavas) ate the ashes of Paandu because Paandu had asked their sons to eat his ashes and that it would bring them great knowledge. Krishna stopped Paandavas when they were about the eat the ashes, he said that what kind of idiot would eat ashes and get knowldege, but Saha Devan didn't listen to him, he went and ate the ashes. Because of that he was the one with the great knowldege. Once they were arguing about how to stop Mahabharat War, Saha Devan was so quite that made Krishna uncomfortable, and he asked him "How come you are so quite? Why don't you say how you think we can stop the way?" And Saha Devan asked him back "Do you really want me to say?" And then Krishna, knowing what he will say asked him to say to him privately, and Saha Devan said to him "To stop the Mahabharat war, first we should shave the head of Throwpathi, kill Veeman, and Arjuna" something like that.


    And to kill Karna Krishna sent Indra to get the Kavasa Kundala from Karna because until Karna has his Kavasa Kundala on, no one can do anything to him. But still Krishna knew that Karna will kill Arjuna, so he sent Kunthi to ask Karna that he wouldn't shoot Naga asthirya more than once to Arjuna.


    But still, when Karna was hit by the arrow of Arjuna he didn't die right away. His dharmas were keeping him alive, then Krishna took the form of an old brahmin, and asked Karna to give him all the dharma he did. And Karna did and died.


    Krishna did a lot of tricks to make dharma wins. Thuroonar was killed because Krishna made Tharuma (1st of the Paandavas) to lie about the death of Thoroonar's son.

  6. Ravana kinapped Sita not because he wanted to make her his. Because Sita was Ravana's daughter, and Ravana knew that. He didn't want Sita to suffer in the jungle. In the real Ramayana Vaalmiki wrote, it's said that Sita was the daughter of Ravana. Ravana couldn't tell anyone that Sita was her daughter, because of some promises or something. This is what I heard.


    In Kamba Ramayana, Kamban changed the story, and said that Ravana was in love with Sita because according the Tamil Culture, non other than the husband of the girl is allowed to touch her.

  7. I don't know what puranas say about Lanka other than Rama came to Lanka to fight Ravana. But According the history, 3/4 of Lanka belonged to Dravidians, Tamils to be exact. But after the invasion of foreigners, Sinhalese started to colonize, and started to change the history slowly, and now, they changed it fully. According to the history of Lanka (the one they teach at school), Lanka belongs to Sinhalese since from the beginning. But nowadays, a lot of evidences have been founded to prove that 3/4 part of Sri-Lanka belonged to Dravidians and Tamils.

  8. Vedas and Puranas are full of science, but most of us don't see it that way. Let me break it down... I read those in Tamil, so I don't know the names in Hindi.


    In Mahabharat, Thuriyothana and his 99 brothers were test tube babies. Their mom, because she couldn't have children, took the blood and put it in 100 perl boxes or something. And then they came.


    Sage Vishvamithra is a scientist. He created a Satellite called Thrisangu Sorga and sent a man with the normal dress we wear (not the one's astronauts wear), and that Thrisangu Sorga went up to the space and started to orbit there.

    When the other country was about to declare a war on the country he was living when it was so poor and struggling. He created 100 tigers, 100 elephant, 100 lions and sent them into the other country --> Cloning.


    In Mahabharat, for Thuriyothana's father, a guy is telling him from the castle what is happening in the war. It's said that that guy had a miracle eyes or something by which he saw the war. But, Thuriyothana's father is the blind one, he should have the miracle eye more than the other guy. Now what is mentioned as the miracle eye? Tele vision.


    A weapon which spits fire? a missile.


    And in Ramayana and Mahabharat, the nuclear bomb is being explained correctly. I heard that Nasa has published a science book which it dedicated to the sages who lived in India. I haven't read all the puranas or Vedas, but if you read them and think it from this perspective, you can see a lot of scientific things that has been in use in Dwarapara Yoga or the yoga before. I think that there were a nuclear war (mahabharat probably) which destroyed all the things and then the people who were left started to build everything from the beginning.

  9. Java is an object oriented Program. And it's a subset of C++. So, if you have any experience in C or C++ you won't have trouble learning Java. And Java is much easier than C or C++, specially ppl like it because there's no pointer. Java is one of the easy way to create big program. The developers of Java is Sun Technology. visit http://www.sun.com for more details.

  10. Shivaism & Vaishnavaism are fightinh each other for a long time since the beginning of the time. That's whh God Iyappa was formed. Two sages (I don't know their names) were crossing each other. One is a pure devotee of Vishnu, and other is a pure devotee of Shiva. They never worship others. And when they meet each other, Shiva's devotee started to tell to Vishnu's devotee that Vishnu is not the supreme god and Vishnu is not even a god. And Vishnu's devotee started to tell that Shiva is not the supreme and Shiva is not even a god. They were arguing about which one is supreme, and then Naarrathar came and told them that because they were dis respecting Vishnu and Shiva, Shiva's devotee got Vishnu's curse, and Vishnu's devotee got Shiva's curse. And to escape from the curse they both should worship the gods they were dis respecting. But they both refused. They both went back to their gods and tell them about the curse. Then Vishnu and Shiva got together and formed Iyappa. Shiva became the father of Iyappa, and Vishnu became the mother of Iyappa.

  11. Can you be more specific about which kind part of yoga system were practicing animal sacrifice. Is there any mention about animal sacrifice mentioned in Vedas or Gita? I haven't read the Gita completely, but as far as I read, there's something mentioned about Sages, and other demi-gods are getting together at the river of Ganga to do 100 horses sacrifice to Vishnu. But SD says not to kill any living beings. But then, how come sacrifice is acceptable?

  12. Yes, there's a hatred towards Brahmins in Tamil Nadu. Because, they forgot to understand the how real Caste System works. And I don't blame Dravidians for that. Because in Kali Yuga, Brahmins made laws that would make them superior. They made laws such as those who (other than Brahmins) wants to study should be put to death and all. I think that real caste system was destroyed by Brahmins. Because they were the one who held Vedas after Kali Yuga started. In real caste system, one's caste is determined according to his characteristic and career. For example, see in Mahabharat, when Karnan is about to fight Arjuna in a competition, Thuroonar raised and said that Karnan cannot fight Arjuna because he is a sudras. In that time, Thuriyoothanan got up and said that he would make Karnan as a kind (kshastriyas) then he would qualify to fight Arjuna. This shows that caste system depends on the career. And another example, Karnan learnt the ashtryas (war skills) from (I forgot who that is) his guru lying that he is a Brahmin, because his guru told him he would only teach Brahmin. But when his guru was sleeping in Karnan's lap, a bug bites Karnan and comes out of other side. When Guru woke up and see that he said "Only a kshastryas could take that much pain, a brahmin would never take that much pain" And doesn't that explain that caste system depends on the characteristic? So a son of Brahmins not always qualify to be a brahmin, a son of kshastriyas not always qualify to be a kshastriyas. Brahmins in Kali Yuga changed all the laws around, and I don't think that nowadays Brahmins are the pure ones. Am I being wrong here? Someone correct me if I am.

  13. Hey, I'm taking a tamil class now, and in tamil literatures, Hinduism is being portrayed differently. But I learnt hinduism from this site mostly, and what they teach me about it is different. They take Tamil Literatures as evidences and prove that aryan were migrated later on the india. and I learnt that Saivaism and Vaishnavism were there before Aryans migration, and they both were on the same side when they were fighting other religions such as Samanam or so, and then after other religions were eliminated, they started to fight each other. I don't understand it clearly. I think what they are learning is wrong, and I want to correct them. Other people answer and give comments, but I shut my mouth because I know little about tamil literatures and hinduism . I don't think that I'll be able to answer their questions.


    I must do a presentation, topic is free. And I'm planning to do a presentation on real satana dharma. So I need much informations and references to vedas and gitas to prove my points. And if someone is really mastered in tamil literatures, please help me with references to tamil literatures. I need to know how the universe was created. I read about two different theories, one is that Brahman was there alone (breath of brahman) and he took forms because he was feeling lonely. And other one is we were with the god, and because we got ego, god created an illusion. Which one is right? What's the connection/different between them? Please guys give me a lot of references. Thanks

  14. AIT says that Dravidians were the first arrival in india. And if someone wants to prove that AIT/AMT is false, the only way to prove it by taking Dravidian scriptures as evidences. Dravidian scriptures support AIT/AMT a lot. So, I don't see where the teacher could be wrong. A lot of people who are mastered in dravidia literatures believe in AIT.


    Sanatana Dharma doesn't have only one idea. According to Dravidian's belief, we are all gods. Look in the theory of Breath of Brahman. Dravidians believe that god, the great singularity took forms because it was feeling lonely or so. And the way to go back to god is to realize that we are everything, everything is us. But according to Aryan's belief, we are here because we were thinking that we are like gods, therefore we should get to enjoy material energy, and why the god is the only one who get to enjoy everything. And the way to get back to go is to pray god that we made a mistake by choosing this life, and we want to go back home. You see... they are two opposite theories for lives and god.


    About new poojas being invented. It's like the old egypt. In old egypt people were worshipping more than 100 gods and the rulers didn't have to face any revolution because people were busy worshipping their gods. And after the aryan invasion there were a lot of supersitious started to occur. Such as burning books is good, puting the scriptures in the river would give a person a good karma, doing poojas will get them out from the bad karma, and all. (taking dravidian scriptures as evidences) those kind of activities weren't being followed before aryan invasion.


    In the past, Brahmins were ruling everything, they even put a law that whoever wants to get knowledge (others than brahmins) should be put to death. (There are a lot of things than those. I just start learning them now) Now, look at them, they became the helpless society. (no offence) but brahmins are not being treated well nowadays (speaking from my own experience).


    Now, what is other the explanations than that we are all god, and our mind is the powerful thing explain all these things in the world? That theory explains a lot about other religions as well.

  15. Aryan Migration Theory could be true. I did'nt believe in AIT or AMT until one of my teacher who have studied philosophy and tamil literatures well brought up the discussion about it. Whatever he said made a lot of sense. He said that pooja for long life, for better marriage life, pooja women do for their husband's health came after Aryan migrated in India. As evidences, he showed that there are no Dravidian scriptures which have been written before Aryan migration date mention anything about the those type of pooja. And he says that Aryan brought up the different kind of poojas, different gods and the caste system to rule peacfully over the Dravidian. People would be busy doing poojas and worshipping different gods thinking that they are suffering because of god, and if they do those kind of poojas they'll get a better life. So, people won't have time or thoughts of who is ruling them. And the caste system were created to make the dravidians fight each other, so they won't have time to fight aryans.


    Those things could be facts. If you read dravidian scriputres which were written before aryan migrated to India, you'll find absolutely no mentions about different gods. And Naajanmaarkal only worshipped Shiva, their songs are about Shiva. And they say that you are god, and if you mind is pure, you don't have to worship god. They say your mind is everything. Your mind is the powerful thing in the world. And a lot of tamil politians who have studied tamil literatures in the past did believe that. for example: Arijar Anna, Kamarajar. They believed in Aryan Migration theory. They are not the kind of politians who wanted to rule over the people. They are considered as gods in Tamil Nadu now.


    If you see that, that would explain a lot of things. Chrisitian miracles are formed because all the christians are gathered together to pray for others as well. So, when all the minds are get together and pray for something to happen, that thing happens because of the powers of the mind. I'm a hindu, so people don't tell me that I'm an outsider and I'm trying to create a fight between hindus. I'm just posting whatever I just learnt, and expecting someone to correct my mistake, if I'm making one.

  16. <<..Sometimes people don't know about the virtues of god or enlightenment..don't you think its your duty to tell them that or do you mean to say its their tough luck that they don't know about god let them suffer while I keep all the knowledge to myself..>>


    I don't think that you can show some one who doesn't really care about god about enlightenment. I speak from my experience. I always tell my friends about whatever I learn about God or Religion, but they don't really care. They just say "whatever" Some people just make up their minds not to listen. You cannot teach them about religion unless they realize that there's some super natural power after all this. If they realize that, they'll probably want to know about it desperately, and they'll search for it. We don't have to tell them about it. If someone, however believe very much in god, and doesn't have any knowledge of their religion or a stablized mind about which religion is good, they can be easily converted. That's how I think people are converted to christianity more.


    For the miracles: There are a lot of hindu sages do miracles, like Sai-Baba. Because you don't know many, you don't have the right to say that there are none.

  17. <<..ones prana can enhance you sexually while others say it diminishes ones sexuality. I was wondering ..are any of these statements true?..>>

    I heard that as well. I heard one swami said in a speech that when someone raises his/her kundalini to upto your chest, you won't have any sexual feelings. But in the web, I found articles telling me that raising Kundalini enhance your sexuality. It's really confusing. I think that when you raise your kundalini to a certain point, your sexuality can be enhanced.


    <<..I've read conflicting reports on raising ones kundalini. Some say there are dangerous consequences if one fails. Apparently some people have died trying to raise their kundalini...>


    Never heard of that before. I heard from the same swami I mentioned before, that you can raise your kundalini just by saying "Om Namachivaya" You can say that anytime anywhere, and that mantra will hit your snake on the head, and it'll start raising.

  18. First of all, if someone follows Hinduism well, the chances are they won't get sick. Hinduism says "don't eat meat", as you know every diseases comes from animals. If you the animals alone, you won't get diseases such as AIDS or those stuffs. Hindusim prohibits even the married ones to have sex to enjoy them self. And if everyone practices yoga properly, no diseases can get them. Even genetic diseases are cured by yoga practice. In our veda, it says all about medicines that we need to know. And our sages knew how to cure snake bites and everything.



    ONce hindu saints attain enlightenment, don't you think it's their duty to tell others about the wonders of enlightenment and how it could save them?..>>


    They have already done that. But most of us doesn't really care or believe in those. Our sages have told us all about god, and the wonders of enlightenment in our vedas and puranas. Nowadays sages are following their foot steps. They are not the one who discovered them, they learn about knowledge our sages passed to us and believe in them, therefore they achieve their enlightenment. And in Gita god said not to pass the knowledge that he has given to us to those who are not interested and have no believe in them. Therefore, if someone really wants to gain knowledge, he/she has to find a good guru.

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