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Posts posted by laksri

  1. Originally posted by vinay:

    is there any hindu scripture that says that a person can only marry once. in other words is polygamy prohibited under hinduism, and which scripture mentions it?

    Can you clarify, whether your are taking about "marriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time"(www.m-w.com) or only husband having more than one wife ? Sorry, if it is indecent to ask such a thing, but because some small pockets of tribes are believed to have adopted other way too.


  2. Originally posted by darkangel:

    As I grow older I find myself dwelling on thoughts of reincarnation. [cut].. I remember a particularly beautiful photo from the "Bhagavad Gita As It Is" I think, showing a man going from birth to death to birth to death again over and over again. [cut]...

    Originally posted by darkangel:

    I am not learned on the subject, so I wonder if this discussion forum could talk in more depth about this subject. What does the Bhagavad Gita say about it?

    I think everybody is on the same boat. I understand it is easier to listen to live lecture than read a book, hope may be such means are possible for everybody. But for us, who attended a discourse is not an option, we can resort to tapes. Surely this is also a way, asking in this forum of loving krishna devotees.


    I think, any person who has planned for retirement in youth or atleast tommorrow's food today, will be forced to think what next in old age (or some in younger age too). That is where death looks insurmountable. We don't know what is beyond it, this is really where religion comes. It is a path to avoid this confusion. With the blessings of acharyas, and the mercy of Krishna, it is possible to not bother about re-incarnation for ourselves.


    Anyhow, to understand reincarnation, we have to understand karma. Unfortunately, this word "karma" is used in several senses, like to mean destiny, planetary influences, past sins, so on. What ever it means, we have to first accept two premises. First one, our actions are our own, that is we have "freedom" to choose (note: freedom with quotes, because it is qualified). If we don't agree that we are even free to choose, then we need not worry about anything because we can't do anything about it. Second, every system will have to have some axoims, I mean at some point you have got to stop and start accepting. Depending on merit people accept things.


    Now that we accept ourselves as agent in some sense of meaning, we have to see the deeds and the mode. Right now for me, writting is the deed and this body is the mode. The supreme lord and the infinite brahman that he is, assumes three states to our deeds. Namely indifference, permissiveness, and encouragment. Let us say for example, first time we do a deed, god is neither encouraging or discouraging. [ But remember only applicable to human and not animals, and above all, god gives scriptures and acharyas to guide us.] Next time you do he is permitting you to do that. You start repeting such class of acts or a particular act, what ever, he starts facilitating that. This is a very surprising form for us, but he gives a long rope. Probobly too long. So we decide our destiny in that sense, we mark the direction and points in a general sense.


    All deeds (thought,speech,action) if done as per his guidelines to us, then he whom every thing is dependent on, is also happy about our deeds. If we disregard the reason why he gave the body (especially a healthy human being) he is very sad, that even with his great effort to get his sons (remember souls don't have gender so don't bother). It is odd that this "idividuality" delegated to us, is making us think we are really "independent" and disregard his advice.


    Now, he cannot treat his bad son who misused given property [body,organs,etc] to gamble, as he treats good son, that would be unfair. Such of his pleasure or displeasure works in deciding our ["bodies"] mode in space-time ["how long and when"].


    Now, this kind of human body is one mode, it can be some other species, or even different kind of physical body, like demi-gods. This effect of one human life may go on for several (human) years, in some other mode. In the end after exhausting those long tenure, we get a chance in human form, that too only if fortunate with ability to understand good things in life. Simply because of the luring nature of bad things, we may end up again wasting that chance of this valuable human form, only who can break this vicious movement from one mode to another (also called as one body to another, or birth and death). Since this is such a slippery thing, we seem to go in circles, under the effect of karma, it is refered generally as the cycle of birth and death.


    But modes of pleasure of good deeds is as bad as bad deeds, because enjoyment as a result of it is only temporary. And worse, there is no guarantee that you will not do bad things agin when you are in human form. In the same sense, what we think as punishment or as our suffering in a particualr mode is a part of god's plan for allowing our souls spirutual evolution. So in reality he does only good to his sons.


    Re-incarnation or next mode is decided by several factors, including whether you complete your good or bad "sentence" and what are your deeds. Since we have so many inumerable lapses, better not to waste our valuable seconds/minutes/hours/days/months/years left for action in this life. Let us find refuge in his holy feet.


    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-25-2002).]

  3. Originally posted by jndas:


    The different castes are described in the scriptures as the different limbs (arms, legs, stomach and head) of society. One does not discriminate against one's own legs just because they perform a different function than one's head. All of one's bodily limbs are working for the common body, and as such all are respected equally.



    In India the brahmanas wear a thread which is part of their ceremonial dress. Today external symbols such as the thread are the only qualification which establishes one as a brahmana. The inner qualifications of peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and religiousity are ignored.


    Importance of grace of god for good environment :

    Also see, “The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy.” http://www.asitis.com/6/41.html . Purport says, “After prolonged life there, he is sent back again to this planet, to take birth in the family of a righteous brahmana vaisnava or of aristocratic merchants.”


    And, “Or he takes his birth in a family of transcendentalists who are surely great in wisdom. Verily, such a birth is rare in this world.” http://www.asitis.com/6/42.html

    Purport has, “Birth in a family of yogis or transcendentalists--those with great wisdom--is praised herein because the child born in such a family receives a spiritual impetus from the very beginning of his life. It is especially the case in the acarya or gosvami families. Such families are very learned and devoted by tradition and training, and thus they become spiritual masters. In India there are many such acarya families, but they have now degenerated due to insufficient education and training.”


    Varnas not a barrier :

    O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth--women, vaisyas [merchants], as well as sudras [workers]--can approach the supreme destination. http://www.asitis.com/9/32.html

    [and is a thread started by another member].


    Varnas do not matter for devotee :

    “Advanced yogis are not very much attracted to the rituals of the scriptures, but they automatically become attracted to the yoga principles, which can elevate them to complete Krsna consciousness, the highest yoga perfection” http://www.asitis.com/6/44.html Purport says, In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.33.7), such disregard of Vedic rituals by the advanced transcendentalists is explained as follows:


    aho bata sva-paco 'to gariyan

    yaj-jihvagre vartate nama tubhyam

    tepus tapas te juhuvuh sasnur arya

    brahmanucur nama grnanti ye te



    "O my Lord! Persons who chant the holy names of Your Lordship are far, far advanced in spiritual life, even if born in families of dog-eaters. Such chanters have undoubtedly performed all kinds of austerities and sacrifices, bathed in all sacred places, and finished all scriptural studies."


    Back to question :

    Now coming back to the verse 4:13, In Bhagavat gItA as it is, Sri Prabupada explained that “According to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me” http://www.asitis.com/4/13.html


    From this, it is very clear that how Lord created these four divisions. Sometimes this is lost in today’s world. Many become like Satyakama, not knowing ones own nature. Great teachers like His Holiness Sri Prabupada, correct the situation by recognizing such people and giving them proper guidance. So this principle is not suitable for ordinary mortals, it is best left to great blessed men. For us caste is simply as it is, based on birth to determine our duties, that is all and nothing more. That is the reason for knowing his caste and nothing more. In the past this was used also to apply shastras indicating different ages and process of different intiations for different castes. But this is expecting too much.


    Let us see the example set by Lord himself, about his duties ( not some yagna kind of rituals), “After His meditation, the Lord would regularly bathe early in the morning with clear, sanctified water. Then He would change into fresh clothing, cover Himself with a wrapper and then engage Himself in His daily religious functions. Out of His many religious duties, the first was to offer oblations into the sacrificial fire and silently chant the Gayatri mantra. Lord Krsna, as the ideal householder, executed all the religious functions of a householder without deviation. When the sunrise became visible, the Lord would offer specific prayers to the sun-god. The sun-god and other demigods mentioned in the Vedic scriptures are described as different limbs of the body of Lord Krsna, and it is the duty of the householder to offer respects to the demigods and great sages, as well as the forefathers.” http://www.krsnabook.com/ch70.html


    Also for us it is Krishna and his devotees, and discussing things, which have been lost in kali yuga, is taken care by acharyas send by god. KrishnA. I would like to end this by quoting from Sri Prabupada’s Krishna book, “ While engaged with the brahmanas who were too involved in the performance of Vedic sacrifices, Krsna and Balarama also saw that the cowherd men were preparing a similar sacrifice in order to pacify Indra, the King of heaven, who is responsible for supplying water. As stated in the Caitanya-caritamrta, a devotee of Krsna has strong and firm faith in the understanding that if he is simply engaged in Krsna consciousness and Krsna's transcendental loving service, then he is freed from all other obligations. A pure devotee of Lord Krsna doesn't have to perform any of the ritualistic functions enjoined in the Vedas; nor is he required to worship any demigods.” http://www.krsnabook.com/ch24.html This is a very important principle and is not applicable to anybody, only those in love with Krishna.


    I have this word caste enough times, as synonymous to duty, hope such a word which guides one duties which are not inferior or superior, but is obligatory, is not such a bad word after all.


    Be steadfast in yoga, O Arjuna. Perform your duty and abandon all attachment to success or failure. Such evenness of mind is called yoga. http://www.asitis.com/2/48.html



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-21-2002).]

  4. Originally posted by darkangel:

    As the daughter of a Brahmin I have never been comfortable with the Caste system but then I have never been comfortable with the British Class system either. Why do we elevate people onto pedestals whether it is for religious or social reasons?

    ...<original cut> ...

    She told me I had to put the money on the ground several feet away from him and then walk away. I was horrified and told her that I could never do such a thing. My sister then said to me that I would only embarrass the man by trying to hand him the money, plus I would scandalise everyone in the compound and would end up being dunked in the Ganges to get me spiritually clean again

    There are two different questions here,

    "Is caste based on birth or something else according to scriptures? "

    "Is caste the same in usage and practise in the current form?"


    Since this second question as addressed through an example by you and several others, require a seperate thread especially because of the unacceptable treatment of (human) life. It is in violation of the scriptural eddicts of "ahimsA paramO dharmAh" in thought and deed. And life in human form is itself a big grace, since god becomes more accessible. Everybody is aware krishnA's demonstation of this kArunya as the first principle and even greater than victory or friends. sanjayA was narrating the war to dritarAstrA, on the day of arjunA's vow to kill jayadratha by sunset or else kill himself. dritarAstrA is convinced that guarded by mahArathis he is safe. Especially 11 miles on battlefiled from pandavA front line to jayadratha, as crow flies is going to take forever when you go around fighting. arjunA and lord sri krisnA are getting closer, but sun is also slowly coming down. Now krishna changes the course of charriot and goes away a little and gives rest and water to the horses. dritarAstra tells sanjayA now, that he is sure of victory for pAndavAs, not after he saw lord's viswa rUpam but now, because he knows that kArunyAh is the highest dharmA. So there is no escaping from the fact that history has been brutal for especially fourth varnA. But simply beacuse of some historical mistakes, we cannot change scriptures as a means to undo the mistakes, it can only be done by honest correction. Anyhow let us see what is in there in scriptures.


    Now whether caste is based on birth or something else according to scriptures ? purusha suktA, purva mimAmsa, upanishads, smrithis, ithihAsa everything mention it, and most of the times, it is based on birth. Birth does matter. All three varnAs do have thread and hence called twice born. Fourth varnA does not have. I am not discriminating, or having any bias, this is what is there. Also it matters in aspects corncerning marriage. [Manu goes much beyond to give names of cross-varnA for different permutations, may it is meaningless when even gotra is unknown to few people, since introductory apivandhanam is not common].


    Everybody knows the stroy of viswamitra trying to become a brahma-rishi. So it such a unimaginable thing for ordinary mortals. sri sItA's father and reknowned disciple of yagnavalkyA, he himself pursued his duties. In recent times, Lord krishnA told his devotee arjunA to do his kshatriyA duty. The whole of bagavat gIta, is around his duty to fight. Why didn't krishnA find one of his most dear devotee eligible for some other varnic duties ? The supreme Lord sri krishnA tells arjunA, my dear bhakat, it me who created the castes (warning to guys who think superior or inferior, because everything by krishna is superior). It is your caste duty to protect dharmA. Arjuna is saying, lord this is a destructive duty, though unlike bombing civilians, he only killing his enemies in field. But Arjuna is concerned also for soldiers against bhishmA or dronA or karnA or duroyOdhanA. More so of the desitutes and orphans of this great destructive war. Since it not like switching jobs, and is based on birth alone, krishnA is spending his time to tell arjunA of his duty, otherwise, he could have told, either you change your caste or fight. Though arjunA was not for fight, that is he did not suggest reason, because it was not possible. The supreme Lord sri krishnA, mentions that drOnA's end was because a brahmin should not fight in war, though he teaches. Drona himself knew this principle, when he send pAndavas, for fighting drupadA, instead of himself. With regarding to parasurAma, it was because the kings where explotative for generations and generations. Lord mercifully in his avatar, to save the people from such very cruel kings, eliminate 3 times eliminated 7 (21?) generations of kings around the earth. (no swiss banks, tax havens or island countries to hide mr.marcos). Same applies to karnA, he could not fight till bhishmA's death, because though bhishmA knew of his origin, he adopted practicality, because political science is so.


    <u>Because this business of becoming different varnA is based on superior-inferior mindset. Every varnA is holy.</u> nam AzwAr the kula pathi or foremost is a velAla, sudra. He is adored by thousands of vaishnavAs. Most of the twelve AzhwArs where not brahmins. In fact tirupAn azhwAr was carried to the temple on the shoulder of a brahmnA. But I should add he never recited vedAs. In fact, brahmins stopped reciting it when he came towards them. KshatriyAs, vaiyAs can learn. But can you say they are deprived of god, no. Everybody has dharmA, arthA, kAma and mokshA. Each follow their capacity and duty identified by birth . It is in numbering, brahmnA is called the first, ...so forth. This has nothing to do with anything else, because if scriptures if scripture is considered to be biased, then can go further, it can also say brahmin is better than sudra directly, why don't we find a single line like that. Unfortunately punishment has been taken to be the bias for brahmins, why not see the unfairness to the duties. Why are they alone required to go through, long strenous pratice of scriptures as obligatory, are they not human beings. Are they not human to feel to have some luxury, no. Sorry that is the brutality or the justness, they are to be away from material comforts. Actually all purAnas and smrithi praise the king and give him sanctity since he alone protects all the people. He is considered an amsa of god because beings take refuge in him. There is a story in tamil where a chozA king even killed his son to do justice to cow when the speeding prince killed the only calf. Most works are decorations in honour of a king, and two most famous avataras are rAma and krisnA, as kshatriyAs.


    Ok coming back to caste, there are some restrictions because of the nature of "work", on how a person needs to interact in a society, that is normal. Like you don't expect a person working in field, and hence soaked let us say in water come into a building, where as a singer may be able to do so. (Let alone how you feel of people who enter the house on rainy day without a door mat). This "norms" for cleaniness has nothing to do with caste. Even in one's own house, one does not shave in the kitchen. It has nothing to with religion, it is hygeine. But that does not mean you speak with disrepect to a cleaner or treat him in ways which are demeaning. Nor is he expected to be hugged as is. There has to be some common sense based on station, propriety and dharmA.


    Now, can there changes in duties. Yes we have to refer to dharma shatras, which says in bad times etc man can change his duties. But this is not meant to meant forever, and surely no exemption because of kaliyugA, the poor brahmins are expect to do the same, whichever yugA it is. manuh->manushah->man, what a injustice, they should make some provisions, in this age when "man is not human". Can somebody change caste? Yes. You can be outcasted, that is not considered in that caste. It does not mean you are out of all castes. This is because of failure of performance of obligatory duties or performance of heinous acts.


    So you will never find a body of people conducting tests or evaluation on people to determine their caste by some other means. Nor you find mechanism to keep following a person on that evalution in every point of life to check that. That is why almost all scriptures treat caste synonymous to birth. So for all practical purpose it is determined by birth. BUT THERE IS NOTHING SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR OF ANY CASTE. And so there is nothing superior in others duty, ones own duty is most important. Also it is normal too have balancing rules to sustain a minority disposition in a population, because it is hard to find people who would want to spend their time for the sake of knowledge and gain nothing materially.


    Anyhow, our focus is sri krishnA and vaishnavisim is higher than brahminism, kshatriysm, vaishism and sudrism if they exist in any form. Though some rites are also performed only by brahmins, daily duties is a must for three varnAs in all four stations of life. That is why sage vyasA tells, extolls kaliyugA, sudrA and women. Oh god, hope all this seen from in the sense it is written. It is not written with any other intention than sharing some thoughts, with friendliness to all divine, human and all other forms of life.




    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-20-2002).]

  5. Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:

    where someone is considered superior according to birth and higher caste.


    Let us be fair to scientists, come on after all they have 10000 nukes, let us give them some respect. Did scientists sweat, race and fight in the human genome project to understand cats better?


    I don't believe religious dogmas which are based on birth. Why should things be like that ? God, unfortunately, human beings are by products of the instructions of genetic material. Manu knows what his kids will be, because he saw what he was. Honest guy.


    Heh come on, science never differentiates. May be little bit used by moneyed ones in pre natal, A.Semination etc. But factory babies are on the way, man. They will laugh at people who laughed at Manu. The laugh goes on, till you reach the 5th chapter in SB.


    Future is only a mirror, of WWII fought by "manu dumped world", killing more people and maiming and giving untold suffering to generations in a day, than what Manu could not achieve by laws in the history.

    Brutal manu laws, are our own imangination of a warning. Remember small print statutory warnings will be mis understood as sold to semi blind people, in consonance with governments, to make $$. This will be the interpretation after couple of nukes are thrown around and archeologists look at de radiated packs of cigarates.



    Anyhow, coming back, forget genes, that will take years and will be chained by restrictions by congress. Now inequality does not exist. Oh it will, inequality exists whether we like or not, that is karma, some are smart, some are good in sports, some are challenged. Soon, quotas will be increased to give jobs to everybody, when jobs become difficult in prolonged bad times.


    Manu did not go that far, he did not consider such factors, he merely divided intellectual and teaching, physical and sacrificing, enterprising and skilled, unskilled and servicing in broad terms to stabilise the dispositions of human tendencies based on makeup.Distribution will be 5%, 15%, 50%, 30%. or similar. If the balance is not maintained, by 15% by adopting for the welfare of everybody, things will go bad or when things go out of control 15% will lose control, which the nature of kali yuga.


    simply because pedestrian rules are not followed in populated centers, does it mean it is not there ? same way simply because it is not followed does not mean Manu samhita is not applicable. It is very much enforced by the laws of rebirth.


    Now, Suppose you had born in situation where you accepted Manu Samhita in a previous yuga, Is there any meaning if you felt dejected today, about it. You would be even more confused if you knew that you will hate yourself later, for liking it earlier.


    So I think the best way is not to hate yourself. Because it is self condradicting and hence self destructive. I think, the problem is hate of some laws, which is not enforceble, why because rule followers are miniscule. If you break a law you don't like a law, if your neighbour breaks a law you like the law ? Law exist, it is enforced especially, who ignore the law and krishna.


    because it is difficult to follow the laws, better follow krishna. As you pointed out the essence is focus on krishna, rest is meaningless only then. I agree, but how many can be like you ? Give others the time and chance to appreciate.




    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-18-2002).]

  6. Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:

    where someone is considered superior according to birth and higher caste.


    Let us be fair to scientists, come on after all they have 10000 nukes, let us give them some respect. Did scientists sweat, race and fight in the human genome project to understand cats better?


    I don't believe religious dogmas which are based on birth. Why should things be like that ? God, unfortunately, human beings are by products of the instructions of genetic material. Manu knows what his kids will be, because he saw what he was. Honest guy.


    Heh come on, science never differentiates. May be little bit used by moneyed ones in pre natal, A.Semination etc. But factory babies are on the way, man. They will laugh at people who laughed at Manu. The laugh goes on, till you reach the 5th chapter in SB.


    Future is only a mirror, of WWII fought by "manu dumped world", killing more people and maiming and giving untold suffering to generations in a day, than what Manu could not achieve by laws in the history.

    Brutal manu laws, are our own imangination of a warning. Remember small print statutory warnings will be mis understood as sold to semi blind people, in consonance with governments, to make $$. This will be the interpretation after couple of nukes are thrown around and archeologists look at de radiated packs of cigarates.



    Anyhow, coming back, forget genes, that will take years and will be chained by restrictions by congress. Now inequality does not exist. Oh it will, inequality exists whether we like or not, that is karma, some are smart, some are good in sports, some are challenged. Soon, quotas will be increased to give jobs to everybody, when jobs become difficult in prolonged bad times.


    Manu did not go that far, he did not consider such factors, he merely divided intellectual and teaching, physical and sacrificing, enterprising and skilled, unskilled and servicing in broad terms to stabilise the dispositions of human tendencies based on makeup.Distribution will be 5%, 15%, 50%, 30%. or similar. If the balance is not maintained, by 15% by adopting for the welfare of everybody, things will go bad or when things go out of control 15% will lose control, which the nature of kali yuga.


    simply because pedestrian rules are not followed in populated centers, does it mean it is not there ? same way simply because it is not followed does not mean Manu samhita is not applicable. It is very much enforced by the laws of rebirth.


    Now, Suppose you had born in situation where you accepted Manu Samhita in a previous yuga, Is there any meaning if you felt dejected today, about it. You would be even more confused if you knew that you will hate yourself later, for liking it earlier.


    So I think the best way is not to hate yourself. Because it is self condradicting and hence self destructive. I think, the problem is hate of some laws, which is not enforceble, why because rule followers are miniscule. If you break a law you don't like a law, if your neighbour breaks a law you like the law ? Law exist, it is enforced especially, who ignore the law and krishna.


    because it is difficult to follow the laws, better follow krishna. As you pointed out the essence is focus on krishna, rest is meaningless only then. I agree, but how many can be like you ? Give others the time and chance to appreciate.




    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-18-2002).]

  7. Originally posted by shvu:

    For instance, there was the Bhandarkar foundation [indians], which carried out excavation around Hastinapura during early and mid 20th century. The oldest date of activity in that area was determined to be 600 BC. I 'll pull out the exact details.


    Also the Dwaraka excavation by Rao, which was dated as 1500 - 800 BC.





    I would like to point out, that because of the change of course of rivers, it is not possible to even determine, pandavAs hastinapura so easily. balarAma walks along the saraswati river, mahAbhArat describes the holy thitAs, that he visited along it and else where. Surprisingly you will find hastinApurA along the river called gangA. (Can you check bhagavatA and tell me.)



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-17-2002).]

  8. Originally posted by karthik_v:

    Dear Jijaji Prabhu,


    A valid observation. If we assume that MAhabharat was fought in our dimensions, then I think the numbers mentioned therein might often be exaggerations. Let us not forget that the original Mahabharata has been embellished over a period of time and there are countless versions. Often each king had his chroniclers include his name too. One example is that of Cheralathan, a Chera king, who claimed to have fed both the armies. Such thing is not even mentioned in the original.



    I think, we should not make sweeping decisions without giving time for research and proper analysis. rAmAyanA states millions of people where living. mAhAbharata states so. It is not correct to say, "what we like is ok, but what we don't like is corrupted version ".


    BTW the way, it is udipi chieftian and not chEra chieftian incharge of cooking. It is a big job to organize to manage many chefs, who manged cooks. kauravas and pandavas, though they fought the war, they where ready to partake and organize cooking through common resources (debit hastinapura and riches brought by kings while coming ). pAndyan king fought on the side of kauravas (owing alleigience to throne of hastinApurA). Lord sri krishnA used to indicate to the cook's how much to prepare ( how many akshOnis to cook for) by eating the number of cashews everyday before in the camp, thouse many chashew aksonis will be killed in the war subsequent day. Remember cooking is done by males. Women wher only in nursing and service. There where actually lot of doctors and other "humanitarian" neutral teams, who are mentioned during the course of the war. But, they where completely overwhelmed by the magnitude of destruction, and sheer numbers. It was for all practical purposes non existent.


    Any how, the scale is true , though unbelievably large scale. There are enough evidences of it.


    Lastly, there are authentic sources of mahAbhArathA available. When I say authentic, it has earned the approval of the succesive masters who lived through last thousand years. It is not something, that is going to be offered to us, but one has to seek it. May be we don't like it, we are used to being pampered, being used to information at our mouse clicks. Information gets lost due to our lack of understanding in addition to the than lack of documents.


    I share your concern for correctness, and authenticity. But there are somethings, that can be retrived from books, which are fading in mueseums, ignored in goverment houses, some locked in colonial documents bundles (read UK foreign office and berlin centre) and private collectors of indology in europe. I was surprised that even an american scholar in maratha territory in the 1800's could get 3 copies of surya siddhanta ( appox. 5th century book with commentary, ofcourse he could get people to translate too). The number of original copies of purAnAs and itihAsAs procured by oriental specialists from europe is mind boggling.

    Above all, I recd. a email today from a person involved with digitizing old documents, that he got 3 17th and 18th century books from private collection. Great God, government has forsaked us for now, it depends on individuals and groups.



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-17-2002).]

  9. Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:

    There is also prohibition in MS against a brahman marrying a woman who is named after a river or a tree (chapter 3! I guess Tulasi and Ganga weren't popular girl names during that time period.


    Manu, Shmanu. Father of mankind, maybe but not humankind.


    Please see even kAmsutra, it mentions the same, first one should study and deliberate, why when who has told what, what is the meaning. simply getting upset will not help the situation.


    Anyhow, a very important principle, is give honorable persons the respect, even if you diagree (right now). May be your, mine, our understanding will change tommorrow. Since many of our ancestors given respect, so let us appreciate the intelligence of our ancestors first and give them the benefit of doubt. By taking shallow view of history, to judge eons by lifetime is itself a challenge.


    I was reading in a purAna, how in kali yuga, fire will burn upside down, which I thought were the works of crazy. slowly i saw the context to releaise the translation is about tube bulbs hanging upside down. So please understand, words have different meaning in different eras, because of the context of use.


    also when aryabhatta was mentioning some 1500 years ago in astronomical treatise about earth going around sun, the succesive commentators thought the great guy was slipping.


    Can you imagine being without a car - to walk where you want to go, live few hourse without electricity - no lights, ac , heater, no hot water in pipes. Then how can we imagine life even few centuries back. Imagine law and order, social condition, and how the civilization endured to give a chance to us. What made them tick, same rules as now ? surely not.



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-15-2002).]

  10. Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:

    There is also prohibition in MS against a brahman marrying a woman who is named after a river or a tree (chapter 3! I guess Tulasi and Ganga weren't popular girl names during that time period.


    Manu, Shmanu. Father of mankind, maybe but not humankind.


    Please see even kAmsutra, it mentions the same, first one should study and deliberate, why when who has told what, what is the meaning. simply getting upset will not help the situation.


    Anyhow, a very important principle, is give honorable persons the respect, even if you diagree (right now). May be your, mine, our understanding will change tommorrow. Since many of our ancestors given respect, so let us appreciate the intelligence of our ancestors first and give them the benefit of doubt. By taking shallow view of history, to judge eons by lifetime is itself a challenge.


    I was reading in a purAna, how in kali yuga, fire will burn upside down, which I thought were the works of crazy. slowly i saw the context to releaise the translation is about tube bulbs hanging upside down. So please understand, words have different meaning in different eras, because of the context of use.


    also when aryabhatta was mentioning some 1500 years ago in astronomical treatise about earth going around sun, the succesive commentators thought the great guy was slipping.


    Can you imagine being without a car - to walk where you want to go, live few hourse without electricity - no lights, ac , heater, no hot water in pipes. Then how can we imagine life even few centuries back. Imagine law and order, social condition, and how the civilization endured to give a chance to us. What made them tick, same rules as now ? surely not.



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-15-2002).]

  11. Originally posted by xvi000:



    Don't attach to meat & no-meat. Vegetarianism works for your souls instead of your fleshes. Sb. said meat is poisonous. Now I tell your soul that you have gone into a wong way (notice that I never mention poisoned meat).




    Don't attach to "invasion", racism & non-racism. There is only one genuine aborigine - Brahman. If Sone ask me, "Are you a racist?" I'll answer him, "For what do you say that, AIT?" I decide to stop here as you need time to change your minds.


    [This message has been edited by xvi000 (edited 01-14-2002).]


    I am sorry if I have hurt anybody, the better word would have been, bias or prejudice.




  12. Originally posted by jndas:

    The point that no one can explain is why there isn't a single description of this "Aryan invasion" in any ancient text of India?

    The problem with this "Aryan" term is itself a misuse.


    It has been used almost exclusively to mean,

    "worthy of one"




    "of a good family",





    even in the rig veda. I humbly request anybody to give me any instances where it may have other meanings.


    There is one derivative meaning, the country of pious. See the most benovalent and the foremost among men, whom every person, owes gratitude, the son of sUrya, Manu says,


    "That (country) which (lies) between the Himavat and the Vindhya (mountains) to the east of Prayaga and to the west of Vinasana (the place where the river Sarasvati disappears) is called Madhyadesa (the central region).


    But (the tract) between those two mountains (Himavat and the Vindhya ), which (extends) to the eastern and the western seas, the wise call Aryavarta (the country of the Aryans)."


    When did the Himalyas and Vindhyas get shifted to central asia, racism can try.


    This holy book quoted by all bhasyam writers in their brahma sutra is not respected by some, because of their person opinions.


    So, how can you find an Aryan invasion of India, unless they invade themselves ?


    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-13-2002).]

  13. Originally posted by Ananga:

    I challenge anyone to show how Manu Samhita fits in with the movement of Sri Caitanya.

    Neither I am an expert in Manu or Sri Caitanya, but let us see the spirit of the verses. Since this was written for all ages, it is very important for us to resolve this question. Especially to hint that sri manu as being cruel, is unjust.


    Let us see about compassion :


    "If a blow is struck against men or animals in order to (give them) pain, (the judge) shall inflict a fine in proportion to the amount of injury (caused). "


    Example of shared responsibility and unbias to rich:


    "If the driver is skilful (but negligent), he alone shall be fined; if the driver is unskilful, also the (owner) occupants [who is expected to be careful in hiring the driver] of the carriage (also) shall be each fined one hundred (panas)."


    Warning to power abusing kings :


    " Know that a king who heeds not the rules (of the law), who is an atheist, and rapacious, who does not protect (his weak subjects, but) devours them, will sink low (after death)."


    Thank god [read as krishna], kings don't rule, other than as parlimentary monarchy and or may be countries like Bhutan, so they can live without being concerned about human right abuses.


    But manu tells more, which regular rule books may not say,

    "For by punishing the wicked and by favouring the virtuous, kings are constantly sanctified, just as twice-born men by sacrifices."


    But who cares, god [krsna], let's think first of this life, even if it means hell in next.


    Similar to governer/president's pardon :


    "A king who desires welfare may (mostly)forgive litigants, infants, aged and sick men (and helpless), who inveigh against him." i.e "He who, being abused by men in pain, pardons (them), will in reward of that (act) be exalted in heaven; but he who, (proud) of his kingly state, forgives them not, will for that (reason) sink into hell."


    Ok now let us come to the difficult portions,

    For example, let us say theft etc, was a very very serious crime, much more than injuring etc or not paying debt etc. Due to the extraordinary emphasis on theft, it is stated,


    "An offence (of this description), which is committed in the presence (of the owner) and with violence, will be robbery; if (it is committed) in his absence, it will be theft; likewise if (the possession of) anything is denied after it has been taken."


    "On that man who may steal (any of) the above-mentioned articles, when they are prepared for (use), let the king inflict the first (or lowest) amercement [fine]; likewise on him who may steal (a sacred) fire out of the room (in which it is kept)."


    "In addition, with whatever limb a thief in any way commits (an offence) against men, even of that (the king) shall deprive him in order to prevent repetitions of the crime."


    But even beyond king is not even given the option in rape. It is dealt with very severely,

    "This rule does not apply to the wives of actors and singers, nor (of) those who live on (the intrigues of) their own (wives); for such men send their wives (to others) or, concealing themselves, allow them to hold criminal intercourse."


    "Yet he who secretly converses with such women, or with female slaves kept by one (master), and with female medicants, shall be compelled to pay a small fine."


    "He who violates an unwilling maiden shall instantly suffer corporal punishment; but a man who enjoys a willing maiden shall not suffer corporal punishment, if (his caste be) the acceptable with hers (or as hers)."


    There are other considerations, which are out of preview of our discussion, like castes. Because Krishna says he vreated the castes, so manu is strict with it, especially here.


    "For by (adultery) caused by a mixture of the castes (varna) among men; thence (follows) sin, which cuts up even the roots and causes the destruction of everything. "


    But let us stick to justness of pushnishment, which is our topic, you will rarely find severe punishment mentioned, if it is, it is when it is too henious and repetitive ( or were considered once severe). The conditions required by those are also as extreme and <u>history shows, it was not required to be followed</u> before, since it is not record so in history, while other kinds of punishment where. It was a powerful like a deterent, much better than nuclear threats to bring terrorists to justice or loose innocent people and have tribunals in secrecy. Because this is a guide book, it is comprehensive and smaller compared to long lawyer centric constitutions.


    So to make judgements like these on very sensitive writs, one has to be careful. Though I am not trying to justify any rules or the rule book, one has to understand

    1) that large sections are meaningful if not applicable after many eons as guide

    2) even developed countries have corporal punishment to this date

    3) some systems have very severe treatment, which is nothing in comparision

    4) most systems give a raw deal to aliens compared to locals, which is absent in this


    This system has worked so beatifully, atleast till 10th century through local self governments. Surely, either we are not suitable for it now or we do not understand it or may be we are at a point in development of civilization where it makes no sense any more. What ever is the case, there is lot worth in understanding, especially to appreciate sri chaitanya's teachings better in its light.


    I do not challenge anybody to show anything though. [sorry pun intended]


    Sorry, just a way of registering a humble protest to strong words, in defence of the first man of the human race, - call it genetic self defence.



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-13-2002).]

  14. Originally posted by Ananga:

    I challenge anyone to show how Manu Samhita fits in with the movement of Sri Caitanya.

    Neither I am an expert in Manu or Sri Caitanya, but let us see the spirit of the verses. Since this was written for all ages, it is very important for us to resolve this question. Especially to hint that sri manu as being cruel, is unjust.


    Let us see about compassion :


    "If a blow is struck against men or animals in order to (give them) pain, (the judge) shall inflict a fine in proportion to the amount of injury (caused). "


    Example of shared responsibility and unbias to rich:


    "If the driver is skilful (but negligent), he alone shall be fined; if the driver is unskilful, also the (owner) occupants [who is expected to be careful in hiring the driver] of the carriage (also) shall be each fined one hundred (panas)."


    Warning to power abusing kings :


    " Know that a king who heeds not the rules (of the law), who is an atheist, and rapacious, who does not protect (his weak subjects, but) devours them, will sink low (after death)."


    Thank god [read as krishna], kings don't rule, other than as parlimentary monarchy and or may be countries like Bhutan, so they can live without being concerned about human right abuses.


    But manu tells more, which regular rule books may not say,

    "For by punishing the wicked and by favouring the virtuous, kings are constantly sanctified, just as twice-born men by sacrifices."


    But who cares, god [krsna], let's think first of this life, even if it means hell in next.


    Similar to governer/president's pardon :


    "A king who desires welfare may (mostly)forgive litigants, infants, aged and sick men (and helpless), who inveigh against him." i.e "He who, being abused by men in pain, pardons (them), will in reward of that (act) be exalted in heaven; but he who, (proud) of his kingly state, forgives them not, will for that (reason) sink into hell."


    Ok now let us come to the difficult portions,

    For example, let us say theft etc, was a very very serious crime, much more than injuring etc or not paying debt etc. Due to the extraordinary emphasis on theft, it is stated,


    "An offence (of this description), which is committed in the presence (of the owner) and with violence, will be robbery; if (it is committed) in his absence, it will be theft; likewise if (the possession of) anything is denied after it has been taken."


    "On that man who may steal (any of) the above-mentioned articles, when they are prepared for (use), let the king inflict the first (or lowest) amercement [fine]; likewise on him who may steal (a sacred) fire out of the room (in which it is kept)."


    "In addition, with whatever limb a thief in any way commits (an offence) against men, even of that (the king) shall deprive him in order to prevent repetitions of the crime."


    But even beyond king is not even given the option in rape. It is dealt with very severely,

    "This rule does not apply to the wives of actors and singers, nor (of) those who live on (the intrigues of) their own (wives); for such men send their wives (to others) or, concealing themselves, allow them to hold criminal intercourse."


    "Yet he who secretly converses with such women, or with female slaves kept by one (master), and with female medicants, shall be compelled to pay a small fine."


    "He who violates an unwilling maiden shall instantly suffer corporal punishment; but a man who enjoys a willing maiden shall not suffer corporal punishment, if (his caste be) the acceptable with hers (or as hers)."


    There are other considerations, which are out of preview of our discussion, like castes. Because Krishna says he vreated the castes, so manu is strict with it, especially here.


    "For by (adultery) caused by a mixture of the castes (varna) among men; thence (follows) sin, which cuts up even the roots and causes the destruction of everything. "


    But let us stick to justness of pushnishment, which is our topic, you will rarely find severe punishment mentioned, if it is, it is when it is too henious and repetitive ( or were considered once severe). The conditions required by those are also as extreme and <u>history shows, it was not required to be followed</u> before, since it is not record so in history, while other kinds of punishment where. It was a powerful like a deterent, much better than nuclear threats to bring terrorists to justice or loose innocent people and have tribunals in secrecy. Because this is a guide book, it is comprehensive and smaller compared to long lawyer centric constitutions.


    So to make judgements like these on very sensitive writs, one has to be careful. Though I am not trying to justify any rules or the rule book, one has to understand

    1) that large sections are meaningful if not applicable after many eons as guide

    2) even developed countries have corporal punishment to this date

    3) some systems have very severe treatment, which is nothing in comparision

    4) most systems give a raw deal to aliens compared to locals, which is absent in this


    This system has worked so beatifully, atleast till 10th century through local self governments. Surely, either we are not suitable for it now or we do not understand it or may be we are at a point in development of civilization where it makes no sense any more. What ever is the case, there is lot worth in understanding, especially to appreciate sri chaitanya's teachings better in its light.


    I do not challenge anybody to show anything though. [sorry pun intended]


    Sorry, just a way of registering a humble protest to strong words, in defence of the first man of the human race, - call it genetic self defence.



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-13-2002).]

  15. This is one among the many very important statements in srimad bhagavat gIta. Surely a verse that brings out that nobody is left out in attaining the supreme state.


    This statement for destitute souls [rather than a blessed soul like sri arjunA]. Lord out of his infinite mercy, can shower grace on souls in the transmigration as a elephant [sri gajEndra], he testifies it in his own words, so our doubts at rested.


    Let my wandering [internet enabled] mind, focus on places like this to listen to devotees...



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-12-2002).]

  16. Originally posted by valaya:

    ...[cut]... Divine Love personified as Srimati Radharani Herself. She is the end and the means for all... [cut]....

    What a great message !!! Let all glories be to Her !!! She who shows us the way, let praise belong to her !!!



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-12-2002).]

  17. Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:


    I saw a program last night about how muslims, being traders and travellers, incorporated various teachings and traditions into their culture.


    If at one time the whole planet was a Vedic culture , Bharat Varsha, then it's entirely possible that certain laws from the Manu Samhita were embraced by Islam.


    There is story in Vishnu purAna, of one instance of races being forced to downgrade their rights to earlier duites.


    This in between in the story of King sAgarA.

    Those who can consult Vishnu Purana Book 4 Chapter 3 Verse 17.



    When the boy grew up and was capable of reflection he said to the mother one day,

    "why are we dwelling in this ashram of our guru , where is my father, and who is he ? "

    His mother replied to him all that happened.


    On hearing that he became highly concerned, and vowed to recover his [father's] ancestors kingdom and take revenge on haihaya and talajangha people.


    When he became a man, he nearly put whole of haihaya to death for destroying the vedic culture. And proceeded to destroy sakas, yavanas, kambojas, paradas, pahnavas. But Sage vasishta, the family priest of sAgarA, intewined and stopped him by saying, " enough is enough, do not continue your anger any further on whom you can assume as no more threat. In order to fulfil your vow, I will slower their regeneration of their tribes, and seperate them away from their earlier duties of their caste".


    sAgarA in compliance with the injunctions of his spirutual guide, restricted himself to the imposition of distinguishing marks on the vanquished countries.


    for example, he made the yavanas[greeks/ionians] shave the upper half of their heads. And the paradas[gypsies] wore a long hair. pahnavas [persians] their bread grow.


    All this to show thier obedience to command and policies [based on scriptures].


    [History shows for a Tartars shove front part of the head. Greeks have a peculiar shave, so do Chineese have a single tuft, and persians long breads.]


    Having found the war mongers, unfit for the pursuit of their caste duties, they were deprived of the oblation to fire and study of associated scriptures.Thus excluded from these scriptural study, they were abonded by the brahmins, and slowly became melechas.


    sAgara after the sucessful recovery, ruled over all the seven zones of the earth with authority.



    All this before the age of sri rAmA, so just as now, then too for a long time, only the culture of religion was left out for errosion, there was no mechanism in place to sustain it.


    Slowly, events and history fuse, collective memories and new circumstances create different beliefs and norms for socially accepted behaviour.



  18. Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:


    I saw a program last night about how muslims, being traders and travellers, incorporated various teachings and traditions into their culture.


    If at one time the whole planet was a Vedic culture , Bharat Varsha, then it's entirely possible that certain laws from the Manu Samhita were embraced by Islam.


    There is story in Vishnu purAna, of one instance of races being forced to downgrade their rights to earlier duites.


    This in between in the story of King sAgarA.

    Those who can consult Vishnu Purana Book 4 Chapter 3 Verse 17.



    When the boy grew up and was capable of reflection he said to the mother one day,

    "why are we dwelling in this ashram of our guru , where is my father, and who is he ? "

    His mother replied to him all that happened.


    On hearing that he became highly concerned, and vowed to recover his [father's] ancestors kingdom and take revenge on haihaya and talajangha people.


    When he became a man, he nearly put whole of haihaya to death for destroying the vedic culture. And proceeded to destroy sakas, yavanas, kambojas, paradas, pahnavas. But Sage vasishta, the family priest of sAgarA, intewined and stopped him by saying, " enough is enough, do not continue your anger any further on whom you can assume as no more threat. In order to fulfil your vow, I will slower their regeneration of their tribes, and seperate them away from their earlier duties of their caste".


    sAgarA in compliance with the injunctions of his spirutual guide, restricted himself to the imposition of distinguishing marks on the vanquished countries.


    for example, he made the yavanas[greeks/ionians] shave the upper half of their heads. And the paradas[gypsies] wore a long hair. pahnavas [persians] their bread grow.


    All this to show thier obedience to command and policies [based on scriptures].


    [History shows for a Tartars shove front part of the head. Greeks have a peculiar shave, so do Chineese have a single tuft, and persians long breads.]


    Having found the war mongers, unfit for the pursuit of their caste duties, they were deprived of the oblation to fire and study of associated scriptures.Thus excluded from these scriptural study, they were abonded by the brahmins, and slowly became melechas.


    sAgara after the sucessful recovery, ruled over all the seven zones of the earth with authority.



    All this before the age of sri rAmA, so just as now, then too for a long time, only the culture of religion was left out for errosion, there was no mechanism in place to sustain it.


    Slowly, events and history fuse, collective memories and new circumstances create different beliefs and norms for socially accepted behaviour.



  19. Originally posted by karthik_v:

    Hare Krishna Raghuraman:


    Let us review verses 1:13:24-33 along with their exact translation. We will find that the truth bears absolutely no relationship to what this fraud site claims.






    Sanskrit verse:

    tathaa kosala raajaanam bhaanuma.ntam susatkR^itam

    magadha adhipatim shuuram sarva shaastra vishaaradam


    Word by word translation:

    tathaa= like that; kosala+raajaanam= Kosala's, king; bhaanuma.ntam= Bhanumanta; susatkR^itam= well honoured; magadha+adhipatim= Magadha, king; shuuram= brave one; sarva+shaastra+vishaaradam= in all scriptures, profound.


    Line translation:

    "Like that King of Kosala namely Bhanumanta, be honoured [and invited and likewise] King of Magadha, a brave one and a profound one in all scriptural knowledge..."




    I don't have Satapatha Brahmana with me. Perhaps, J N Das can help you with that. Anyway, this should have convinced you not to take what all those abusive sites claim on face value. The best course is to learn from a bonafide acharya.

    I am having a quick doubt. For example this verse is not to be found in the version I have.


    Bhanumata is the king of Kosala ?

    To my knowledge Kosala is the country of Sri rAmA (from sri manu's time). Refer verse in Bala Kandam, Sargam Five, Verse 6 [if it is the same].


    kOsalO nAm muditah sphItO janapadO mahAn |

    nivishtah sarayUtIrE prabhUtadanadAnyavAn ||


    This verse tells us the greatness of the country in which sri rAmA was born, the wealth of the famous vast country sprawling the two banks of saraiyu.


    deeper meaning words:

    muditah - citizens who are filled with joy.

    spItah - having samruti.


    Since the interpretation seems to be sometimes different in emphasis, for example in previously quoted 1:13:24 - mine had interpretation, "Even in the old age" instead of the interpretation given here to mean "one who is in old age", I will leave it to the individuals.


    I am also noting grouping of verses might be different in verses it looks like. Basically, 26,27 [first two lines] are not there in mine.




    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-12-2002).]

  20. Originally posted by Raguraman:

    I simply want the corresponding verses to be translated correctly. Otherwise please suggest some good books on Valmiki Ramayana and Satapatha Brahmana.

    Since, I have not seen some thing like corresponding verses, it is easier to for me to say what I would do in these circumstance. Ideally one should approach ones acharya or sources acceptable to your acharya for such things.


    Anyhow since you have asked, see if you can get govindarAjeeyam [also called rAmAyana bhushnam traditionally believed to be a 17th century commentary], that would be nice. It would be in Sanskrit but it would provide access to orginal work. There is one book available at sri narasimhapriya office,chennai, which is sanskrit verse and govindarajiyam translation to tamil and traditional oral supplement only where is required. But the easiest to procure is Lifco's English or Tamil Ramayanam written by CR srinivAsa iyengAr, 50 years back. [Tamil version has sargam and verse trackable]


    There is also a commentary by mahesadesar, who is a disciple of nArayana thIrthA, it may be available in mAdhvA publications.


    But now knowing that first hand, so far I had only heard that [vAlmiki] ramAyana has some of these issues possible, you may want to look around. Pls let us know as you find. Same with me.


    Since you have access to some university library, look out for brahma sri raja sastrigal's 1907 print having different recessions of rAmanyanA noted in there.


    Also note, I am not trying to suggest that older copy is good. Good is only good.



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-09-2002).]

  21. Originally posted by Raguraman:

    Hare Krishna,



    I do not know Sanskrit. I referred to some books(al of them have only translations and no sanskrit verses). Here are some of them.



    I can't understand the source... I have both the sanskrit, tamil and english. But I don't see anything as atrocious like this. unless you really break somehow the verses into unnatural and unreasonable ways to try to make such senses.


    Most of the verses I have are harmless as quoted by one of the earlier reposnder.

    Either the Author must be having a strangely corrupted source or you looking into some other verses or I ?. Hope not me.



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-08-2002).]

  22. The Greek records mention Xandramas and Sandrocyptus as the kings immediately before and after Sandrocottus. These names in any way are not phonetically similar to Mahapadma Nanda and Bindusar, who were the predecessor and successor of Chandragupta Maurya, respectively. However, if Sandrocottus refers to Chandragupta "Gupta", the Xandramas reckons to be his predecessor Chandrashree alias Chandramas and Sandrocyptus to be Samudragupta. The phonetic similarity becomes quite apparent and also, with the assistance of other evidence, confirms the identity of Sandrocottus to Chandragupta Gupta.




    It is supposed to have mentioned seven names of three successive Indian kings. Are these the same or sucessive names - Xandrammes, Sandrokottas and Sandrocyptus ?



    So I am going to be cautious even if that looks a good begining.


    I am impressed by Aihole Inscription of Chalukya King Pulekeshi II of the 7th century, whose date is positively well known (fortunately). God bless Pulekeshi I and any other.


    Inscription found in the Jain Temple at Aihole prepared by Chalukya King Pulekeshi. It means, 3735 (30+3000+700+5) years have elapsed in kaliyug, since mahAbhArat war. and 556 (50+6+500) years of shaka era is running


    The verse inscribed is :


    trinshatsu trisahas(t?)reshu bhAratAdAhavAditaha |

    saptAbdashatayukteshu gateshwabdeshu panchasu ||


    panchAshatsu kalau kAle shatasu panchashatesu ca |

    samAsu samatItAsu shakAanAmapi bhUbhujAm ||


    which shakA ?

    most probobly the shalivahana. Luckily Pulekeshi is even otherwise trackable to famous north and south indian kings history, whose dates are also independentaly verifiable.


    Now only question is how, did they know till that point. First it is wrong to infer, that they would expect the future generations to lose the date of the supreme lord sri krishna. Imagine sri rAmanuja went in search of original vritis for brahama sutra in kashmir. when people knew things were mixed up, at that time, they became cautious, they did not use unreliable material as evidence either for or against. Also when recording the satakopa's birth (nammAzwAr), they marked it as 43 days after lord sri krishna' ascent, because even 1000 years before when some scriptures had been lost, still these important dates were widely known and considered reliable and unquestionable. Probobly only after kali age let vandalism, looting and large scale destruction happen, we are forced to know the age of krishna ?

    Even some call it mythology.


    Another inscription is the Nidhanpur Copper Plate of bhAskaravarman. it is slightly different in talking of his ancestors to the age of bhagadattA of mahAbhAratha. It calculates back to roughly testify traditional dates of 3101 B.C.


    Ofcourse not considering other evidence like "when the three yugas have elapsed and 60*60(3600) years have passed. I am 23 years old" quoted by AryabhattA.


    So to go on, what is the motive of so many decent people to fudge kaliyugA in the 5th,6th and 7th century AD. They must be really astronomy oriented and not historical ?


    But take a look at Surya Siddhanta, the accuracy of trignometory values, planets orbits, shadow calulations, the formulaes for eclipses even today with +/- 30 minute at worst. So these guys were good and but for some unknown reason they wanted to fudge. Especially they used the kaliyug as something like begining of Julian day, they calculate number of lunar cycles that has elapsed and number of days elapsed, because of comfort of some calculations based on that date probobly.


    so did a influencial astronomer fudge it for and everybody accept in a large country followed it for calculation. But wait, why can't they calculated from any day they want but leave kaliyug alone, especially since linked to the ascent of sri krishnA.


    I think there is nothing to gain by changing kali back for these or any other people in early AD's. But I hope they still had something to loose, would they be so stupid, I think not.


    So as far I am concerned, we are the losers, if we don't believe the technical, inscriptional evidences which are speaking in one tone. Unless it is positively proved otherwise, we do not have any incentive to believe in chandra gupta mauryA's later date.




    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-08-2002).]

  23. The Greek records mention Xandramas and Sandrocyptus as the kings immediately before and after Sandrocottus. These names in any way are not phonetically similar to Mahapadma Nanda and Bindusar, who were the predecessor and successor of Chandragupta Maurya, respectively. However, if Sandrocottus refers to Chandragupta "Gupta", the Xandramas reckons to be his predecessor Chandrashree alias Chandramas and Sandrocyptus to be Samudragupta. The phonetic similarity becomes quite apparent and also, with the assistance of other evidence, confirms the identity of Sandrocottus to Chandragupta Gupta.




    It is supposed to have mentioned seven names of three successive Indian kings. Are these the same or sucessive names - Xandrammes, Sandrokottas and Sandrocyptus ?



    So I am going to be cautious even if that looks a good begining.


    I am impressed by Aihole Inscription of Chalukya King Pulekeshi II of the 7th century, whose date is positively well known (fortunately). God bless Pulekeshi I and any other.


    Inscription found in the Jain Temple at Aihole prepared by Chalukya King Pulekeshi. It means, 3735 (30+3000+700+5) years have elapsed in kaliyug, since mahAbhArat war. and 556 (50+6+500) years of shaka era is running


    The verse inscribed is :


    trinshatsu trisahas(t?)reshu bhAratAdAhavAditaha |

    saptAbdashatayukteshu gateshwabdeshu panchasu ||


    panchAshatsu kalau kAle shatasu panchashatesu ca |

    samAsu samatItAsu shakAanAmapi bhUbhujAm ||


    which shakA ?

    most probobly the shalivahana. Luckily Pulekeshi is even otherwise trackable to famous north and south indian kings history, whose dates are also independentaly verifiable.


    Now only question is how, did they know till that point. First it is wrong to infer, that they would expect the future generations to lose the date of the supreme lord sri krishna. Imagine sri rAmanuja went in search of original vritis for brahama sutra in kashmir. when people knew things were mixed up, at that time, they became cautious, they did not use unreliable material as evidence either for or against. Also when recording the satakopa's birth (nammAzwAr), they marked it as 43 days after lord sri krishna' ascent, because even 1000 years before when some scriptures had been lost, still these important dates were widely known and considered reliable and unquestionable. Probobly only after kali age let vandalism, looting and large scale destruction happen, we are forced to know the age of krishna ?

    Even some call it mythology.


    Another inscription is the Nidhanpur Copper Plate of bhAskaravarman. it is slightly different in talking of his ancestors to the age of bhagadattA of mahAbhAratha. It calculates back to roughly testify traditional dates of 3101 B.C.


    Ofcourse not considering other evidence like "when the three yugas have elapsed and 60*60(3600) years have passed. I am 23 years old" quoted by AryabhattA.


    So to go on, what is the motive of so many decent people to fudge kaliyugA in the 5th,6th and 7th century AD. They must be really astronomy oriented and not historical ?


    But take a look at Surya Siddhanta, the accuracy of trignometory values, planets orbits, shadow calulations, the formulaes for eclipses even today with +/- 30 minute at worst. So these guys were good and but for some unknown reason they wanted to fudge. Especially they used the kaliyug as something like begining of Julian day, they calculate number of lunar cycles that has elapsed and number of days elapsed, because of comfort of some calculations based on that date probobly.


    so did a influencial astronomer fudge it for and everybody accept in a large country followed it for calculation. But wait, why can't they calculated from any day they want but leave kaliyug alone, especially since linked to the ascent of sri krishnA.


    I think there is nothing to gain by changing kali back for these or any other people in early AD's. But I hope they still had something to loose, would they be so stupid, I think not.


    So as far I am concerned, we are the losers, if we don't believe the technical, inscriptional evidences which are speaking in one tone. Unless it is positively proved otherwise, we do not have any incentive to believe in chandra gupta mauryA's later date.




    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-08-2002).]

  24. Originally posted by ramakrishna:

    "They are steeped in ignorance and sunk into the greatest depth of misery who worship the uncreated eternal matter, instead of the All-Pervading God and those who worship things born of matter like trees, animals, man, etc. are sunk deeper in misery."





    Please be careful, whose interpretation you care for. Most translators just do any thing ..

    ISHA UPANISHAD - by Sanderson Beck


    Into blind darkness enter those who follow ignorance;

    into even greater darkness go those who follow knowledge.


    I would like to point out [a dvaita] line of interpretation of Ishavasya upanishad


    andham. tamah. pravi´santi ye’sambh¯utimup¯asate ¬ tato bh¯uya iva te tamo ya u sambh¯uty¯am. rat¯ah. ­ 12 ­ andham. tamah. = relentless, blinding darkness; pravi´santi = enter into, obtain; ye = those who;

    asambh¯utim. = ‘sr. s. t.ikart¯a na’ = “not Creator,” having failed to grasp Vis.n.u as the Creator; up¯asate =

    worship, meditate upon; tatah. = and then, than that; bh¯uyah. = greater; iva = undoubtedly; te = they,

    those who; tamah. = darkness; ya = who; u = but; sambh¯uty¯am. = as Creator only; rat¯ah. = engaged in,

    devoted to.

    Those who worship [Vis.n. u] with the understanding that He is not the Creator, enter dense,

    unrelenting darkness; to a greater darkness than that go they, who merely think of Him as

    the Creator alone [but not as the Sustainer or Destroyer].

    It has been said earlier that the Lord is the Sustainer, hence that also should be understood.



    I will let know when I have my authentic source ready.


    But one must from the first stanza see the context of description, it out of the five manifestations of god, discusses the antaryami form of brahman. see http://www.indiadivine.com/isha-upanishad-siddhaswarupananda1.htm


    - more soon



    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-02-2002).]


    [This message has been edited by laksri (edited 01-02-2002).]

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