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Everything posted by innerlotus

  1. I certainly wouldn't try to connect with the divine by using a poor animals stolen skin. I think the best place for any 'remaining' body parts, would be a burial ceremony. I don't think these animals should be killed in the first place. What gives humans the right to kill billions (trillions actually) of species each year? We don't need to eat these animals, this much is known. So why does it persist? My girlfriend and I have been vegan for nearly a year and a half and have had no difficulties with health. I would recommend absolute compassion for everybody who wants to receive the blessing of the giant inner lotus & tree of life at the centre of us all. Absolute compassion for us means becoming more and more aware of what you are supporting, and making as much effort possible to avoid supporting such things. You will know when you should stop supporting things.. Whether that means stopping buying meat, eggs, dairy, leather.. stopping to buy products from stores that sell meat or leather. It is not easy, this much we are learning... as our whole society is filled with 'convenience' for the people willing to fund animal slaughter. There is also a massive agenda to ensure that we are conditioned to believing certain products are there for us, when our spiritual quest seems futile: cigarettes, alcohol to name a few.... As for the plant issue, I think it is too easy to deny compassion to animals due for slaughter because of this. Work towards a plant based diet where those plants you eat on a regular basis are not killed in harvest, and most of which do not come from the ground, as to avoid harming the insects that nest there. Buy organic where possible. Lists of vegetables that do not die each harvest, and those root vegetables to stay away from are available online. I believe we receive karma from eating vegetables too, and the more we can learn about reducing harm to the beings in plants as well the better. Clearly it is not possible to be karma free, but we can certainly make as much effort as possible!! I see people who care for the beings of similarity (animals with eyes, ears, legs, feet etc) as being the most likely candidates for those that would also care about plant life. I think those who use plants as an excuse to justify eating meat care about neither; as the plants and animals are one. The spiritual urge is weakened strongly by our own arrogance, at not wanting to limit our own options..whether it be by having to avoid the local super market, or not being able to enjoy foods we like, or hang around people who have certain views/behaviours relating to animals/women/the rights of beings in general (aside from their own egos). But occasionally I receive inner light, and it tells me that our choice is right, and what is left after all of our restraint and effort? Still billions of beings suffering much worse than we, still animals right now being killed, and taken from their parents.. there is so much suffering. We can go into ourselves, but what point is there in trying to unify if we don't give all of our being and energy to the cause of compassion, which seeks to lighten the burden of that pain in our fellow beings. If we don't believe in this, we'd may as well abandon the spiritual path completely. By following the path of compassion, you can rest in the understanding that you are far from alone, and that when you do become 'enlightened' you are joining a unity, not escaping one. The spiritual world, as I have and continue to see it, is an absolutely wonderful, mysterious, beautiful place, and we shouldn't expect it to bless our path without an appropriate level of consistent effort. I send out love and light to all beings, I send out light and love to all beings. I send out my deep feelings of love to all sheep being ab-used, in hope that humans can wake up and see whats really going on here on this planet!
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