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Everything posted by comettail

  1. Hello, please help! I am about to enter my sade sati period in november, I am very concerned about my health, overall I am very depressed and bitter. I am 25 I am very fortunate to live in an ashram, but my I am often lost in others, I am drained by keeping a peaceful attitude all the time, and not having enough support. I have some clue about what I what for myself, but I have no energy at this time, and spend all day serving others, and have no desires for myself. Although I suppose I do, otherwise I would not be discontent! I have rulers of 1st, 2nd, 3rd in 1st. Lagna is simha mars in simha, rahu in aries in 9th, moon is in anuradha debilitated (with saturn) in the 4th jupiter in 6th, retrograde and in kumbha i have had a very difficult life so far, although some fortune exist for me. My parents are both ill. . . don't know what to do. . . namaste
  2. Hello, please help! I am about to enter my sade sati period in november, I am very concerned about my health, overall I am very depressed and bitter. I am very fortunate to live in an ashram, but my I am often lost in others, I am drained by keeping a peaceful attitude all the time, and not having enough support. I have some clue about what I what for myself, but I have no energy at this time, and spend all day serving others, and have no desires for myself. Although I suppose I do, otherwise I would not be discontent! I have rulers of 1st, 2nd, 3rd in 1st. Lagna is simha mars in simha, rahu in aries in 9th, moon is in anuradha debilitated (with saturn) in the 4th jupiter in 6th, retrograde in kumbha i have had a very difficult life so far, although some fortune exist for me. My parents are both ill.
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