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  1. Lord Vishnu is supposed to be in Yoga Nidra, protecting the Creation. Adiyen has a point to add.. In Vishnu sahasranama adhyaya, Parvati Devi asks Ishvara kenopaayena laguna vishnoor naama sahasrakam patyatair panditair nityam strotam icham jagath prabhum What is the easiest way for a learned scholar to perform namasamkeerthanam.. For that, Ishvara says Sri Rama Raamethi rame raame manorame Sahasranaama tharthulyam raama naama varaanane The name of Raama alone is equal to the 1000 names of vishnu and has the essence of the whole sahasranaamam.. What proof do Devareer want apart from this to prove Vishnu is the Para devata? When Gajendra shouted "Adi Moolame", who came to the rescue? It was Vishnu... Please forgive me if I have made any mistake.
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