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Posts posted by samarpan

  1. Originally posted by shiva:


    If you cannot be at sankirtan,buy a tape!

    the desire you have,is what is important.

    If the desire is to gain fame,wealth,power,even if you chant and live with devotees,you are not advancing in spiritual consciousness.

    The lord is desirous of pure devotion,not the so called devotion, of material desire mixed with devotional activities.

    thankyou shiva,that rings true deep down what you say,and i will treasure your answer.haribol subal
  2. haribol,of late i have been feeling very low in spirit about having no physical association of devotees of the lord for 3 years now not even a telephone call. i cannot travel due the nature of my illnesses which also by their nature can cause predjudice.i used to love communal chanting and harinam when the body allowed and do know or remember being told that one needs these two activities to help ones japa , please please please anyone can advise me.hare krishna subal

  3. Originally posted by JRdd:

    Hari bol, I finally saw the liver specialist yesterday and the situation is urgent. I am to see a panel of people over a two-day intensive, for transplant evaluation. But he said in the meantime, I am to consider myself in a state of emergency, as any time this liver failure could abruptly change even though at the moment I am managing; he said I could go into a coma or anything, just like that, from seeming to be okay. So if anyone feels the desire to pray in a way that is appropriate to my situation, I would appreciate that. My hope is to be able to keep alive long enough to be prepared for whichever way the ball bounces, and being prepared for treatment involves tons of complicated arrangements, including relocating, all of which will take time. They will not offer help if I have no solid support, especially for a month following operation, as they said you will not survive without support, and thankfully someoone called yesterday and seems able to arrange a rota of devotees to help that situation as I will be down near where there are devotees. So it seems like Krsna is sending angels this way, and maybe some of you angels can root for my being time to take care of other matters which will facilitate everything going about.

    Thanks for reading this,

    your servant, Jayaradhe

    haribol mataji,having chronic active hepc myself and done the interferon ys ago you surprise me about the transplant and give me new hope,my energy is gone and a coctail of blood pressure drugs dont help plus diabetic ones also and the pain and subsequent opiates for this,my only real medicine is japa and would love harinam but no devotees will visit this part of the world,still i love all of your associations.hare krishna.subal aka surrender


  4. Originally posted by beemasane:

    unfortunately, veeeeeeeeeery new Bhakta Don. i am waiting for your KIND instuctions, and corrections of any suspect things...sorry. and you are right, i DO NOT know who Prabhupada is , that's WHY I AM ASKING. and this thread has nothing to do with your "initiation" post. nothing. so if you don't also know or know anybody else who does, let's move aside, i'll meet you at some other post, and let somebody who does know who Prabhpada is enlighten us both...all glories to you Bhakta Don. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.



  5. Originally posted by mahak:

    Cant make good smack? Reagun had a brilliants idea. Quit selling pharmaceutical cutting agents to cocaine producing countries.


    Result. Junk cocaine sells for 1/10th the previous price, can be produced much mor rapidly and in quantity using paint solvents and muriatic acid and other industrial chemicals, and these cutting agents are addictive in themselves.


    So, the 70's coke is gone with the time. No more mild comedowns from three day runs. No more mild euphoria. The reagun coke killed len bias, and was used extensively in the hood wars to inflict much misery on the poor.


    Hell, in the old days, coke was not much of a problem, even to society, cause there were no addicts. Now, one hit of crack or one freebase, yer done for life.


    Thanks, holier than thou basket case.

    very interesting and thought provoking,never did like coke anyway,speed yes.


  6. iran could be next as rumsfield reckons bin laden and al quaida members may have slipped into iran, here we go, good excuseNOT.china and russia are starting to get very peeved at americas arrogance,so am i and alot of people i know and how do you defend the effect sanctions on iraq are having on children there eh?

  7. what about northern ireland?and what is this axis of evil?the holes are starting to show in dubyas lies and the american people are slowly waking up to the fact that all is not well hence the speed of events to gain control,who is going to be demonised next?@now that osama bin laden is not so wanted,come on lets get real fella.

  8. Originally posted by gHari:

    <center>You wanna die for Allah?

    Then die now. <h3>BANG!</h3>


    I have no problem

    with suicidal terrorists

    being dead.


    Pump them for info,

    then lop off their heads.

    God has convinced even them

    that this is what He wants.


    Sure, I guess they are legally insane

    and we would normally pack them up

    on drugs in a padded cell forever,

    but man,

    how can we control a few thousand

    such sicko psychos

    and somehow feel safe?</center>



    how can you say all that?you believe all your media tells you?this whole carry on is causing racism in my country and the public in uk is getting sick and tired of american jingoism.did not prabhupada speak out against jingoism and the like.as for the massacre of the prisoners in afganistan we will see. bit some how it will be sneakely spun of to blame others.everybody wants to rule the world.very sad.hare krishna samarpan


  9. Originally posted by jijaji:

    I'm afraid you might have to go for a full on labotomy Darwin.

    It may be diffuicult here in the states but perhaps you can find someone willing to preform it in mexico or somewhere.

    Sorry I have no advice for a home procedure, although you have my blessings if


    [This message has been edited by samarpan (edited 01-31-2002).]


    [This message has been edited by samarpan (edited 01-31-2002).]

  10. Originally posted by krsnaraja:

    If God is the cause of all causes then He also gave George Harrison cancer of the throat and brain. It`s worth to study why it is such. Thus if we were to collect names of people who chant hare krsna from the time they took IT to the time they got cancer, then there`s a big possibility my theory could open the gates on what really cause cancer say, of the prostate, liver, kidney, etc. I do hope there`s someone who would work on this. Any volunteers?


    [This message has been edited by krsnaraja (edited 12-15-2001).]

    how dare you.leave sriman george alone,what about the latest crazy american reporter filing a complaint with lapd over his place of passing?what has happened to respect? hare krishna samarpan


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