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  1. Dear Sir, I would be very thankful to you if you tell me when i'll get a job .I'm actively searching job now but no response even when am applying.Before i was working but that was temp job. My DOB is 18/07/1980 and birth time is 3.00 PM Please tell me 1) When i'll get a job 2) whether it will be permanent one or not 3) Whether it is the good time for me to study some course and then try for job later. Thank you so much...waiting for your reply.
  2. Dear Sir, I'm desperately looking for a job.Can you pls tell me 1) when will i get a job 2)Will that job be permanent 3)Will there be any change later My DOB is 18-07-1980 My birth time is 3.00 PM Thanks a lot sir..
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