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Everything posted by Jijnasi

  1. Most Americans have pets in their houses. They develop a relationship with them as if they are family also. How is it that a cat and dog are different than any other animals on the planet? It is a hypocrasy that it is considred acceptable to have pets and eat other animal flesh. God created everything beautiful in its own way, we have to respect and love all God's creations.
  2. Jijnasi


    I am pretty new to KC so please correct me if I am wrong. I liked your comment about "living to eat or eating to live." It's a good thing to think about before consuming meat, even if someone is vegetarian because of compassion for animals and not KC. Don't you think that the best way to avoid meat and animal products is to prepare food from scratch and not purchase processed foods? That is the only way to be sure...and its much healthier too.
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