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  1. hiya how will chanting ease my problems and physical pain with coming off anti depressants...? thanks
  2. hiya I am new to this website and would like some help, insight or advice on my problems how to overcome them with Krishna... I am trying to get off Effexor, and the doctor has given me antihistamines to help with the symptoms...I have also put on about five stone with being on these and feel bloated and just out of shape.... As well as this I am also slowly stopping painkillers which I admit I have a problem with...I am lonely not a lot of friends and those that I do have just become involved in their own lives....I am not a heroin addict so do not think of me as being a down and out as I live alone and have a nice home but my loneliness and shyness blocks me meeting others...I have nice things around me but they do not take away the loneliness....this feeling of unhappiness.....and it does not come from material things the unhappiness more from within...do any of you have any advice to help me through beating this addiction....if I chanted what would I chant...? Thank you
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