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    Religious research
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  1. The khalki has seemed to have arrived and infact since 1989, he has formed an institution which today has its own branches and devotees through out the world he seems to be a person who had be born in the supreme conciousness. The organization is going ever strong since. A few events he has predicted is that of the anti-clock wise movement of the earth by 2007 I.E (sun moves from west to east) and the rise of India as the most powerful nation by then and 2012 to be the year of a great revelation!! well has the last avatar arrived after all?!
  2. The khalki has seemed to have arrived and infact since 1989, he has formed an institution which today has its own branches and devotees through out the world he seems to be a person who had be born in the supreme conciousness. The organization is going ever strong since. A few events he has predicted is that of the anti-clock wise movement of the earth by 2007 I.E (sun moves from west to east) and the rise of India as the most powerful nation by then and 2012 to be the year of a great revelation!! well has the last avatar arrived after all?!
  3. India!! the most accepting and tolerant nation. Centuries have heard our tale of kindness acceptance and tolerance and all these enroute from the base of our way of living that is SANATHANA DHARMA or coined as hinduism today people belonging to this pure lineage is less in numbers in comparison to other religions in the world an through out hindus are being persecuted while all the other religions enjoy a safe haven to live and practise with full freedom within our country. They have their religious places within our country and have valid claim to it why is'nt that hindus have imprortant and valid claim to holy places else where other than in India we never forced anyone to accept our religion neither participate in them. recently many Hindu women were raped in bangladesh as a part of revolt to hindu festivities held let me ask!! from where did bangladesh orgin what about our people leaving in other lands who are every day being crushed by the dominating religion of the land how long is India going to remain silent to this attrocities hasn't Lord Krishna himself asked Arjuna to lift the ghandiva when the question arised of Dharmaparipalana?! will all the other religions followers keep quiet if their believers were hurt in our country!! NO they won't they will tear us down! our tolerance has got us to the worst of plight will there be a change will we take up the Ghandiva?!
  4. Every yuga had its own dharma's and some are even carried forward to the next yuga these Yugas get the yugadharma from the yugapurush or to say the sat guru of the period say for treda it was sri ram for dwpara it was sri krishna now it is Kali yet there are many a carryforwards that we pratice in kali instead of practising the real dharma of kali which limits to only sat sang and manthra-japa why is this so?!
  5. Devi=Godess Devan=God so what is "PARABRAMHA", "PARASHAKTI"?! are devis and devans minor denominations?! with only devamsha?!or to say Super humans?! arent we supposed to focus our prayers to "parabramha" or to say "parashakti" the supreme power?!
  6. Bhavishya purana has its claims on the origin of islam and christianity and indeed which were new religions unlike hinduism or to say sanatana dharma which goes beyond thousands of years so wat does this explain does it mean that all the other religions wer mere derivations of hinduism if so how come they have contents within them alienating and illfaming hindu practices (e.g worshipping of "GOD'S" & "GODESSES", TREE COW Etc.) please explain ?!?!?!?
  7. If suppose a person happens to incurr ill luck in any aspect of his life as predicted by an expert astrologer can his indulgence or he following a SAT GURU marg help him overcome that ill luck as SAT GURU'S are said to be manfestations of the supreme conciousness "PARA BHRAMAN"!! (i.e free will of a person to counter the ill- luck by follwing the path prescribed by the SAT GURU)
  8. Please tell me where to find the actual version of the bhavishya purana!
  9. Girish


    "Gurur Bhrama Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Mahesvara Guru saakshal Parabhrama Tasmaayee sri Gurave Namah" The acceptance of a satguru can change ur FATE once u entrust ur faith in him and he is the only one to rise u spiritually unto eternity and the one who can guide u into satmarg ur comments...??!!
  10. is it possible to re write ur fate !!for eg if an ill fate of death or some thing ill occurs could we change it through manthra japa!
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