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Richa Sethi

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About Richa Sethi

  • Birthday 01/26/1985

Richa Sethi's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Respected gurus I am very tensed about my shanni and ketu in the 7th house of my lagan and i have also got chandra meena and mangal in 12th house . i want to know how there impact will be upon me and my spouse. As we are far off india . if its going to be good impact or bad and how would i get to know. Please help me as i am new to this website. hope to hear from you soon Best regards
  2. hi Feb 03, 2011 , i am currently under the influence of Ketu > Mangal > Rahu > Chandra > Chandra > Rahu. So basically ketu and shanni both are in 7th house from lagna (vrischik) n chandra, meena and mangal in 12th house i want to know that how would i recoganise that this period is good for me or bad. please help.. As per prediction i am far off from India and got married two years ago. and also lost my father.i do not know what to do.. please help
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