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Posts posted by imported_yasodanandana

  1. How should you pray?

    --all saints and sages say that in this age there's no other method o liberation than chanting the holy name of the lord in any true spiritual tradition


    Who should you pray to?

    --the supreme lord


    Which is the correct prayer?

    ---a correct prayer is the maha-mantra "hare krishna, hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare.. hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare" it means "o loving energy of the lord please give me the love for the all attractive lord who is the source of all biss"


    Why should you pray?

    ---because we are inpotent and god is omnipotent.. he can fulfill all our desires


    Where should you pray?

    --every where .. god is everywhere, eternally ready to listen and to reciprocate our love


    When should you pray?

    ---everytime... forever.. god is eternally ready to see us coming back to relationate with him in love, eternity, bliss and consciousness


    What should you pray for?

    ---the highest purpose is to pray God to achieve the love for God. But there's nothing entirely bad if someone prays for lower reasons, at least he recognizes the supremacy of the lord, that Lord is the source of everything

  2. "If the philosophy of Karmayoga, as propagated in Gita is to be believed, then Sanyasis do not have any right to preach Gita, because they have renounced the regular karma of a household. "


    gita wants that we act (=karma) exclusively for krsna.. and a true sannyasi is 24/24 engaged in preaching krsna's message


    that's karma yoga..= "action in union with the absolute"

  3. my most mercyful guru maharaja is Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Goswami Maharaja....


    it is well known by all devotees,


    godbrother and companion of Srila Prabhupada.....


    in kartika month he's in vrindavan, in chaitanya mission near seva kunja



    i appreciate very much especially also Srila Tirtha Vallabha Goswami, Srila Paramadvaiti Goswami, Srila Sadhu Goswami then Srila Svarupa Damodara Goswami, Srila Indradyumna Maharaja and Srila Radhanath Swami of Iskcon


    i bow at the lotus feet of such exalted vaishnavas



    the gurus i have said are all sannyasis, so they do not live in a private house but in temples travelling all time if they are not too old in the body to do it




    all these vaishnavas, fortunately for me, you and everyone, are alive...


    very much alive!!!


    hare krsna, go and meet them...

  4. "so why are you suggesting that chanting is not important? Krsna is His Holy Name... no difference, no discrimination "


    "you destroyed all your arguments in the last statment "


    nothing is destroyed, your problem is that you separate krsna from his holy name thinking that he can be reached neglecting it


    another problem is that bhagavad gita says that you can reach krsna only if you surrender to a pure spiritual master


    and if you approach a spiritual master he will ask to you to chant the holy name


    so remembering krsna, living for krsna and simultaneoulsy thinking that his holy name is marginal is absolutely impossible





    the gita says chanting is not totally nessary

    --gita says that we have to keep krsna in mind (man mana....etc), but we cannotrelayy see krsna in our mind beause we do not have any transcendental vision, we are blinded by maya.

    The only think we can do, to ask krsna to come in our mind is to chant his name. If we start fantasizing about krsna we will not reach anything, because we cannot capture him with our mind.. but if we chant hare krsna it is an effective spiritual experience, because the nama is krsna .....even if we do not realize it


    infact most can not do it offenclessly

    --being us in maya it is inpossible to start any devotional practice without making a certain amount of offences. Wich service you know that a neophite can do in a completely pure way? So being us offensive while chanting, the only medicine is to chant more and more. In this way we'll purify us and we'l purify our chant.

    Chanting is especially meant for sinners, if we cannot chant when we are not yet realized, how we can get realization?


    most gurus are not even true devotees to begine with most are rascals.

    --a guru cannot be a rascal... if you see a rascal he's not a guru


    serve the devotees

    --the service that devotees want is to chant hare krsna... they're detached, they do not want any service for themselves


    sacrafice all your actions to krishna.

    --to talk is an action.. so we have to sacrifice this action of talking to krsna chanting his name



  5. if you can not chant make sure all actions are for krishna not for your self.

    •how you can have such devotion and simultaneously not the energy of chanting? If you love Krsna in such way to devoid all action to Him you will chant his name 24/24


    chanting is not the only way right now, we have many many lifetimes to work

    ••no brother... we have to chant to quit this material world immediately. Krsna is the proprietor of karma, if we call Him at our rescue through his holy name (non different by Him) we'll easily be saved


    desire for krishnaloka is selfish but it is human.

    ••no.. if we have strong desire to associate with krsna and the devotees in the spiritual world there's anything selfish. No selfish man can really desire to go in goloka where everything is service to sri krsna


    a day with out krishna is death

    ••so why are you suggesting that chanting is not important? Krsna is His Holy Name... no difference, no discrimination

  6. sacred names are transcendental, the deity with that name is fully manifested in the mantra in any way is chanted


    all distinction are only technical... in spirituality there's no partial and full.. everything is full




    the danger in saying HariNama is that our attraction for the material world can end very soon

  7. I am very confused as magala aarti is guruasthakam. if it is 8 verses in praise of guru shouldnt it be offered to srila prabhupada murti instead of all other deities in the temple?

    ••the temple etiquette states that the protagonist of the scene is, in every situation, the deity who entitles the temple. Another answer is that there's no envy between Krsna and Prabhupada, so the deity is very happy if you praise His Divine Grace. Another answer is that in the main altar you have also parampara', Srila Prabhupada included. Another answer is that Prabhupada has come to teach us to love Krsna.. so he's happy if we see the murti.


    I know that from mayapur.info mangala aarti is performed to all deities. Also isnt Gaura aarti for Gaurahari, not the other deities?

    ••Gaurahari is Krsna and Radharani, and Krsna and Radharani are Gurahari. it is not possible to think at them as separate. So there's no problem if one sings "Jaya Gaurachandra" before Sri Sri RadhaMadhava... But if you feel more happiness chanting before Gaura Nitai, you can go.. no problem


    Why is this, the aarti performed to the other deities instead of the one who the aarti is sung for.

    ••who is the original guru if not krsna?



  8. the eventuality of lack of sincerity in the spiritual research was brought by yourself.. you made the description of insincerity in dvaitist approach, i made it in an advaitist type of research. So this question is in my opinion closed.


    love between "him and everything" is nice, and it is exactly like to say "him and us".. and you are correct, because both statements are not advaitic


    love needs plurality of subjects

  9. The need to identify with the individual self to demonstrate love or whatever, is always a lesser surrender

    ••everything can be a sign of lack of surrendering, i also can say that wanting to believe in advaita means that we do not want separation with god because we actually do not want to surrender (as bhagavad gita advices "Sarva dharma.. leave all dharmas and surrender tome"..) but we want to be god.

    So, being obvious that in a conditionated state one can speak with many not so pure purposes, it is better to put attention on philosophy and logic..




    there's no reason for believing that god missess something, He's omnipervasive.. He's also personal... He's everything and simultaneously different by everything.. He's ONE and simultaneously VARIOUS. We are one and different with Him. this difference makes necessary for us to surrender to Him and this difference creates the bliss of the transcendental relationships between Him and us


    (love even in human terms is union and difference combined together)


    that's Bhagavad Gita...



  10. Let's also stop fooling ourselves that Arjuna managed to please Krishna that Arjuna was given the blessing of Krihsna's company/guidance/assurances.

    ••that's what is written in the Gita...


    In other words it's Krishna good nature that he's pleased by other's devotion to the spiritual self and takes to service.

    ••Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He's pleased when someone devotes his life to Him. He's the "spiritual super self" the "Param-Atma"


    Krishna recognizes the confusion in Arjuna

    ••being Arjuna an eternally liberated soul (he is intimate friend of the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, it is impossible that he's in maya) he's acting as confused, but he's not


    Even the seperation between God and the devotee is far from zero ego-state if there is recognition of seperation.

    ••it is our false ideintification with the body that is to leave, not the individuality. We are eternal spiritual personalities, we have to discover our eternal nature of Krsna's Lovers. Spiritual reality is simultaneous union and separation:

    union because god is everything, separation because everything means that there's individuality too.. And individuality is necessary for love. There's no love in advaita state, so being love not missing in brahman, it is logic that aside transcendental unity there's also transcendental variety..


    As we course into a zero ego state we see the god inside of us

    ••if we do not have individuality we see nothing. Surely we do not discover that we aren't servants of the supreme. If we weren't eternally subordinated we were also not illuded by maya about or real nature


    Shankaracharya speak of True nature of such a person who lives/acts/interacts focusing on the supreme spiritual self

    ••Shankara Acharya advices the fool intellectuals (mudha mate) to abandone all other conceptions and worship govinda (bhaja govinda). Exactly like the Gita where Krsna says "leave all other dharmas and surrender to me.."


    Krishna is ones own true nature

    ••that's not the information given by the Bhagavad Gita... in the Gita Krsna is the Bhagavan, the owner of everything.. the supreme lord, the one who will free us if we'll surrender to him


    bhagavad gita is to be read as it is, and it is complete in itself, no speculation is required to understand his message. Gita states that we are eternal servants of Sri Krsna Bhagavan and that we have to surrender to Him to achieve any kind of realization..



  11. one solution is to find a girlfriend.. vaishnavism does not make differences between brahmacharya and grihasta, and you're not brahmacharya, otherwise you had not sexual desires


    another solution is to chant hare krsna.. it is not a great secret.. but it is the solution to all diseases

  12. Theories are so subjective.

    ••god and ignorance are opposite things. God is everything, he's the whole material and spiritual universe, so if you see god, you see and understand everything and there's no more ignorance. For this reason, because arjuna was an intimate friend of krsna, it is impossible that arjuna were really doubtful about the right thing to do..


    When self-realization occurs questions stop and acceptance/actions begin unconditionally.

    ••questions are not sign of unacceptance.. and sometimes they're not even sign of doubt and ignorance..

  13. Now what do you say. What Krishna said is the truth, because he lifted govardhan.

    ••the problem is what a leader says, but the problem is also if he's authentic or a fake. You go where your leaders or masters go, so if you follow jesus you'll go where jesus is, if you follow krsna you will go to krsna, if you follow sai baba you'll go to sai baba. It is not so difficult to say something superficially religious saying also that i am god or a real god's associate, but what will be the use for my disciples and utimately also for me?


    so we will discuss on the parameters to use to decide if someone is god or not, but to try to convince us that there's not use of a little discrimination, that we have to worship everyone who claims to be god or who is called god from his followers is not much intelligent


    Why do you remove any possibility of the same Krishna appearing as Jesus, Swamianaryan, Buddha etc for the benifit of mankind at different times.

    ••that's not the point as i have explained. Krsna himself says in the gita that he comes whenever dharma declines (yada, yada hi darmasya..) so there's no problem admitting it and believing it... the fact is that i heve not to accept as krsna anyone who simply gives no proof that he's what he claims to be


    your name indicates that you consider this accuracy as useless because you believe that only formless brahman is the reality so everyone is the supreme without any discrimination... but considering this idea semplicistic and not complete i do not accept it


    so for me is most important that who claims to be god is really god.. even if i am ready to accept that god can give many different messages in many different forms

  14. "This is utter nonsense None of the followers of Sankara would insult Krishna.."


    yes his real followers are Krsna Devotees, he said "Bhaja Govindam" (worship govinda, stupid intellectuals) as ultimate instruction.. that's bhakti..


    no one is speaking of condemning or forgiving, it is philosophy.. debates are useful and legitimate, and to worship everything is like worshiping nothing

  15. Before 500 years ago there was no hare krishna mantra

    ••it is not exact... it was present but not given to everyone like we do now


    Do you think that there were no devotees before 500 years ago?


    ••obviously there were infinite devotees.. but harinama, the chanting of the lord's name, was eternally practiced. There's and there was plenty of mantras in all kind of vedic worship, from "om namo bhagavate vasudevaya" to "govinda jaya jaya.."

    Remember also thatKrsna and Chaiitanya Mahaprabhu do not come only one time, but they come cyclically from the eternity


    The srimad bahgavatam describes 9 processes of devotional service, not one. Please read and follow the scriptures.

    ••scriptures say that you have to take initiation from a bona fide spiritual master to hope in future to be blessed by devotional service... and in our present times bona fide spiritual masters advice to "shravana.. then kirtana", to hear and speak Harinama to have access to any form of devotional service..


    you can't' read Srimad Bhagavatam and simultaneously read in it that mahamantra is optional, who'll gave you initiation if you think like that? so how your devotional service will begin?


    gaudya vaishnavas accept the statement "harer nama, harer nama, harer nama eva kevalam, kalau nasti eva, nasti eva, nasti eva gathir anyatha"


    in kali yuga there's no other way

  16. mano... all attempts to demonstrate that arjuna is not a nitya siddha is useless. When there's Krsna's presence there's no ignorance, and arjuna was krsna's cousin, they spent a whole life together, so in bhagavad gita arjuna is simply acting as a conditionated soul for our benefit but he's not


    i am sorry but you have to put in discussion your strange theories


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