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Posts posted by krist

  1. he would not judge a good person for not believing in him because the whole of the christian faith has long been corrupt. one thing is for certian he was not the the supreme god. the end. jesus in not krishna. krishna is god nad jesus if real was his follower and worshiped krishna not your biblical jehovvaaaa. the god of the bible is a genocidal manic not a true god.

  2. how sweet what you say. but the reality is jesus is not a real person. the christ is a idea, no more no less.

    these arguments of yours are pathetic and certialy ill inspired by your imagination and your parroting of your dogma guides and your wild scriptures.

    your jesus is not a litteral person. if he is he was a hindu and vishnava. nota jew or hebrew or what ever manmade faith that is not god inspired. real religion is not hell fire and brimstone if you leave that out of your religion it pointless and blaphemy according to your faith. blind leading hte blind. i am sure your a good guy but your christina faith is just a ideology not a religion or a reality.

  3. karma and the gunas is why some are prone to illicit sex desires. sex for procreation is best. but homosexual sex is definatly demoniac sex. having desires is not bad, it is if your acting on the desires. illisit sex is wrong pure and simple.

    why are bisexuals and homosexals and their friends so insistant that we must give them total acceptance? why do i have to tolerate them? why do they get so upset if people despise them? this is human nature to do so and rightly so.


    i personally can not morally tolerate or accept them in the slightest. where in the scriptures says i have to tolerate or accept them? i understand it says view all in equanimity yes but not tolerance of their demoniac behaviors? but why do all these people insist on it? then they call you hatefull if you don't? i feel no hate toward homosexuals, but if i state that i am not tollerant, i am called a bigot or a hatefull person? it is very sad when you state you find certain behaviors immoral are a bad person? like my grandmother always said if you don't have anything nice to say do not say anything at all.

    if i were to do this, i would never speak about non-devotees or the the bad behaviors of devotees and non-devotees alike..



    a few dictionary referances for those that have very low comprehension levels.

    equanimity: The quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.


    acceptance : The act or process of accepting.

    The state of being accepted or acceptable.

    Favorable reception; approval.

    Belief in something; agreement.


    tolerance : The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.


    Leeway for variation from a standard.

    The permissible deviation from a specified value of a structural dimension, often expressed as a percent.


    bigot: One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

  4. your correct. what was the spiritual part of the experiance was my coming to a little better understand of hinduism and begine getting rid of my mayavadi thinking and delutional thinking. so when that happend i had a eye opening experiance to the fact i need true spirituality. no more no less. it was spiritual no matter what anyone says, it changed me for the better and that is truely spiritual.


    guest; well i forgive you. please for give me.

    --there's no one to forgive... simply you have to understand that vaishnavism is philosophic. Everyone s happy of your decision to practice krsna consciousness, but ther's no doctrinal or philosophic way to interprete your experience as spiritual.. and there's the need to say it because no one has to think that drug experiences or nde experiences are spiritual


    so go in any gaudya vaishnava temple or association you like and simply chant hare krsna... that's enough. When you'll be more advanced your being against western devotees and your feeling a victim because my opinion about your experience will disappear..


    you have come in a forum... and a forum is meant to discuss

    if you do not like to discuss.. do not come in a forum

  5. a gang of zelots beating me to the ground. /images/graemlins/confused.gif this is amazing.

    i really dont care about if it was real or not. i am happy with KC. i can really see your no better then the xians fundys. all this bashing is really good for me no one has helped me at all, a few perhaps but mostly i get filth. you are really all knowing bunch aren't you. good luck you guys, well i am happy that pandits and devotees that i can talk face to face with are supportive and thing my experiance was a truly wonderful thing. over the years i have found that assocation at hare krishna centers is the worst thing for spiritual advancement casue it attracts freaks and burned out dopers, ya i did shrooms once and smoke pot for 6-8 months over 10 years ago, but i am going to stick with my personal studies of our acharya swami prabhpada and the our other acharyas and go to a traditional vishnava temple that follows the teaching of lord chataynia. i will stick with the all indian temples and avoid the ones with westerners and corupted indians.

    the only temple i feel comfortable in are all indian temples. i have mentioned topics here that people have told me at the hare krishna temples and was told it was wrong and horse puckey. your guys don't know what the other hand is doing.


    i am sick of the hare krishna orgs and there fanatical zelots. boy am i sick of americans. i am sick of kaliyuga. this is what i deserve i can not wait to move back the the deep deep northern wilderness where there is no tv or internet. some nice place in alaska. back to nature and peace and quiet. where i can chant with out distractions and do my private worship of krishna in peace and quiet.


    good luck i quit this forum.

    i will check back to see what nasty things are said to me and about me..

    i understand the worst thing one can do is insult a devotee. well i forgive you. please for give me. also i am sincerly do appolgize as i am a very passionate person about my faith stuck in the gunas one day i will rise past this arrogence and i hope you all will too. when you become sick of the bull of material life.


    hare krishna


  6. a pandit that i told all about my experiance and he said it was pretty much ligit and keep studing KC and he said all the books the swami prabhupada wrote were excellent and he said your org is great.

    he said if since i did not have a massave vision from this substance; it is real.


    if it the things i heard in the vision were not according to scriptures then it was all delutions and a mental fabracation aka a mental lie.

    shiva said just study and gave me clues.

    so from what i said take it as divine intevention/karma. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


    i do not want to go into details cause it was so simple and i already stated it before i will not repeat my self.


    but shiva did not tell me anything different the what swami has said. so was it ligit according to the pandit that i told every thing too, i will go with his qualified yes.

    also the gentalmen that runs my local temple said "your karma lead you in this direction so i would not think about it too much but what happend is a positive thing you should never forget what he said and keep studing like i was instructed. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif


    so i will say your guys are incorrect about it being not a true experiance, what if i was a devotee in my last life (i was) then i am a devotee now and that vision was to put me back on track.

    so you guys are just guessing or being know it alls.


  7. so if my near death experiance was not a ligit spiritual experiance and i did not talk to shiva/rudhra.

    then what i imagined was not real eather, i imagined that he told me some simple things nothing grand or super enlighting just some clues to what was going on (study KC, be a bit nicer to people and open your eyes to karma enought to not think i can just be semi nice and i will havea wonderful after life, he also said the cycle of death and rebirth applys and you need to renounce it all to god and you got it all wrong and its in the hidu scriptures and i will find it when i see it and you will feel sercure in your spiriual finding enought to learnd about what your goal in life really is, when you read it you will feel like every thing else is just plain wrong, well when i read swaim prabuhpadas works i like it all and found no fault, now i dislike reading other socalled spiritual books, i only have a taste for KC litrature), or maybe i read a hare krishna book asa teen and forgot about it and i had a flash back to that. so does that make it any less spiritual?


    typically according to a few of you i am in delutional thinking and it a mental concoction.


    ok i desided your right i was go back to being a agnostic cause i never talked to shiva/rudhra and i was just having some vivid halucination and i was just sick in the head.



  8. he did not understand homosexual behavior he was in shock when confronted with a questions about it and confused when it was said in english to him so a hindi speaker explained it to him. he said a few things compleatly (nicely) against it. but in hindi culture it is the lowest thing a peson can be; below untouchables and dog eaters. in vedic religion homosexuality is the worst offence against god.


    just don't have sex with him be celibate and leave him if he will not except krishna and the regualtive pricipals.


    fight the urge give up the gay life style. you know its wrong and yes you were born with a gay genes but you dont have to be actively homosexual.

  9. my first iq test in the 3rd grade said 169, at 19 i took another and they said i was unscoreablely high and i was a savant genius over 200 iq. they even seid i was considered normal in my mental health level, also that most people are not normal in thier psychological profiles. i asked if people that put down they belive in god and ghost are paranoid scitzophrenics, she said yes. i naturally put athiest. cause i knew that is a dead giveaway. but then what i call god is not what they call god. their defintion of god is paranoid and scitzo. LOL


    what horse .. those psychologics have their own wacko religion. they are wacked out from the start.

  10. l ron hubbard was a navy operative that invented a method of brain washing field agents so they could not remember their operations. he then took this method that worked occasionally and started a cult to make money. they are basically brainwashed. the goverment funded his research and its a hollywood money cult and they destroy familys constantly. they only get the most simple minded and greedy types. such as tom cruse, kristy allie , john travota, lisa presley and a host of other simpletons, they are a highly demonic group and sue people and belive in this very strange alien worshiping religion. look up ex-scientoligists and their experiances, they get sued casue they are forced to sing legal papers to silence them about the groups methods such as starvation and seclution and forceing people to do strage meaning less tasks and getting paid pennys a day and sex abuse and the like.

  11. the bible does not say the chosen people are the jews. the word jews only appeared in modern times, the hebrews are not the jews and are not relation at all. the jews are not the people of isreal or the ones of the bible. the jews are a group of pagans that one of their kings forced the religion of babylonian talmud and kabbhalla on them. much like the latvians that were vedicans and a king desided that christian religion was a better religion to control them and forced conversion. isreal is not a physical place according to the oldest bibles. the ones printed in the last 1900 years are very inaccurate and purposly rewritten to decieve and mislead the peoples, bacislaly the bible liek the KJV is a book of lies and nonsense. the jews are not the chosen people, this is a modern idea. most jews especially the ordthodox jews are talmudist and kabbhalists and do not beleve in the torah or god for that matter they are atheists.

  12. and you know this how? judgemental arent we?


    you said "stop it and stop to recall experiences induced by material substance as spiritual.."


    your recieving info direct from god now?


    just so you know it was near death experiance, the poison from the mushrooms almost killed me i had toxic reactions from them so it was a real spirtiual experiance, and mushroom induced toxic reaction. i almost died and was told in the vision i could die and do i really want the be one the same cycle of death and rebirth. i was playing with fire and i almost got burned. i had fever tremors and puking and headaches after that. tellme do you knwo what toxic shock is? you can die from it. i was sick for 3 days from that garbage even though it was natural. it may have been poisonus mushrooms, secondly if you know how i ingested the mushrooms you would understand my situation i drank it with out knowing how potent it was and drank too much. very very very stupid i almost killed my self.

    rudhra most likely saved my life with his advice and krishna may have made sure i did not die. i did a horrible thing to my self and i suffered for it and by gods grace i am here to tell the devotees. /images/graemlins/mad.gif

  13. withccraft is stupid and a mental concoction only. wicca was invented in the 40's or 50's buy gerold gardner and alister crowley. its just nonsense. its not satan or anything else its just maya and very stupid. wicca is just egyptian and jewish religious rituals mixed with pagan god names. its there is no true pagan religion the christians killed all of the pagan priest long ago. so there is no lines of witches or that mumbojumbo.


    vishnu your mother is not a witch there are no witches they are just idiots and crazys, she was a scitzo and your in need of serious mental help she messed up your brains bad kid. how old are you 13?

    by the way satan is barly mantioned in the bible one thing i remember is jesus is quoted as saying the jews are of their father the devil and of their fatehr they will do; aka evil. wicca is basially jewish blackmagic and maya. read the kabbhalla and the talmud that is where wicca is really from , they are books of pure ignorance or evil as you call it. judeism is basically evil magick, hebrew religion and jewish religion are two very different religions, just so you know. jews and hebrews are not the same people or the same religon. jesus was for hebrew religion and dispised jewish religion. jews are guys that worship themselves,money,the rabbis and their race, not god. orthodox jews that is. i am anti-orthodox judeism not anti jewish. orthodox jews are athiests. i assume you dont understand this is i can see where your madeup jesus belief comes from. did you know that jews that did not belive in jesus edited the modern bibles such as the king james version and all the others that are in common use. i have read the original bible and its avery differnt bible then the judeo-chirstians bibles. its a lot easier and nice version; its true kristianity or krishainty, not christianity. krist or krish rooted in the original krishna.

  14. ok so your a lowly devotee, i am sure if you drink liquor and eat meat and have illiset sex and gamble or sell improper itewms in your store and still love krishna you are just fine, maybe in the next life if krishna is mercyfull you will be born in to a good hindu family that follows the proper ways or maybe you will be with krishna in the next life. you have krishna so you better off then the rest of the nondevotees.

    try try try but if krishna is in your heart your doing well dispite the age of kali.


    i used to get sick from not eating meat it took much reading and experamentation and guidance to fix this issue. but some ppl are born with allergies and if they dont eat meat the may die. all you medical doctors on here can explain this but can everyone afford the proper medical care or lack the intellagance to figure out what to do?

    i was luckly born with a high I.Q. so i can work out alot of my issues but not every one is born with that. that is why our board exists. to help ppl in need. you need to work your job and not worry about it and sell off when you can but dont go broke trying or lose everything you worked so hard for cause you have to run away that is like false renuciation. take your time and do it the right way.

    its like all these devotees that stop eating meat instantly and get all frustrated and annoy their families saying meat is murder. what if your a minor and your parents say eat meat of starve , there is nothing you can do.

    try being addicted to tobacco, that is hard to quit then heroin but you all ways have these supermen the quit cold turkey its not that easy. dont let these extremist make you misrable be resonalble and ask for help and do things the right way. you may never be able to support your self with out this 7-11 and you may end up jobless that will really help your devotional services.


    helpfull advice is what you need not fanaticaly additudes.

    all this sinfull accusations are unproductive.

    sell your businesss if you can if not chant and try to move beyyond the material.

    i know pleanty of hindus and vishnavas that work in common jobs and serve meat and liqour and i do not judge them.

    your going going to depress your self. many of these devotees are guily of false renucation. dont fall into that trap.

  15. your quite a great guy. the internet makes people very bold. i read your insane posts often and i really feel for you. pity is the word of the day.


    i pray you will find truth and find you way out of maya. you halfway there but your ingnorent nature really shows today. gotta love you man.


    so back at ya blahblahblahblah. just kidding!


    boy i feel good now i made a devotee feel great. i insulted him. i am a really wonderfull devotee. i feel so impowered today i can make fun of someone.

    this is frankly why i am very bothered by american devotees when i go to temple i have to show up just in time for services and say unha unha and yep yep to all the americans that bother me contiuously during prasadam with their trivial material QnA and all the where ya from, are you new here, what religion were you raised in, wanna give me a ride, i dont have a car cause i was on drugs and booze and lost my job and licence can you pick me up, what you do for a living; nonsense. or even better the ones that are mentally handicaped (from drugs and booze)and can not even speak with studdering and sounding like a schitzo that have totaly burned up brains. they need this more then anyone so i am happy they are there but it is still totally unnerving.

    i come to worship and discuss krishna; not chit chat.

    i am not there to make buddies and all that i came for assocation and talk about krishna only.


    and yes i got the you need to be nicer speech from some devotees and i tell them you should try to deal with PTSD from being in the army and having to deal with all the rotton stuff you did cause you were just following orders. so ya i am a pretty cynical and hard. i wonder how many people here ever were in combat or did wet work? none of you i hope and pray.

    that really makes it hard to have assocation when your constantly bothered by people with nice intentions and all there jesus is krishna talk and what ever else that has nothing to do with serving the lord. vishnu your babble is just so impeading to your spritual life. please get a clue and leave the kaliki and mixed religion talk to a newage board go to belifenet boards or something. keep it krishna only here. your annoying and i am not going to respone to your blahblahblahblah any more. smartguy!

  16. i agree with these guys it was maya but i think it was intervention. drugs are wrong moraly ethicaly and spiritually.

    i was wrong and stupid but rudhra told me what was up, stop this . and get it together.

    thank you guys for the positve encaragement! i have been clean over 10 years too. i study KC only, nothing other, no hinduism, no newage junk eather. i even converted my agnostic wife by pure vedic logic and vedic sciences. that is amazing to me as i am the lowest devotee ever, i mean the lowest devotee period. i am in the mode of passion constantly and i know it and freely admit it.

  17. i am 32 years old and i have always had a distaste for western religions. being raised by a buddhist mother i for some reason rejected some of the tenants of buddhas teachings but i always was fasinated by yogis and hindu art and photos and statues of the various gods. in my experimentation with psylcociben mushrooms i had powerful visions of sages and some of the vedic gods and a few conversations with Rudhra after that i found my nitch in hare krishna vishnava philosophy.




    just for note i was told to stop the dope in the vision. but the vision i think really gave me a vision into what i need to be doing in life; renouncing all to krishna.


    i would like to know if anyone has had experiances like this.


  18. interesting manmade idea where did you get this one? christloka? never heard of it. is it like jehovas wittnessloka, TMloka, beatlesloka, starwarsloka, matrixloka or mormonloka? a new religion wow i say invent bushloka for all the republicans or republicanloka.


    give me some scriptures to back up all these bible religions valadity. please i want to stop calling them demoniac and have proof and not just hearsay and all this mixed religion nonsense.


    follow krishnas teachings or follow christs, but please do not mix religions it's quite confusing to me and the rest of the people.

    if i wanted this christ businesss i would go to a christian church. i have yet to meet a vishnava that ever thought christ was real or a even worth mentioning. they only speak of christ to help christians understand real religion. of the all the vishnavas i have known none believed in christ as any thing more then eather a myth or a saintly person at best.

  19. kshetrias are responcible for defending the dharma! the guna of passion is better then sucoming the guna of ignorance, have to power and face your duty to acknolag judeo-christian religions as being demonic and against the dharma is the only proper thing to do. everywhere people see that mess and issues with american, islamic and euro culture and i'ts demoniac ways. i point to you and say defend your dharma and not cowtoe and cower down in the face of these mayvadis. we do not have to play their senciablities and foolishness. i hear people lie to these mayvadis telling them christ is a bakta and all that is a ploy. not all religions lead to god. sorry i am not politically correct, but if your following the guna of ingorance is you game your not playing to win, the only goal si service of krishna that is it, not the heavens or going to krishna loka, only serving krishnas will and serving him and his devotees only; not the people, not the whales, not mamon (money), not sex, not drugs, and not booze.



  20. all statement about jesus are just to appease american sentiments only. the bible is a manmade book and religion and is a mayavadi thought only, no more then that. jesus christ never existed, can not be proven to exist, dispite all the scrolls or what ever you wanna ad to your mixd up belief systems. the biblical religions are demoniac and manmade. jews, hebrews,juedo-chirstians and muslims are mayavadis and will never get anywhere spiritually and will continue on the cycle of death and rebirth. chanting jesus or christ is delution and not of any spiriual benifit.

    swami prabupada addressed it to appease americans and not offend their patholigical addiction to judeo-chirstian religions. swami prabupada knew that telling people that your all deluded fools for loving a mythological god and religion would not bring krishan to the peopel who need it most; the mayvadi judeo-christians. jesus is a myth and the bible is a primative war monger cult.


    krishna is the onyl truth and not following his teachings is adharmic , vishnavaism is dharmic every thing else is adharmic!

  21. first of all the xain,jewish,islamic and hebrew religions are manmade religions. the divinity of christ or even his existance is not some thing that can be researched or proven. the personality of jesus christ can not be proven. . religion is faith based and is manmade there for not worthy of debate, the religions of the bible are very primative and their god is a demonic personality. not all religions are even worthy of debate like the church of latter day saints, the founder josph smith was extrememly questionable in all aspects. but hey if you wanna worship a rock that is fine too me but if your not following the dharma your not following the dharma. im my opinion tolerance of other religion is as far as i go i will not call them equal in the slightest, krishna does not say all religions are equal and if you dont follow krishna teachings you will continue the cycle of deat hadn rebirth.

    all christians,jews,hebrews and muslims will keep coming back till they renounce all to krishna.

    they are wasting there time and one day they will find love for krishna and follow krishnas teachings till then they will not find peace they will say on the cycle.


    so to debate brahma is christ is pointless and really adharmic if you ask me. our faith in not manmade and it has so much to offer and study so much it would take many incarnations to learn if you could. now the bible what does it offer? not a lot. one book with many translations and mistranslations. the main translation (kjv) refered to is the worst one there is. inspired by god highly questionable, nowhere in the scriptures does christ appear, but what does is writings of many people that if you want to fit into a mold could fit. muhamud is said to be written of in scripture but is it really the same person the scriptures speak of most likely no. /images/graemlins/mad.gif

  22. in the norse religion the sages painted them selves blue or wode from smearing (mushrooms?) juices (soma?) on their bodies to imitate the divine and to obtain spiriual extacy.


    the blue skin of krishna is claimed to mean divinity but he is blue litterly and physically, there is not much more to it beyond that. there is not a metaphysical reason for his blue skin. the indians are genetically caucasion and asiatic races mixed to varying degrees with some being totally caucasion or the opposite, the brown in their skin is to do with climate(melenin) not race. indo-european is a race classification of people but they come in many hues from brown/black skinned to pink/white, people in yemin are dark skinned and people from scandinavia pink/white.

    the people of the time of lord rama were most likely physically taller(6-8 feet tall) and bigger boned (mesomorphic type ) then peoples of today but they were most likely pure caucasions and looked much like the nordic/germanics in physical features and possibly many shades of skin color or perhaps just white.


    before anyone argues please do some research on race, genetics and dna, and understand dna profiling before spouting innaccurate blind illogic. my conclusions may be slightly inaccurate but anyone that knows slightly about it will understand what i mean. lastly i am not claiming to know this is totally true but the odds are pretty good that i am correct.

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