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  1. gos is everything but everything is not god. this must be understood. if the fact that god is everything (sri isopanishad) inside of everythinmg and simutaneously outisde of everything - must be understood - one and different. if everything was god than we could worship dog stool. now we can worship krnas' stool. and if you were fortunate to be in the vicinity (Vrindaban - Krna Loka) you could smear it on your body. it has a beautiful fragrance. BUT you cannot do the same with human stool or dog stool. so it is god's energy. so god is the dog stool. BUT the dog stool is NOT God. that is nonsenseical philosophy. inconceivably everything is not god even though god is everything. Imagine. go to a church and claiming that it is worshipable put some dog stool up on the altar and proclaim that everything is God. you see? who will be attracted? it has no attractive qualities unless you are a dog or a low birth worm, neither of which is god and neither are you or I while we're on the sublect. jai Krsna. all glories to Srila Prabupada. hey if you think Jesus is cool, what about Pralada Maharaja? way cool!
  2. I remember Parbupada saying that jesus went to the heavenly planets at the time of death. that he did not go back to Krnas Loka.
  3. this is nonsense. christian means non jewish follower of jesus. jesus is not christian. that is nonsensical. jesus is jesus. he is a jew. bar mitzvah circumcised. seder dinner, saturday worshiping holy day jew. I ask you the same question. what was the jewish law the breaking of which that drove jesus to violence? and once again my hint is that it is a law that no christian that I have ever met observes or would observe no matter how important it is to jesus. but EVERY orthodox jew today religiously follows this law. it is you dear sir who are confused.
  4. krista is sanskrit. christos is greek.
  5. jesus' pastimes and qualities are relishable. how is talking about jesus a waste of time?
  6. firstly I'm not sure what you mean bu involved. god is not attached. secondly it is god's mercy that the wandering souls are in illusion and wandering around wondering what the true object of worship is. god is always available is he not. he is always "involved" in that sense. but he is not "involved" in some mandatory way that obviates free will. if you were to asj krsna about jesus he would say that he is a very nice boy. he would say the same of you. what he does "not see" is that you are a rascal. furthermore this pompous attitute that christians have by claiming christ is disrespectful. especially in light of the endless and continuing horrors that christians comit in god's name. they may not be christian acts but they are acts commited by christians. this is the fault effect of being a true christian not by changing behavior but meerly by accepting christ. if you want to preach to people about getting their own wagon, I can equally make the charge that you kindly keep your hands off of our Rabbis and find your own Messiah.
  7. when did jesus ever say he was the son of god? no jew would have listened to this blasphemy even if he believed it. all the years I spend studying christianity I never once came accoss that. he can call god abba and so can I. jesus did say that he was the son of man. and what does that mean? servant of man.
  8. it is not so much to try to understand why is krsna blue but rather to mediate on what is the nature of his blueness.
  9. jesus died there were no christians. jesus is not christian. what is this philosophy? perhaps as a gentile as with us non gentiles if you are humble enough one day you might be able to associate with the dust on the bottom of his feet. other than that please give up this "ownership" concept of jusus. think about this. what was it that made jesus so enraged that he was moved to violence? here is a hint. it was a law that no christian today that I have ever met follows.
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