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Everything posted by aurelia

  1. I a femal, born on 5 feb 1982..time 7.05am in country:Romania,city Alexandria now i live in USA,Wisconsin Dells ,Wisconsin I know i have a very malefic 7th house...were venus,sun and mercury are malefic... What can be done for someone with this chart respect to love life? I am in a relationship with someone born on 6 feb 1982,at 9.15 pm...in country:latvia,city:Daugavpils. I dont know what going to happen to me and him....i struggule a lot,i dont trust,i am deppressed...and so on... Please can anybody tell me something about my love life , will i ever find true love,is anybody ever love me....will i ever have kids....? What are the remedies?What can be done? Thank you
  2. I aam born on 5 feb 1982,7 am ,Alexandria,Romania-25e20,43n,but i live in Usa I know that my 7th house is malefic...bcz of Sun and Mercury..and also MOon...can anyone tell me if this true and what remedies existfor Moon,and Sun...or for the malefic 7 house in my situation.... Thaank you !
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