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Everything posted by sangarajesh

  1. Dear Sir, I do understand your concern. May I request you to share some of your proven mantras with me, as I am seriously trying to attain something real good for myself & the humanity. Hope, you won't mind my honest effort. Regards Rajesh
  2. dear devotee, Sorry to say but it is just an argument what you have said. As you referred Russian scenario, let me add that, a doctor gives a medicine based on your ailments & if that doesn't work means something is wrong with the doctor or the medicine & NOT the patient as patient wants relief somehow. It shouldn't matter if you chant hanuman chalisa with result in mind. God should react like god only & he should be generous enough to help seeker unconditional. Please don't quote baseless examples rather guide & help seeker to get out of problem first. thanks
  3. Dear Arif, I just read your article & would like to have a copy of the book. Can you guide me to obtain one. Just for my curiosity!! Thanks Rajesh
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