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Everything posted by TheHumbleServant

  1. Christian propaganda? Thank you for spreading the this story...as it must be spread to call all the lost sheep into the fold. Those who are meant to have eternal life will come forward to receive Him...so don't worry if you hadn't gotten the call from heaven...maybe heaven is not meant for you and the pit of hell with all the fallen angels is your domain. I've read all your responses...this was meant only to save those who are lost and who's name has been written in the Lamb's book of life...those of you who are offended by it, don't be... you're not called into the Kingdom. There is much to be said, but truth is, God knows who are His and all who are His will come to Him in due time. All your great learnings will not save you...all but the shed blood of the Lamb of God! Please note: when your time is at hand, and death embraces you...you will find out the truth then but all will be lost. I am truly sorry your father is the dark one...such a shame to be born that way...but evil must come...although woe unto him thru whom that evil comes from! Oh well...I go to heaven now. Have fun in the lake of fire burning with brimstone and sulfur.
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