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Everything posted by KeshavToronto

  1. Hari Bol Gary prabhu! PAMHO. AGTSP! You know, when I logged onto this website, you were the first person I thought of! That ecstatic feeling is more than mutual, prabhu! Thank you not only for the warm words, but for all the encouragement you sent my way those many years ago! :-) So, prabhu, what will it take to get you to grace us with your presence in Toronto this year for our Ratha-Yatra? We've already begun the planning process for RY and it would quite a treat if you would be able to make it! Hare Krsna! Your Servant, Keshav
  2. Hari Bol Everyone, PAMHO. AGTSP. I just had a quick question that perhaps someone could shed some light on. I've noticed in recent times that some ISKCON devotees like to say "Hari Hari" when greeting fellow devotees as opposed to "Hare Krsna" or "Hari Bol" and am wondering if I am the only one who has found this to be a relatively new phenomenon? I was born into the movement and so I've had the pleasure of being associated with ISKCON devotees throughout my life and I can't seem to recall "Hari Hari" being used as a greeting. One devotee (a self-confessed purist) once told me that even "Hari Bol" was never used by Prabhupada and that the devotees began singing it because they picked it up from the Gaudiya Math back in the day? In any case, while there is little doubt that saying Krsna's name as "Hari" is not a bad thing, I'm just wondering if this has always been commonly used in ISKCON. Thanks, in advance, for your help! Hare Krsna! Your Servant, Keshav Toronto, ON
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