Dear Rishi prabhu,
I've just finished reading this wonderful thread, full of great posts, and my first thanks also goes to Jayaradhe for her inspirational sharing. But my gratitude also goes to yourself and the other men here who have shared so kindly of them/yourselves.
I think your use of the word seduce was an unfortunate misnomer. It set off my alarm bells too, but I didn't find myself making the same drastic conclusions as Suryaz.
I have appreciated your posts here very very much. In fact one of my first impulses was to post and ask you where you lived geographically..........which is a rare reaction for me, thus quite significant of how much I perceived your gentleness and sincerity of intent.
I think I understand why Suryaz prabhu has reacted so sensitively to the term seduced, but I chose to interpret it as seduction by the material energies, not by the person who was your fiance', and I honestly believe that is how you meant it. Please continue to share with us here your much appreciated feelings and ideas on the topic. If Suryaz is carrying her own agenda of hurt from abuse, the compassion of devotee men can be a healing experience for her. If she has experienced serious abuse, she will be especially sensitive to any 'warning sign' and that is for her own soul's protection, and if she overshoots the mark, please be tolerant of her mistake with the compassion I am sure your heart feels. To remove oneself from possible future abuse women often need to be especially wary, and the desire to point out publicly the 'warning signs' is not only valid but necessary for growth sometimes. Perhaps you can be like a sponge to her and let this accusation go whilst continuing on your own contributions which hopefully will eventually show her that your intentions are not mysogenistic. You see, for a while during recovery from being victimized the jiva needs to be very strong against any sign of abusive intent. We all make mistakes. But an ex-abusee has to fight for his/her very soul, as the chains of abuse are none other than the gross entanglement of maya. It is especially hard for devotee women who have sincerely accepted their submissive role and then been seriously abused and exploited as a result. This phenomenon of abuse in ISKCON is unique in history, and the survivor women are battling against a maya so huge their very lives are often at stake, what to speak of their souls. The amount of serious abuse in ISKCON marriages is astounding, and it is very easy for us survivors to accidentally generalize too wide to the point of unfairness. I'm sure I have been guilty of this too. It's the pendulum, too far one way, then backlash. But a survivor will heal the most quickly if his/her foyeurs into the world are met with understanding and tolerance and gentle compassion.
I take Maitreya's point on trust, but it is too narrow for me. I'm always quick to trust, but I see this more as a reflection on my own trustworthiness than as a dysfunctional defect of character in a dance of soliciting abuse. Abusers always wish to blame the victim, and when all else fails it is 'our'(victim's) fault for placing trust in one not worthy of trust. However valid this may be according to some slokas we know, it can be a very destructive stance also, in that it can keep us seperate, when our only hope is always association. Who among us can succeed alone and without association? How many of us are isolated and chanting purely without influence of the readimade anarthas of our wonderful society in all it's glittery forms of tv fastfood soft beds and everything else and no one to answer to, or admit to, or be mirrored by? We do need each other, and we especially need to learn to share confidentially with each other. The risks are so worth it, it is sad to hear from some an unwillingness to extend trust. These topics of spiritual life we take for granted, ie. the love of Sri Sri Radha Krsna, are the most confidential, yet we are broadcasting them at the behest of our guru, so how can complementing that by sharing of ourselves in confidentiality be any less important? We are sharing a confidential journey which by it's very nature is the most confidential, yet it is our dharma to spread it far and wide. So I can see only ultimate benefit in our 'risky' sharing.
What are we to do? Trust no one? I can't buy that. We have to take some risks of trust if we are ever to grow. When it backfires, its a chance for us to go more deeply into our hearts. When it is met in kind, it is a chance to share our hearts ever more deeply with an/other wonderful heart/s, the true engagement of the soul.
Hoping to hear more of your wonderful contributions on this great thread,
Madhavi-devi dasi