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Everything posted by m_d

  1. don't be a fool, someone to fall in love with is a GIFT for you on your spiritual path. where are you even trying to get to on your little 'spiritual path'? as far as i know, love is the whole point of a 'spiritual path'. in which case, meeting that person isn't a coincidence - youve been given a gift by God.. id really suggest you go with it. what better way to learn to love than through loving another? if love isnt the goal of what youre doing.. id really question what your 'spiritual path' is really about. love is the only purpose.. the only thing in all the universe that has any meaning. so if i were you id get on my knees and thank God for giving you someone who you can love, it makes things a lot easier for you. where im coming from, if it might help: not that long ago, i was completely dedicated to God. i didn't want to bother with any 'romantic' earthly relationships, i had absolutely no interest in them at all, i knew God was the only answer. i gave everything I had to him, not just my physical body and possessions but in my mind as well, all my personal beliefs, thoughts, judgements, etc etc. I managed to completely wipe my mind clear and give it to God. and then what happend? God took me into heaven for a moment and introduced me to the person i love. and that person didnt even have any idea who i was.. and lived thousands of miles away from me.. yet im still completely in love with them. and its still incredibly beautiful to love another person so unconditionally. i realized i didnt even really know what love was before that. so id say your situation is pretty awesome.. if someone like that just appeared in your life, no worries about when youre going to get to see them again or anything like that - its all been done for you already. you still love God of course, just as someone else - i cant describe how awesome it really is.
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