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Everything posted by madhusudaniyaar

  1. A shastatakam means, Rahu in Lagna and Ketu in 7th place when you count from Rahu. Shastatakam can also be called Rahu-Ketu Dosha. Of Course you have remedy for this, Go to Kalahasthi (near Tirupathi) and perform Rahu-ketu pooja.
  2. Dear Manoj, If you really feel that somebody has done black magic to you. Follow the below remedy There are various forms of Kaali where in Adharvana Bhadra Kaali or Pratyangira Devi who is very very very powerful in warding off the black magics. Chant the below mantra for 21 days, daily 1008 times. Visit any Kaali temple and donate red color saadi. Om Hroum kaalee maha bhadra kaalee aam hreem krom kili kiley phat swaha !!!
  3. My engagement has been fixed with a girl, I don't like her, There had been a very big quarrel between me and my mother,father. They are very stubborn and not at all listening my words, I have tried to convince them a lot but of no use. They have threatened me that if i don't agree they will suicide. If this goes on i am thinking to die off. I want any mantra to break this engagement.
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