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Everything posted by kalpana
======== >>Read BG and learn to do service. ========= yes, for sure. one should also try harry-potter,beauty and the beast etc. forgive me if i am wrong.
============= >>Hey Kiddie! You need to behave otherwise be ready to be spanked. ========== haaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa temper temper this also in gita? ============ >>You know kiddie, police have to catch thieves, robbers, criminals and put them behind bars or even beat them if necessary. ========== nice example source? gita? ===== thieves: do they include butter thieves also? robbers: do they include the robber who takes away the clothes of bathing women to see them naked? criminals: do they include the criminal who killed his uncle for kingdom and power?
========= >>.......and yet you fools act and ask questions.... ============ excellent addressing for me. reveals what you have learnt from your scriptures. ============ >>kshatrita means one who protects innocent from harm. ======== that were all the social feudalisms that existed at the time the mythologies were composed. that does not form any sort of excuse for a god to induce killing and widespread losses.
========== >>Lord Krishna has no material body, HE is transcendental to everything we see. ========= then it would hav been difficult for his mother to feed him. because she would have to assume that her child is here and put the food somewhere in the air i think. also while flirting, the milkmaids would have assumed his presence. i appreciate the way he has done without a material body. ================== >>All the actions of Lord which you misunderstand are done to attract every good person to HIMSELF. ================ all those brutal violence were made to attract you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so sad . it makes me cry. is there no another possible way we can attract people? if binladen say one day tha he killed all those innocents for attracting someone, what would you do? worship him? he also has 100 reasons for killing just as you guys say. ================ >>Only when the minds of sinful beings like you are attracted towards Lord Krishna(GOD) would there be purification of hearts, not by praying to dead human being born through nmarried underaged girl. ================= now you have been exposed by your own abusive mentions abt mary and jesus. i think this is wht u have obtained from your gita? addition: you r saying that everyone who is not attracted to krishna is unpurified heart. may i ask "is your heart purified inspite of bein attracted towards krishna?" note: your reference to mary and jesus. dont you know any othr than the hare-krishnas who are virtuous?
========== >>>Thank you for clarifying and exposing that you are here not to learn ============= what is here to learn othr than ' ...once upon a time there was a god named .....' is this what learning means? ================= >> speculation based on mlechchha(barbarian) literature called bible is rejected. =================== this is how krishna taught u guys to speak about somebody's faith? so shame on that culture! ============== >>Lord Krishna is GOD. =============== another speculation? wher is the evidence? ============== >>Everybody pays for their sins and wrong choices(free will). So some die in accidents, some die in war, some due to diseases, some due to old age, some in the womb only and so on. Only Lord Krishna(GOD) knows about each soul. ================ addition: some are killed by the so called LORD too right? =============== >>Free will given by Lord Krishna so that we will learn to use it responsibly. This world is a training ground before we go to Heaven. This is the purpose of this world. We do mistakes and get punished. This way we know that we are wrong. ================ then why he gave free will? he could just- dont give us free will sothat we dont sin. thus everyone should reach your heaven ... logic!!!
============== Child is ignorant , and it can think rightly only when it becomes matured. To make it so it needs to be taken care by the parents. And Krishna is that (eternal) parent . Surrender to him and you will soon be matured from your tender childish state...... ================ but, here i see that even mature people are supporting evil only bcoz their mythical hero is supposed to have said to do that. is there any proof that krishna is the eternal parent ?other than the mythical books and your crooked ideas?
======= Lord Krishna asked Arjuna to perform his duty as a Kshatriya. ======== if it is like that, what will be asked to a professional killer? will krishna ask him to kill innocents since it is his duty?
============ you need to find out why he advised arjun that way, and at what time. read mahabharat, or see mahabharat video movie, child. ============== i am not interested in mythologies and epics. but if a man who claims himself as god did all those brutal killings...................!!! it is too sad that he killed his own creation(if really he is god). why did he create them then? couldnt he end every deals peacefully? if he is present everywhere, cant he change the minds of the enemies instead of piercing sharp deadly weapons into their flesh and enjoying? ======= have you found any one better than krishna as of now, in your childhood? if so, tell how he/she is better. ======= there were many.............. i hav seen many people who didnt play thefts...didnt steal...who didnt tease girls.....didnt tell lies often.....who hates wars....didnt marry thousands..........dont kill for wealth and power .....and who dont tempt others to kill for wealth and power.
None among Jesus,Mohammed.... is the one whom they are supposed to be. Below are some facts and one who has enough punya with him can understand them: (The below text is my reply to another site) Who gives the trinity deities(Brahmadeva,Vishnudeva (or Krishnadeva) and Sivadeva )the shakti to perform all their duties(Creation,Protection,Destruction respectively) assigned to them? Who assigned them these jobs? I know that. Their Shakti is always with them in female forms.These female forms are none other than their source of power- The one who assigned them their duties. They cant do anything without their SHAKTI. For Siva SHE is GOURI,LAKSHMI for Vishnu and VAANI for Brahma. Now, who assigned them their duties? Do You know? The one and only one universal Mother (who is worshipped in several forms having limited powers) The same AADI PARASHAKTI is above all deities and Trimurtis. She controls Everything in world. She cannot be imagined or attained by mere men. Even the Gods worship her. In "BRAHMANDA PURANA" Lord Vishnu in Hayagreeva form explained about HER,a part of which can be translated as follows: "........................................................... (1) It is better to chant names of vishnu than the Speaking the worldly Great things.(great things include religious books like Quran,Bible...)So you chant his name instead of reading the bible or quran or so.. (2) Siva names are Superior than chanting 1000 Vishnu names. (3) Each NAME of THE MOTHER PARASHAKTI is Superior than 1000 names of Lord Siva One person has to undergo all the methods of worship (worshipping prophets then Krishna,Siva Ganapathy,Durga....) in his previous lives before he can get the PUNYA to know the mahatmya of SREE MATHA ,the universal mother. She is known only by the punya one have done in previous births. One who is worshipping HER is in his last birth,because he has found out the ultimate beyond which,there is nothing,and will join it after death.................................." From this I infer that those who follow the deities (with limited powers and those who follow prophets who claims to be Gods) ,need to do PUNYA KARMA in order to get the opportunity to worship the one whom their Gods worship. Even after reading this you are not agreeing with me then I infer that your Punya is not enough to understand this fact. Anyway one is free to worship anyone since SHE is in everything.ALL our prayers and worships (in any methods) ultimately go to HER (who created the ten avatars of Vishnu from the nails of HER finger and on Whose openings and closing of Eyes the Galaxies are created and destroyed. May SHE Give you the power to understand this. ....OM SREE LALITHAMBIKAYAI NAMAHA OM..........
Who gives the trinity deities(Brahmadeva,Vishnudeva (or Krishnadeva) and Sivadeva )the shakti to perform all their duties(Creation,Protection,Destruction respectively) assigned to them? Who assigned them these jobs? I know that. Their Shakti is always with them in female forms.These female forms are none other than their source of power- The one who assigned them their duties. They cant do anything without their SHAKTI. For Siva SHE is GOURI,LAKSHMI for Vishnu and VAANI for Brahma. Now, who assigned them their duties? Do You know? The one and only one universal Mother (who is worshipped in several forms having limited powers) The same AADI PARASHAKTI is above all deities and Trimurtis. She controls Everything in world. She cannot be imagined or attained by mere men. Even the Gods worship her. In "BRAHMANDA PURANA" Lord Vishnu in Hayagreeva form explained about HER,a part of which can be translated as follows: "........................................................... (1) It is better to chant names of vishnu than the Speaking the worldly Great things.(great things include religious books like Quran,Bible...)So you chant his name instead of reading the bible or quran or so.. (2) Siva names are Superior than chanting 1000 Vishnu names. (3) Each NAME of THE MOTHER PARASHAKTI is Superior than 1000 names of Lord Siva One person has to undergo all the methods of worship (worshipping prophets then Krishna,Siva Ganapathy,Durga....) in his previous lives before he can get the PUNYA to know the mahatmya of SREE MATHA ,the universal mother. She is known only by the punya one have done in previous births. One who is worshipping HER is in his last birth,because he has found out the ultimate beyond which,there is nothing,and will join it after death.................................." From this I infer that those who follow the deities (with limited powers and those who follow prophets who claims to be Gods) ,need to do PUNYA KARMA in order to get the opportunity to worship the one whom their Gods worship. Even after reading this you are not agreeing with me then I infer that your Punya is not enough to understand this fact. Anyway one is free to worship anyone since SHE is in everything.ALL our prayers and worships (in any methods) ultimately go to HER (who created the ten avatars of Vishnu from the nails of HER finger and on Whose openings and closing of Eyes the Galaxies are created and destroyed. May SHE Give you the power to understand this. ....OM SREE LALITHAMBIKAYAI NAMAHA OM..........
The letter which i read was a real shock for me and every Indians(following INDIAN culture;not those vulgar european cultured Indians). One important thing i have to tell is that one should not tell that other's belief in his Protector is wrong. Now that these cultureless (European Cultured) men have made such a disfame to the Great Indian Culture,I need to question European culture,their religion,selfishness...... Europeans were just convinced by the missionaries ,who after the pitiful death of the man who claimed himself God. They wrote a FRAUD book named "HOLY"bible in which jesus is explained as the son of God and his death is also given another reason-"HE DIED FOR OUR SINS"!!!!!!!!!!! Why should the son of God die for the cruel people's sins? One Important note : "he couldn't save himself then how come he agree to save someone else??" The body is "naswar-prone to decay" but soul is not like that. So the fact that the body of that man disappeared means that someone has stolen it away,not that he escaped with body! I have proof; In all the movies about him i have seen him suffering too much to carry the cross,sorry "HOLY" cross. then how can he lift his heavy grave stone to come out of it?? How is the cross important for God since it is an unpleasant thing? Is it because that that man was crucified? Then every clever christians should wear a bottle of poison if that man was poisoned to death.Every church would have a large axe on its top if he was axed to death.isn't it? How come the bible became holy?? I can say .It is written in such a way that every one who is reading it feels that he did a great thing by that and begins to fear about the "temper" of that man's Father whom he told to be up in the heaven(is it sky or heaven in the sky? may be science is false and bible is true). The missionaries were sent to each and every part of the world to make profit from the bible,ie by converting poor people in return to services.I can say that each and every christian is a missionary . i saw my class mate telling to someone that if we dont believe in jesus we will be sent to hell. i know another one who is a true christian and he once claimed that he is sure he will go to heaven.but i saw that he did the things which hurt the minds of many people.is it said so in that holy stuff?? Each and every christian groups have a secret agenda to obtain maximum conversions as possible.It is evident from the fact that at the time of starting christianity in India the population of christians was less..what is the case now?? think and answer .Is this right to attack the world's greatest culture by a mere book written by some fake people ? everyone say that that man's existence had proof in world history. i can understand. but there is not yet proved that he is God. you fools believed the words of profit-oriented,community-centered fathers and bishops who are distributing for free their holy stuff in schools and other organisations!! from where do they get their finance ? Foreign agencies provide money for that........... now it is too late to prevent the christian viruses from destroying the whole culture of our country. Let the real PARABRAHMA,the ALMIGHTY save us from them... I have much more to say in my next letter.