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Posts posted by gopalapriyadas

  1. Lord Brahma is described as a devotee who is representative of karma-mishra-bhakti, or the level of devotional service that is still mixed with fruitive desires.

    Lord Siva, on the other hand, is paradigmatic of a devotee who is tinged with the desire of knowledge, or gyana-mishra-bhakti.

    Those who are on these particular levels of mishra-bhaktis will be attracted to these particular modes of service. Karma-kandis, or fruitive workers, are generally attracted to Lord Brahma (and the demigods), while the yogis and the gyanis are inclined to Lord Siva.


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das

  2. From my experience with this Wicca and Witches, I have found them to be strongly absorbed in the mode of ignorance, being mainly concerned with the material platform and their condition on it, how to improve their material position and altar their karma. To me it seems that their goal is not Krsna but rather themselves. Not saying that they are necessarily bad people, but very much karmis, and I don't know if that is the best association.

    They are very much involved in worshiping their "Goddess", the occult, "magic" and talking to the spirits and ghosts. This is nothing more then Kali worship and aghora-yoga, albeit with a Western edge.


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das

  3. "All human beings are grateful to God. No matter how many sins they

    commit, occasionally they become aware that God is the supreme

    entity, and when they are endowed with this belief, they bow down

    before the extraordinary things of this world. When ignorant people

    are inspired by their gratitude to God, they naturally offer respect

    to the sun, a river, a mountain, or to enormous animals. They

    express their hearts before such things and display submission to

    them. Granted, there is a vast difference between this type of

    worship of material objects, and transcendental affection toward the

    Lord. Still, when such ignorant people adopt a mood of gratitude to

    God and reverence toward material objects, it gradually produces a

    positive effect. Therefore, if one examines the situation logically,

    one cannot ascribe any fault to them.


    "Meditation on the formless, all-pervading feature of the Lord and

    offering 'namaz' or other types of prayers to an impersonal aspect of

    the Lord are also devoid of pure transcendent love, so how are these

    methods any different from the worship of a cat, for example? We

    consider that it is essential to arouse bhava towards Bhagavan by any

    means possible. The door leading to gradual elevation is firmly shut

    if people on any level of worship are ridiculed or condemned. Those

    who fall under the spell of dogmatism, and thereby become sectarian,

    lack the qualities of generosity and munificence. That is why they

    ridicule and condemn others who do not worship in the same way as

    they do. This is a great mistake on their part."


    ("Jaiva Dharma" p. 272)


  4. Mahatma Gandhiji said "There is nothing but vilification of Hinduism in the books distributed by the missionaries. The other day a missionary descended on a famine area with money in his pocket, converted the famine-stricken by distributing it amongst them and then got them to demolish their own temple. That was outrageous. The advent of a missionary in a Hindu household has meant the disruption of the family. The missionaries are vendors of goods who target the most susceptible when they are most vulnerable, using just not dialogue but allurement and violence. If I had power and could legislate, I should certainly stop all proselytizing."


    Hindus do not believe in conversion. Hindus believe in Ekam Sataha Vipraha Bahudha Vadanti, or "The truth is One but known by different names"


    Yet, for at least past 1300 years, there have been vigorous attempts at converting Hindus. Some of those who sought to convert Hindus use force, while others used fraud and inducement. Very few Hindus are converted by changing their hearts. Hundreds of thousands of Hindus faced severe brutalities at the hands of Islamic invaders to defend their rights to preserve their dharma and way of life.


    During the British rule, the conversion of Hindus to Christianity started in ernest, the attempts to convert Hindus continues unabated today with millions of dollars each year poured by the missionaries. Great leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekanand spoke about the futility of conversion, and yet, ironically, today those who speak against the conversion of Hindus are branded fundamentalist and worse.


    The conversion of Hindus is usually accompanied by loss of compassion towards other religions, loss in respect for the Hindu and Indian culture and way of life and more often than not, loss of self-respect.


  5. Thanks for making that clarification, I was very confused and my mind had become unsettled imagining that terrible scene and associating it with His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. The thought of it was practically unbearable!

    Is there any truth to the accusations that Jayendra Saraswati conspired to have Thiru Sankararaman murdered? I find this difficult to accept because from what I know of Kanchi seer, is that he is a highly respected and valued pontiff who has considerable influence with political leaders and is the great voice of the people.

    I know that Saivas and Brahmans are opposing the arrest of Jayendra Saraswati, but are there anything to the rumors that the Vaishnavas are supporting his being detained?


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das

  6. Not all Indians are "blackish-blue". I have seen Indians as black as an African and some as white as cotton, akk shades of brown, some have golden complexions and some are even red, like a garnet. Indians comes in all hues and colors. If you wanted to get down to the roots, Indians are descendants of the Aryan race, the same as the Europeans. If you look at a North Indian and South Indian there is a huge dramatic difference in color tone. Why are you making this into a racial issue anyway? This is not a good place to have your mind prabhu. Remember, we are not this body.


    -Gopalapriya das

  7. I shared your post with a devotee brother of mine and he made this clarification...



    Kamsa was not one of the three.


    Jaya and Vijaya became Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakashipu, then

    Kumbhakarna and Ravana, then Dantavakra and Sisupala. In Lord Caitanya's pastimes they were Jagai and Madhai.


    Kamsa's previous birth was as the demon Kalanemi. After Mohini-murti cheated the demons out of their share of nectar, a great war broke out between the demons and the demigods. During this war Lord Vishnu appeared and killed Kalanemi, but Sukracarya brought him back to life. Vishnu killed Kalanemi again and sent him to the lower planetary system. Burning with hatred and envy of Vishnu and the

    demigods, Kalanemi conspired with all his demoniac friends to take birth on earth as demons in order to challenge the demigods from there. Kalanemi took birth as Kamsa, and his friends took birth as Trnavarta, Kesi, Putana, Baka, etc.


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das

  8. Some wonderful and intriguing questions came up on a KC forum that I am a member of. Unfortunatly I am not qualified or advanced enough to speak on the subject but I was hoping that some of you might have some thoughts on the matter... please refer to the forwarded text below.

    Thanks! -Gopalapriya das


    >>>Hare Krsna! I was just wondering into which rasa Krsna's cows belong?

    I would guess that they are either servants or dear friends but Im not sure.

    Also are the cows in goloka vrndavana eternally liberated or are they jivas (marginal energy) like us?

    Is there any instance where a pure devotee or saint would take on the spiritual body of a cow after getting out of the material world and into goloka vrndavana?

    One last question, would the cows in vrndavana India be

    automatically transfered to Krsnaloka when they die or would they have to take on a human body first ? or are they already liberated and situalted in devotion?

    thanks for any insight into this.<<<


  9. Haribol.

    We know of the Pursua-avatars, the Guna-avatara, the Desa-avatars, the Lila-avatars and the Yuga-avatars and the nature of their being and appearances, but does Krsna appear any place outside of Bharat? Are there any avatars that have appeared in other cultures and countries and to other peoples?

    Can the Pagan religions of Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, ect... also be attributed to Krsna?


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das


  10. I think the best way to learn to go to a temple and ask the brahmacharis there to show you themselves. This is how I learned. It's a bit tricky at first but after some practice you'll become a pro in no time, ;p.

    There are so many different styles in which to tie your dhoti. On my first trop to India back in '90 I was so suprized to see all the various ways to wear them. One style inparticular really impressed me, in the Bengali fashion with pleets, it's very unusual, I tried it but to no avail... oh well!


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das

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