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Posts posted by gopalapriyadas

  1. In his address on the tenth anniversary of ISKCON in Washington D.C., on 6/7/76, Srila Prabhupada said: "Actually, to practice yoga, one has to undergo so many austerities, penances, and rules and regulations. In one or two cases these practices may be successful, but not for the general mass of people. People in this age are very unfortunate and disturbed by so many external factors; therefore it is very difficult to execute the yoga system or perform costly sacrifices. Therefore, because the other systems will not be successful in this age, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu introduced these two things, sankirtana [chanting the names of God] and Srimad-Bhagavatam."


    harer nama harer nama

    harer namaiva kevalam

    kalau nasty eva nasty eva

    nasty eva gatir anyatha


    "In this age of Kali, there is no other religion than glorifying the Lord by utterance of His holy name, and that is the injunction of all the revealed scriptures. There is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way." (Brihan-naradiya Purana)


  2. How do you know that Jesus didn't visit India and study yoga? I have researched that theory for many years and found that very likely it might have happened. But regardless of the hypothetical evidence, it all rests on faith and whether or nor you believe that Jesus even existed. Some people believe that Hinduism is all mythology, like the Greek mythology, and dismiss our religion as imagination.



  3. I don't think that Prabhupada was really aware of the huge production and of the significant horrors of the commercial milk industry and I believe that if he was he would have forbidden us to use this milk.

    Do you really think that Krsna wants milk that was stolen from a raped, tortured and exploited cow whose babies are taken from her and turned into veal cutlets for karmis to feed their big fat bellies? I think NOT!!! You have heard of blood money... well commercial milk is BLOOD MILK. This milk is poison and if you drink commercial milk then you are going to get the same karma that you would if you eat a hamburger, there is NO difference, you'll get even more karma because you know what you are doing is bad. Don't try to justify your way out of it only to convince yourself that the milk your drinking is authorized... please, your only fooling yourself and I doubt that your even doing that because your not stupid, you know what's up.

    Why do you want to drink milk anyway when nowdays there are so many alternatives and besides, milk is not all that healthy for adults to drink. Anyway... Hare Krsna.



  4. Escape! Yes this is exactly what we are trying to do, to escape the clutches of maya and the cycle of birth and death. We are escaping this jail. We are escaping back for home, back to Godhead. Chanting the holy name gives you a hot-rod ride to escape.

    Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Chant the holy name. Chant the holy name. Chant the holy name. There is no other way. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. All Glories to the Holy Name! All Glories to the Holy Name! All Glories to the Holy Name! Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

  5. LOL! This has been a very bad day for me and I needed a good laugh to snap me out of it and you gave it to me. Thank you. Just thinking about Loony-loka and it's residents and their pastimes cracks me up! Hare Krsna!



  6. When I was living in L.A. we lived a few blocks from their housing center. I always made a point of smiling to them and telling them "Hare Krsna" and tried to be very nice to them, I was always met with indifference or rudeness and they walked right past me, not even acknowledging my existence. I remember they wore these one-piece uniform like jumpers with a key around their neck. There were different colors so I'm assuming that it signifies different ranks. I didn't get far in my attempt to investigate their beliefs so eventually I just gave up on it but would still tell them "Hare Krsna" when I saw them. A few years later I was staying in Austin, TX and saw that they had a center there in the same strip-mall as the coffee house I was working and for kicks I had my "bio-energy" or something like that "read". It was stupid, but free and when I asked them the results of my "reading" they tried to sell me a book about it instead. To this day I still have no idea what they found out.

    I do know that the largest "cult awareness" organization in the world is owned by the Scientologists. That's very curious.


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das

  7. Thai Hinduism is a subject that is fascinating to me and one that I am trying to study more on, unfortunately there is very little information available. I am trying to find some information on a deity in the Thai Hindu pantheon known as "Pha Narian Arvatan". Does anyone know anything about him and where I can find more information on Thai-Khmer Hinduism? Thanks!


    Hare Krsna.


  8. Khmer Hinduism is a subject that is fascinating to me and one that I am trying to study more on, unfortunately there is very little information available. I am trying to find some information on a deity in the Khmer Hindu . known as "Pha Narian Arvatan". Does anyone know anything about him and where I can find more information on Khmer Hinduism? Thanks!


    Hare Krsna.



    Hare Krsna.


  9. Thai Hinduism is a subject that is fascinating to me and one that I am trying to study more on, unfortunately there is very little information available. I am trying to find some information on a deity in the Thai Hindu pantheon known as "Pha Narian Arvatan". Does anyone know anything about him and where I can find more information on Thai-Khmer Hinduism? Thanks!


    Hare Krsna.


  10. What is your position on milk?

    The fact is that in this age, commercial dairy cows are kept pregnant to produce milk and their babies are auctioned to veal slaughter houses. So in essence, when you drink milk you are killing baby cows. I don't think this is good and certainly not karma-free.

    Any thoughts?


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das

  11. What is your position on milk?

    The fact is that in this age, commercial dairy cows are kept pregnant to produce milk and their babies are auctioned to veal slaughter houses. So in essence, when you drink milk you are killing baby cows. I don't think this is good and certainly not karma-free.

    Any thoughts?


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das

  12. What is your position on milk?

    The fact is that in this age, commercial dairy cows are kept pregnant to produce milk and their babies are auctioned to veal slaughter houses. So in essence, when you drink milk you are killing baby cows. I don't think this is good and certainly not karma-free.

    Any thoughts?


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das

  13. Dear friends. A most wonderful senior devotee here knowing that I was searching for salagrama-silas to serve has entrusted me with the care of a Dvaraka-sila and salagrama. He is also teaching me some details and particulars in their worship that I was not aware of. I am so excited! Hare Krsna!


    -Gopalapriya das

  14. Dear friends. A most wonderful senior devotee here knowing that I was searching for salagrama-silas to serve has entrusted me with the care of a Dvaraka-sila and salagrama. He is also teaching me some details and particulars in their worship that I was not aware of. I am so excited! Hare Krsna!


    -Gopalapriya das

  15. Thanks Bhakta Neal. When I was last in India back in '02 I found some really great salagrams but I put them back because I just didn't feel the time was right, now that I feel that the time has come I might have to make a trip back just to get one.


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das

  16. Haribol. I was wondering if anyone here had any salagram-silas that they are parting with and needed to be served.

    I am qualified and would appreciate the opportunity and the honor to offer such service. Thank you.


    Hare Krsna.

    -Gopalapriya das


  17. Generally speaking, the Supreme Personality of Godhead descends into this universe within Bharata-varsa, India. I'm sure there may be some exceptions.


    The pagan religions mostly correspond to the worship of the demigods and spirits, who also appear on earth in different forms. In the fifth canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam it is described that the residents of the different varsas worship the Supreme Lord indirectly

    in His deva forms. The denizens of Plaksadvipa, for instance, worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the form of the sun-god, Salmalidvipa, the moon-god; Kusadvipa, Agni; Krauncadvipa, Varuna; Sakadvipa, Vayu; Puskaradvipa, Brahma; etc.


    The special glories of Bharata-varsa are extolled in the 19th chapter. However, even there it is stated:


    "In India [bharata-varsa], there are many worshipers of the demigods, the various officials appointed by the Supreme Lord, such as Indra, Candra and Surya, all of whom are worshiped differently. The orshipers offer the demigods their oblations, considering the

    demigods part and parcel of the whole, the Supreme Lord. Therefore the Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts these offerings and gradually raises the worshipers to the real standard of devotional service by fulfilling their desires and aspirations. Because the Lord is complete, He offers the worshipers the benedictions they desire even if they worship only part of His transcendental body." (SB 5.19.26)


    In the 17th chapter it is also stated: "To show mercy to His devotees in each of these nine tracts of land, the Supreme Personality of Godhead known as Narayana expands Himself in His quadruple principles of Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha. In this way He remains near His devotees to accept their service." (SB 5.17.14)


    In the purport to the above verse, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti mentions that these expansions manifest in Deity forms. It is also stated in the Padma Purana and in some of the satvata-tantras that a predominating Visnu form is worshiped in each of the nine varsas:

    Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna, Aniruddha, Narayana, Nrsimha, Hayagriva, Mahavaraha, and Brahma (the Visnu-avatar Brahma).


    In recent millenia, much of the Visnu and demigod worship on earth has been replaced with a more impersonal worship of God such as Christianity and Islam. In this regard, I have heard Srila Prabhupada mention that even demigod worship is superior to such forms of religion, because in the case of the demigod worshiper he may advance to accept the personal worship of Visnu or Krsna, whereas a Christian or Muslim will encounter much resistance to do so.


    Zeus, Odin and all these Pagan deities are demigods.

    Here is some sastra from Bhagavad-gita on demigod worship:


    BG 9.25

    "Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; and those who worship Me will live with Me."


    BG 17.4

    "Men in the mode of goodness worship the demigods; those in the mode of passion worship the demons; and those in the mode of ignorance worship ghosts and spirits."


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