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kartikeya chosen one

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  1. Hi Amanda, Thanks for sharing that comment, but can you also nbe a little more specific as to why you felt that help was only given to " their own people" and what gave the impression that the temple was "into using other people". I'm sorry that is the impression you have of the temple and it would help us in making a positive change if you cna provide some more details, since the ultimate goal is to ensure that each and every devotee that walks through the gates fo the temple is helped to the fullest, without discrimitation to anyone. Thanks, walk with skanda
  2. I feel terrible after reading your post and as such had to reply. This was the very first Kali Mandir in Trinidad and I can assure you that the main focus of this temple is to assist with spiritual enlightenment and healing. However I will be the first to admit that there may have been some issues with cleanliness and providing proper facilities to its members, which is currently being addressed. Within the next few months, there will be brand new facilities to accomodate all attendees of the weekly Sunday service. This has all been due to a recent change in leadership, as the Sunday service and daily upkeeping of the temple is now done by a new head pujaree Premchan. In addition to this he performs all pujas at no cost to each and everyone, AS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN. There is no reason for anyone to have paid to worship our divine mother. The atmosphere itself feels even more spiritual and enlightened, the mandir was also recently granted by the Divine Mother, the ability to peform both baalidan and sadha pujas under the same roof. This alone takes a tremendous amount of meditation, spiritual focus, honesty and dedication to achieve. I assure you that the Divine Mother is happy and pleased with the positive changes and has proven this by showing the presence of various supreme forms of sadha devis and devtas now manifesting themselves in the Mandir. I can tell that this temple will once again rise to higher heights and once again become a focal point of Shakti worship in Trinidad.
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