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Everything posted by tomargaurav

  1. I am no master in this domain but a person like you or may be lesser in knowledge. but I like the thought and i had thought of the same few years back. It is a well known thing that humans are considered to have vibrations in them and too control them and understand them is the motive of meditation dhyaan, pranayaam and vipassana. These vibrations can be linked to string theory or the sub sub atomic part or bosons and also what is known as the go d particle HIGGS BOSONS. These are still hwpothesis in modern science but were said to be existing 2000 years before by a man known as Budhha and repeated by sushruta and many others. Yes in vedas also you will find imprints of this. Try and read more. Or easier way,(why do you think there is so emphasis on atmagyaan), look into urself. you will find the answers.
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