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Posts posted by retailstar

  1. who told you astakbarga system gives information related to power of planets. Astakbarga system is based on planetary position in different rasis, not with the nature ofdegree of the planets. Its an oldest computerised system developed by Indian scholars to find out how far a chart will get favours from transit planets at the time of gochara transit of planet. If you learn deeply about astakbarga system you will able to learn most perfect analysis of hindu astrology. Only one thing I shall add that a transit planet will give results to birth planets only when it will in the same longitude by house with birth planet which is refered as tulyansa. The kakha system of analysis do not work according to rules.

  2. I dont know Hindu Nirayan system means to follow the Tropical Zodiac. If so, I must say my last 30 years researches on mmentary event prediction in day day life often found absolute correct with Lahiris ephemeris data.

    I also protest for your conclusions that zodiacs are meant for incarnations of God. Astrology is a knowledge based subject, God does'nt have enough time to attend the zodiac. Zodiac is a certain space in the sky created by man to identify repeated events on earth, God has nothing to do with zodiac signs

  3. Dear ramesh,

    Don't keep much hope in your dasa prediction. Dasa reflects our mental and psychological changes in our own concentration.If the transit results will be unfavorable the ultimate outcome will not accordingly to dasa results. Check your astakbarga results and trnansit results on which you can get a flair about your upcoming fortune.

  4. Dear Mr. Prasanta Kumar,

    In respect to your following article I wonder how you came in such conclusion that The 12 signs based zodiac concept was created in India?

    From the ancient time Indians did not used any rashi chart or symbols.There divisions of the zodiac belt is limited with 27 Nakhatras, from where dasa system originated, and navamsa and other amsas derived. Later when Greek astrologers imported Egyptian astrology modified by Greek astrology, Indian scholars adopted the Zodiac system, drekkan and hora divisions.12 Zodiac system is sun sign based system which originated in Egypt, because their main God ws the Sun God 'Ra' who they believe sail over the sky in a boat from monring the sunset. Sunsign based astrology later popular in European astrology as greek astrologers imported it from middle east.







    Prashant Pandey


    well the hora is the one from which hour came in is v much there if u study

    Linguistics and the concept of dividing the rasi int 2. the 1st of vargas,

    similarly the last of them shastiamsa D60 has both the deities and nature of it



    BPHS give enough material when dasa of exalted grahas also can fail to deliver

    if in Krrora shastiamsa, where can we find such a division in egytian astrology,

    why r they not using it now?

    they need not re-invent the wheel have they to do it?


    Most of vedic knowlege has no KNOWN SOURCE they r revelations from hte higher

    levels to the lower level beings ]human sages] they were also far superior to

    our kind of ppl









    prashant <praspandey


    Mon, October 12, 2009 11:55:51 PM

    History of Varga Charts !!!



    Varga Charts are one of the oldest creations and those are separate charts and

    it came in existence at same time when Rashi chart came…..


    1) Greeks came to India in 3'rd BCE with Egyptians thinking as their

    interactions were older then Indians...


    2) Egyptians were using 36 parts around the ecliptic (Not exactly there was

    ecliptic concept)and all parts had deities and those parts were known as Decante

    or one may say Drekkanna (This is at least 4000 yrs older astronomical fact of

    Egyptians).. ..If I am liar plz read that Drekkana also use to have deities….


    3) Indians were using 12 parts around ecliptic (not exactly around on ecliptic

    as there was no ecliptic concept in ancient time) as clear from VEDAS verses...


    4) Greeks and Babylonians created constellation in the name of Rashis in 4'th

    Century BCE sorry Vice-Versa.. .


    5) Now with attacks of Alexander on India (In 3'rd Cent BCE), things started

    flowing to India or one may say 4-5 civilization got mixed up and and real

    astrology started caming in existence which we know now days around the world…


    Mathematics used in Suryasidhanta is of Indian origin but certainly views to get

    calculated things to erect astrology is certainly mixture of 4-5

    civilizations… But main part from India and also mathematics from India as in

    it (there is use of angles, Trignometry, circle and those have been originated

    in India only)…In Suryasidhanta there is talk of constant motion of planets

    which is the theme of circular motion, circles are creativities of Indian



    5) When Rashi chart came in existence (means in 1'st BCE) at the same time

    Drekkana chart came in existence (because Drekkana was ancient Egyptian concept

    and Rashi was Indian) but Greeks clubbed those and after this ppl got the idea

    to partition thirty degrees in many many divisions and those took separate

    separate charts dealing with separate separate aspect of one native.They clubbed

    it(D-3 Chart) with Rashi chart...So D charts have been originated at same time

    when Rashi chart originated.. .


    It is obvious thing if there are two sets, one is having 12 counts and other 36

    then which could be division of what??


    6) Rashi and D-3 chart are the oldest creation of astrology or one may same came

    in existence at same time and those were also separate chart…Clubbing of those

    separate charts gave thinking of separate separate Divisional charts of other

    harmonics but clubbing of D-Charts with Rashi chart was also one aspect as 12

    counts of ecliptic is the lowest count of ecliptic…


    D-9 came after D-3 & D-1. But D-9 got hype as it deals with Dharma of all



    So BPHS is the oldest treatise which talks of D-Charts, among all classics and

    other are off shoots of it, like Nadi etc etc...


    So My salutations to B V Raman, K N Rao, Santhanam, PVR, Sanjay Rath, GK Goel

    who propogated D Charts in India and in whole world…


    Thanks and Regards,

    Prashant Pandey


    PS:- Dear Modearor, if you think this mail is of any use then approve it

    otherwise Thanks!!! this is a pious attempt to save works of Giants like Mr Rao,

    B V Raman from being abused, Rest your wish...


    Thanks again and Good Bye!

  5. Navamsa does not means 9th part of a rasi. Its mean Nava amsa or a new phase of time. How I conclude? See if you goes through the history of Indian astrology you will be find navamsa was created first to divide a Nakshatra into 4 equal part to identify the time difference of a day four basic phase of time,i.e., Morning, Noon, Evening and Night. Thus a Nakshatra consist of 4 pada or navamsa. Navamsa never created by dividing 9 equal parts of a rashi. Because, when navmsa was created there was Only Nakshatra system of observations exist in Indian astrology. Later rashi chakra added over this system. Rasi chakra is not originated in India. It was created in EGYPT. Rashi chakra was suns transit based. Western astrologer learned from Arbians

    and brought the sunsign astrology to europe. About 3000B.C ago when Greeks invaded India, few Greek astrologers came to our country. Indian scholars learned about rashi chakra and many other system of observation from them.They are termed as Yavanaachayra in Indian classic. So it is not very wiseful to declare navamsa means equal one ninth part of the rashi.


  6. you are new in Indian astrology. Making analysis of your birth navamsa chart will not very easy to you. I am about 30 years researching in applied astrology of hindu nirayana system. If you want to judge your navamsa chart just think it that planets at your navamsa chart indicates to whom in the society you will get the fruits of your birth fortune in the society. For example check where is your suns navamsa rashi. You will get your career and profession prospect from those who has in their rashi chart the positon of sun in a rashi identical with your navamsa rasi where sun is situate. Follow this rule and check your most intimate people rashi chart you will find the truth.....

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