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Posts posted by pitcha

  1. Dear Gurus,


    My husband's job has been stand still since last two months; not sure when they will close / make cuts; He is anxiously looking for another job as he is supporting our family of 4;

    His birth details are as below:

    Birthdate is 12-Aug-1965

    Time is birth is 11.58 a.m

    Place of birth is Thiruvanandapuram, Kerala


    Looking forward to hear some positive & encouraging response soon

  2. Thank you soo much gold & srinivasji. please do write more details as It'll help me in my learning process.


    Lets first take abt Rashi sandhi of Sun here. Does it mean it'll affect 4th house effects.. I mean mother of the native, home land etc?


    Also to note here that Lagna has moved only less than 3 deg in taurus. Does it also have Rashi sandhi?


    So, Srinivasji, whats your overall comments abt this chart? I am anxiously waiting for the expert's comments.


    Thanks for your time

  3. Hi Gold,


    Each house can hold 30 degrees. Mercury has moved 29 degrees in sagittarius & Sun just moved out of this house & placed at 1 degree in next house (capricorn).. thou they "appear" to be in different houses, they still are in close proximity & hence mercury is combust.


    Venus has moved 17 deg in Capricorn whereas Sun has moved only 1 deg. So, Thou Venus & Sun appear in the same house, they are NOT in such close proximity & hence Venus is NOT combust.


    But as far as I know, Mercury is exempted from this combust factors in astrology as it'll be close to the Sun in most of the charts. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

  4. Dear experts,


    Let me give the horoscope details so that someone might come fwd to continue this interesting discussion.


    Taurus Lagna

    3rd Place (cancer): Jupiter

    5th place (virgo) : Mars

    6th Place (libra) : Ketu

    8th Place(Sag) : Mercury (combust)

    9th PLace (capricorn) : Sun & Venus (Venus NOT combust)

    10th Place (aquaris): Moon

    11th Place (Pisces): Saturn

    12th Place (Aries): Rahu


    The interesting combination:


    3rd lord moon in 10th place; 10th lord saturn in 11th place; 11the lod Jupiter in 3rd place;


    Can anyone analyse the effects ofthe 3-10-11 interchange?


    venus (as 6th lord) aspects & aspected by Jupiter (as 8th lord); apart from other aspects of the same as 1st & 11th lord. Will 6/8 aspects give any luck to this native?


    seventh lord Mars (also the 12th lord) placed in 5th place aspected by Saturn; venus with sun in 9th apsected by Jupiter (8th lord); how abt married life?


    5th lord Mercury, combust & placed in 8th place aspected by both saturn/Mars; guess its very weak. so what about children & education in this horoscope?

  5. Very interesting discussion. Thanks to everyone esply Srinivasji.

    I too have a sibling with Taurus Lagna with exalted Jupiter in 3rd house. Here are the birth details.

    DOB: 15-Jan-1967

    Time: 1:50 PM

    Place: Chennai

    The interesting part here is that the 8th/11th lord Jupiter aspecting the 4th lord SUN & Lagna lord Venus placed in 9th from the 3rd place. also 9th/10th lord Saturn aspected by Jupiter. how will it effect on career?


    would anybody like to analyse this esply regarding career, profession, wealth, fame, travel, marriage & children?

    Thanks for your time.

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