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Posts posted by abhinavgaind

  1. Dear Sasikaran Ji,


    I would really appreciate if you could throw some light on the relationships specially about Marriage life of the person . If the person has the following in the Birth Chart


    DOB 19th May, 1979 and time of Birth 13:34 New Delhi (horoscope Attached)

    Married to 14 Sep 1982 and time of Birth 17:30 New Delhi


    Boys Horoscope

    House no 1 : SAT and Rahu ( Leo Lagna)

    House No 7 Moon Ketu (aquarius sign)

    House No 9: Ven Mercury and Mars


    Girls Horoscope:

    House No 1 : Aquarius Lagna

    House No 7 : Ven and Sun ( Leo Sign)


    Thanks and Regards

    Abhinav Gaind- Horoscope.PDF

  2. Dear Dhruv,


    Thank you for your time and reply.


    Shaani is vargottam in the navansh still will it give bad results ?

    what results should i expect in the shaani Dasha ?


    Moon is outside the axis, but does that make it ankshik Kaalsarpyog ?

    Also moon is just outside by a few degrees, will the horoscope still have similar effects as it is only one planet and a planet that moves really fast.


    Thanks and Regards

    Abhinav Gaind

    Rome, Italy

  3. Hi,


    I am Abhinav Gaind and mY DOB is 19th May 1979 , 13:34 New Delhi.


    I have consulted over 200 astrologers during the past 7-8 years and taken a short astrology course - basics only. Yet am unable to comprehend my horoscope. I have till date come across probably 2 good clarovaints as most of the astrologers tell me things in opposite direction such as either saturn is really good or saturn is really bad ( due to the fact it is in 1st house but in Rashi of Leo(5), being a vargottam. Whether the horoscope has Kaalsarpyog or not ? etc etc


    1st House : Saturn and Rahu

    2nd House:

    3rd House:

    4th House:

    5th House;

    6h House:

    7th House: Moon Ketu

    8th House:

    9th House : Mercury, Venus and Mars

    10th house : Sun

    11th House:

    12th House Jupiter


    Any Further querries can be directed to Abhinav_gaind@hotmail.com


    Looking forward for your responses and replies.

    Abhinav Gaind- Horoscope.PDF

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