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Posts posted by InvidShockTrooper

  1. Originally posted by Bhaktavasya:

    A summary:


    Vasudeva Datta, who was very devoted to Sri Chaitanya, approached the Lord in a very unhappy mood. He confided to Mahaprabhu that he couldn't bear to see the suffering of the conditioned souls, and aked that the Lord fulfil his one desire: to take birth forever in the material world and undergo the karma of all those destined to suffer so that they could all go back to Godhead. Lord Chaitanya began to cry, embraced Vasudeva Datta and said "You are the true devotee, because of your pure desire, all the jiva souls are already (destined to be) liberated.

    It is said (in Chaitanya Charitamrita) that whoever chants the name of Vasudeva Datta will be immediately liberated and will attain love of God.


    Vasudeva Datta is also the siksa guru of Srila Yadunandana Acharya, who was the diksha guru of Srila Raghunatha das Goswami. In Vraja lila, he is Madhuvrata, a singer in Vrindavan.


    Check out CC Adi Lila chapter 10 starting at around text 40 for the rest.

  2. question about brahmin threads: i have heard that the disciples of srila bhakti vedanta narayan maharaj wear brahmin threads with nine strings because of the 9 primary bhakti angas. most of the other people on the line of bhaktisiddhanta wear 6 strings. does anyone else use 9 strings?

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