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Everything posted by Tarun

  1. kalpanopadezAt ca, madhvAdivad avirodhaH kalpanA = creative power: formation, thought; from teaching too; like honey & rest; no conflict exists 118) Because it's taught that Lord's creation is PradhAna, there's no contradiction in calling her both created & uncreated, as in honey's case.. (Sun rises & sets from earthling's viewpoint. Sun does not rise or set as seen from Sun's center.)
  2. pUrvoktaM rasa-bhairavam ||125|| samAhitamanA dhyayet, tadA lonaM samAcaret | anAhate brahma-randhre, manaH kRtvA nirAlaye ||126|| kara-nyAsaM purA kRtvA, anga-nyAsam anantaram | yathA zaktiH japen-mantraM, rasendrasya samA-hitaH ||127|| One should meditate upon Rasa-bhairava in manner previously described with mind concentration & submerge in it. While meditating mind should b in either anAhata, brahma-randhra (crown) or nirAlaya. He should perform kara-nyAs, thereafter anga-nyAs. Having done so, one should recite rasendra mantra with utmost concentration.
  3. jyotir upakramA tu tathA hy adhIyate eke light, Brahman; commencing with, whose source is; but, thus, for this reason; some read some recensions (critical text revisions) have reading, another zAkhins read - reference to AtharvaNas; eke 117) But this ajA is described as originating in Light, as found in some recensions, ergo it cannot mean PrakRti.
  4. atha rasArNavAt atha praznAvatAraM ca kRSNA kuryAt kriyaM zubhAm | bhiSag dIxA samA-yukta:, Physician who has accepted dixA mantra should initiate any auspicious act only after praznAvatAr (questioning).
  5. Indeed, satire itself is required because politicians never accept plain straightforward fact. "The play's the thing to capture the King" So long they r held in public captivity, e.g. betwixt ape & wildcat cages, visible to all, till their asenine associates pay back all 87 billion they r wasting in Iraq + all they wasted in Afghanisthan + all ENRON stole etc. we r satisfied. Gov't with Money Back Guarantees - who could ask 4 anything more? Judgement Day here on Earth - Terra Firma - who can wait?
  6. "ArdrAdi mrga paryante, madhye mUlaM pratiSThitam | evam krameNa vinyasya, nADI trayam atindritaH ||123|| candrArka janma naxatraM, eka nADyAM yadA bhavet | mRtyuM tadA vijAnIyAd, rogino nAnyathA bhavet ||124||" In 3 columns write 27 naxatras from ArdrA to mRgazirA with mUlA in center. If candra, arka & janma (birthstar) naxatra line up in one column, then patient succumbs to death, otherwise not. 6) ArdrA - 7)punarvasu - 8) puSya 11) pUrva phAlguni 10) maghA 9) azleSA 12) utara phalguni 13) hastA 14) citrA 17) anurAdhA - 16) vizAkhA - 15) svAti 18) jyeSThA - 19) mUlA - 20) pUrva ASADhA 23) dhanisthA 22) zravan 21) uttarASADhA 24) zatabhisA 25) pUrva bhAdrapada 26) uttara bhAdrapada 2) bharaNi - 1) Azvini - 27) revati 3) KRttikA - 4) rohiNi - 5) mRgazirA
  7. So far I'm concerned, Jesus was lacto-vegetarian which made us a shoe-in for ISKCON. Nonviolence begins with diet. One professor Chang-Rodriguez often repeated: "Tell me what u eat, I'll tell u who u r." Jesus drank unfermented juice. Any church preaching this? Kaliyuga hypocrisy can cajole any good religion into supporting slaughterhouses & waging continuous war. Case in point - Wash DC
  8. Have u perused dazama-skandha ZrImad BhAgavatam? Therein is written - Lord Siva came to rescue His bhakta Bana who had captured Aniruddha, Krishna's grandson. U know this history? ps - what happened to "John Sang kRSNa 'fore George" thread?
  9. VedavyAs' father Parasara Muni has defined BhagavAn - God as having 6 opulences in full. One is full strength = Total Hero. aizvaryasya samagrasya viryasya yazasaH zriyaH We've seen tiny martial arts experts flip & defeat opponents twice/thrice their size by speed & technique. Lord ParaSuram introduced cordless highspeed electric shave long b4 Gilette, Remington. BalarAm & kRSNa threw asses in trees, thus disrupting KAMsarAj's "40 Acres & a Mule" program. Govinda danced very quickly, fanblade-like during rAsa-lila according to VizvanAth Cakravarti. Any example of ViSNu speedfighting?
  10. Even in PrabhupAd's time milk was not up to par, being cut etc. I remember PrabhupAd commenting that New Zealand cream was like Vedik milk. Vrndavan 5k yrs ago is dif than Vraj now. Internally not, externally very. If u have your own cows, fine. Or u know your neighbor protects his cows, fine. Parmalat & a few other companies claim they don't use antibiotics or hormones. Actually Kaliyuga is already uninhabitable, but due to our numbness we r hanging on, still breathing, trying to make the best of a bad bargain. Bad bargain? No bargain at all! Total rip-off!
  11. Kentucky Vegan-buddhist in Religion Chatrooms. He or she was right unless we r keeping our own cows.
  12. Our president wasn't elected; judges selected someone who has already declared 2 illegal pre-emptive wars in which so many kids were shot + killed. Question: so far harming kids is concerned, how much more guilty r those judges?
  13. camasavad avizeSAt ||1.4.8|| as cup; from no special feature 116) Word ajA does not denote sAnkhya’s PrakRti, for none of Her distinct characteristic r mentioned, unlike camasa in Brhad-aranyakopaniSad, literally ‘cup’, actually ‘headskull’.
  14. mahadvac ca = like Mahat, too 115) And as Mahat occurring in this passage is NOT taken to refer to SAnkhya's mahat, so too avyakta here does NOT denote SAnkhya's pradhAna.
  15. kapAlarudrAya bhagavate namaH ||iti mantraH ||120|| This is the mantra. sUrya candrAt makau kRSNa, zukta paxau karau smRtau | xAlayet tau jala-xIra, ghRtais tailais travAsaram ||121|| kaniSThA mUla parvAdi, ceST yordhvaM teSu parvasu | tithir niyojya tAH lAxA, rasena pariranjayet | yatrexate na tad bindu, stithau tatra mRtir bhavat ||122|| ||iti narapaticaryAyAM mRti tithi cakram || Another Prediction System Hands represent kRSNa-paxa (dark fortnight) & zukla-paxa (bright fortnight) characterized by Sun & Moon energy respectively. These hands should b washed for 3 days with water, milk, ghee, oil. Starting at pinky finger root, tithis (fortnight days' names) should b marked by spots. These should then b smeared (coloured) with lAxA (lac). If spot in particular phalange disappears, then patient will succumb to death on that particular day. Thus ends mRta-tithi-cakra (Death Day Cycle) as described in Narapati-caryA.
  16. He plans to remain here for 2-3 days. It's great that he's here, but I know he will soon go, after which we mostly shall speak by phone or email. Referring to Gaurasundar dAs working in Hawaii 1971, SP said: "Nowadays, we have these cars, so we have to go 30 miles, 50 miles, just to work or visit friends. In other words, for one convenience we have created 3 inconveniences... This is called mAyA-sukhAya... humbug civilization."
  17. Some new archaelogy book just came out examining whether Neanderthal crossbred with Homo erectus some 100,000 yrs ago. What could b more speculative than this?
  18. Somehow Pandu's so-called falldown later on doesn't bother me much, whereas Kuntidevi's silence about KarNa for 100 yrs... now that I simply can't digest.
  19. I know. It means u'll spend the rest of your life trying to wash it out.
  20. trayANAm eva caivam upanyAsaH praznaz ca ||1|4|6|| of 3, namely 3 boons asked by Nachiketas; only and thus; mention, question also 114) Moreover, this UpaniSad mentions only 3 things, 3 benedictions; and question relates to only 3 things too. 1) his father will b well disposed toward him 2) he b taught celestial fire secret 3) he b initiated into Self-Realization mystery ====== 1) means of knowledge 2) person knowing 3) end to b realised - VedAnta
  21. Kaliyuga is custom-built to depress everyone. Gradually everyone will become liar & cheater, so we may prefer loneliness instead of being repeatedly ripped off. Better no sanga than asat-sanga
  22. guroH siddhaM lapAlAdi, mantrezaM dvAdazAxaram | bhurje nijA 'sRjA likhya, nyase dantaH zarA-vayoH ||118|| saMpUjya japtvA tan-mantraM, gupte tat sthApayen nizi | prAtar utthAya tat pazyed, vijAni dvAdaza-kramAt | yad varNaM nazyet tad varSe, tan mAse tad dine mRtiH ||119|| **Death Date Prediction** With guru's help, expertise in 12 alphabet KapAladi mantra should b attained. Mantra should b written by person in his own blood over bhUja-patra piece. It should b kept inside 2 zarAvas (earthen/clay plates). Thereafter, oblation should b offered & mantra should b recited repeatedly. Container holding mantra should b kept hidden. Mornings, after rising one should open container & examine mantra's 12 alphabets If any alphabet has become invisible, then number should b counted. Death will occur in same year, month or day number.
  23. Once SwAmI PrabhupAd told his ziSyas: "Tongue has 2 businesses: talking & tasting. So if u simply talk about kRSNa & taste kRSNa prasAd u will go Back Home, Back to Godhead." Another time he firmly stated: "When u r ready to give up eating & sleeping, then u can live with me in VRndAvan." Which one is correct?
  24. "vadati" iti cen, na; prajno hi prakaraNAt text states thus if, not; Intelligent Self = AntaryAmi; because, from subject 113) If it b said text does teach avyakta is to b known, no, for declaration about knowing refers to Supreme Self & context shows it to b so.
  25. evaM nakha-parIxAM yo, na jAnAti cikitsakaM | apUjyaH sarva-lokasya, [sa bhavet rAja-varjitaH] ||117|| ||iti nakha-parIxA|| If physician is not competent in above mentioned nail exam method, then he is despised by all people & King should not entertain him. Thus ends Nail Exam description.
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