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Vidya balasubramanyam

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Everything posted by Vidya balasubramanyam

  1. Yes , Yoga is very help ful in PCOD. My cycle reduced from 6 months to 45 days by doing yoga. But along with that you have to maintain a healthy diet. Pavanamuktasana and dhanurasana are very helpful.
  2. I'm looking for natura health tips for PCOD. Can yu please forward me the diet. I'll be very grateful to you. I'm suffering from PCOs from past 6 yrs. Please help me Originally Posted by Marji L. Dainty Hi there, I have a friend with poly cystic ovaries who had great success with a special diet. I can get the information from her and forward it to you. Before she started the diet, she never had a regular period, ever. On the diet, her cycle became regular and her body begin to balance out. The diet is very challenging for her, but it totally works. There are also herbs that she takes after seeing an herbal practitioner. Good luck, Marji
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