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  1. Who are you? You are not Amrita.
  2. Sweetness, it is a desperate situation you find yourself in, but you need to step back and see that it is only temporary. You should not go into any relationship, especially marriage, with someone who does not go go willingly and enthusiastically! If his parents are an obstacle now, it will only increase if you push for something they do not want. Every relationship has challenges, but when someone shows you who they are, take them at their word. He is not for you. There is so much love for you, but you can't see it for the pain. Please do not compromise yourself for someone who isn't willing to bring grace to the relationship. Now the good news. Take a deep breath. Remember and fill your heart with divine love. There is a partner for you, and you will be filled with joy, not pain. Take a cleansing bath and rid yourself of the pain and ready yourself for love.
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