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Everything posted by veronica8888

  1. Please list a grouping of greatest devotees in the recent Gaudiya Matha so I can look at them.
  2. I cannot take any advice unless it is in accordance with the sastra.
  3. Here is the problem. Srila Prabhupada is an uttama adhikari therefore unless you are I cannot take any advice unless it is in accordance with his desires. If it is yes i will take your advice.
  4. Join the temple in New York Prabhu it will be the best thing you have ever done. Devotee association is the Best!
  5. How wonderful! A planet with all of Srila Prabhupada's disciples. Thank you Krishna!
  6. I thought you were being facetious? I had some previous bad experiences with the Gaudiya Matha.
  7. I did not know that Mother Urmila devi dasi would be the new guru. Now that I know, I roll in the dust of her lotus feet. I sip the water from washing her feet. I would relish the remnants of her prasadam with great delight. She is a gopi as all our sampradaya and my only desire is to sit at her feet and listen to her talk about Krishna. Her Divine Graciousness Srimati Urmila Devi Dasi Vanaprasthini ki jai!
  8. The guest must be in some high rasa to ignore Srila Prabhupada's decision to grant guruship to Tamal Krishna Goswami. I saw his face and he looked pure to me. I will blindly accept this guru whoever she may be. She is serving Srila Prabhupada to the highest degree. I take the dust from her lotus feet and smear it all over my body. I will serve her faithfully until i return back to the spiritual world where we all came from.
  9. not really a woman, but a spirit soul inside, having accepted a woman's body. It shows the position of Srila Prahbupada that he alone could do such a thing. I don't know who it is yet, but I vow to become her disciple and never to commit any offenses to her lotus feet. And I beg her to speak to Tamal Krishna Maharaja in the spiritual world and beg from him my forgiveness. Srila Prabhupada said Tamal Krishna Maharaja was a cowherd boy. I forgot! I am an offender! I committed the worst kind of offense Vaishnava aparadha! And to all the devotees even if you are in the Gaudiya Matha please forgive my offenses also. And especially the ones in Iskcon who I have offended the most.
  10. And you can quote a thousand verses a thousand different ways about the supersoul but that is the problem right there, Srila Prabhupada said not to listen to his godbrothers because they change things due to their misunderstandings and no offense but because they are NEOPHYTES! That is why you are brainwashed into thinking that the supersoul is Srila Prabhupada when Prabhupada means the guru is present in the disciples heart to give instructions, not to keep his heart beating, lungs etc. Only Iskcon has this understanding because only Iskcon has His Divine Grace Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada as their very own guru. Prabhupada is not in the Gaudiya Matha. The Matha transformed into Iskcon and the rest of you who are not in it lost out. And I am the guest who started this thing.
  11. I thought somehow there was a difference between the Paramatma and the aspect of Caitya-guru.
  12. Where do you get your information from? Prabhupada is parmatma now? It is best to accept an uttama adhikari so if we all sit around talking about Prabhupada and not the Gaudiya Matha don't feel sorry for yourselves, escpecially if you left Prabhupada. Even if you didn't, you can always take the exclusive association of His Divine Grace.
  13. None of Srila Prabhupada's godbrothers helped him though he begged them and offered them positions to rule temples in Iskcon as bribes. Yet these same devotees when Prabhupada left the planet claim that Prabhupada wanted them to lead his movement. Why didn't they then? They were too busy eating in the temples they fought to secure from the Gaudiya Matha after Srila Bhaktisiddhanta left the planet. It has long been considered in Iskcon to be like a swear word, THE GAUDIYA MATHA! Don't even mention them they are so offensive to their guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta. They criticise Srila Prabhupada and take his disciples but without Srila Prabhupada this web site wouldn't exist. All is happening by His mercy. Srila Prabhupada ki jai! And they blaspemously claim Prabhupada didn't give us everything. What nonsense! Some kanistha reads a few books he isn't qualified to touch even and then spouts some philosophy and suddenly he is an uttama adhikari! A true uttama adhikari would recognise another one in Srila Prabhupada and not criticise. As for me criticising, Srila Prabhupada said his godbrothers ruined the Gaudiya Matha.
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