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Posts posted by PRKKKD

  1. Thanks a lot. Please mail me scanned copy of the article in The tribune.My e-mail ID:prkkkd@rediffmail.com

    with regards




    I think there is no one Ayurveda person here to answer your query

    I am not a doctor .


    In "The tribune" dated July 2,2009,There is an article by the title " unlocked: The secrets of Schizophrenia.(scientific breakthrough offers hope of new treatments for mental condition)------you must read it for new insight into treatment of schizophrenia.


    If you wish ,i can email to you scanned news of this article or upload here --- hope this information may be helpful to you.


    God bless All except me.

    Rishi Vatsyayan

  2. kanchanara guggl is for thyroid problems;stopping of kanchanara guggul for a while till you cld contact your vaidya will relieve you from joint pains etc.or you canredue the dose to 1 tab twice a day.

    Triphala is to reduce weight.Better to take after dinner once in a day.Asoka is for regularisng periods and twice a day is sufficient.

    Aswagandha and satavary each 3gms with milk after break fast is good for curing PCOS,Anemia and Fatigue p


    I went to an ayurvedic vaidya with complaints of hypothyroidism PCOS anemia and fatigue. I am 27 years old female. I weigh 70 kgs currently but was 75 before. My height is 5 ft 5'


    He gave me knachanara guggulu( 2 tabs * 3 times), triphala churna( twice a day in warm water), ashokarishta( 4 tsp * 4 times) and eat karela powder with meals.


    He told me to follow pitta kapha pacifying diet which I am doing. I have lot of good things to say abt the medication. It helped me lose a little weight my period is less painful and regular hirsutism is less etc.


    But I am having lot of joint pain and nervous ticks and general feeling of being rushed since then. I guess this is an increase in vata. I dint have any of these symptoms before. Please advice what I need to do.


    My vaidya had told me to take ashwagandha and shatavari only if needed but should definitely take the rest he gave. So I dint take those. Should I be taking those? if yes how much of it? Should I be stopping kanchanara guggulu for a while?


    My vaidya is on a world tour and I am not able to reach him. I dont want to stop kanchanara guggul because it helped me so far.


    Also he told me the main thing is to reduce weight so I dont want to stop the diet or the medication because it helped me.

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