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Posts posted by Mothman

  1. I wonder why everybody hankers after the supremacy of his own God. Though I strongly believe that India was the ancient land with rich spiritualism and knowledge, I don't think we can discount other religions. If one considers the richness of the divinity and the scriptures that have been there for eons..one would certainly come to the conclusion nothing can be more complete and beyond what this holy land has to offer. Vedic scriptures are so wonderfully crafted by God or some Supreme Intelligence that their knowledge offers so many solutions related to many fields - health, astronomy, sciences etc., which is obviously not there in any other religion. Even if there is somewhere nothing could be to the extent of the knowledge in vedic scriptures.

    I have seen personally from my muslim and christian friends.. they are so insecure about their religion and always get defensive about them. The irony is both descend from same lineage of prophets (I'll stick to the story) and still they fight amongst themselves. They are both trying to convert rest of the world to their religions and I believe this is mainly due to the caveats mentioned in the bible and quran. Both undoubtely say that you have to believe in jesus or allah only then you will go to heaven. There are so many things in bible and quran which I'm not sure they themselves are proud of..since it was written by mere mortals it's inevitable that the knowledge is limited considering the limited faculties of our brain. I'm not saying vedic scriptures are all perfect and stainless.. but it's only in small amounts compared to the vastness of gruesome and inhuman acts in bible and some racist views in quran. The very comprehensive nature and the knowledge of Vedic scriptures show the greatness of these scriptures and the religion they gave birth to which undoubtedly surpass the cults which evolved into religion. On the other hand these vedic scriptures do not suggest to degrade other races anywhere and because of the tolerance of the this holy land most civilizations and religions have survived.

    Hindus are the only people in the world who do not even try to convert other people to their hinduism, because we don't have to since nowhere it's mentioned in the vedic scriptures if you believe in only Lord Krsna or Rama or Lord Shiva only then you will be liberated. There are many ways to attain liberation which are clearly mentioned in the scriptures. Just because these supposedly cullts which evolved into religions spread like wildfire doesn't mean they are true and god given religions..just like a rumour spreads.

    These discussions will never stop till the end of humanity. It's just to satisfy one's ego.

    Everything evolved from only ONE Supreme Intelligence. It's the same intelligence that's playing with all of us.

  2. It depends on who you call God. I believe there is a Supreme Intelligence running the whole cosmos according to some laws. If you want evidence whether God exists.. ask yourself why people take birth and die in cycles? Recently I have seen a documentary in which Harvard scientists are close to creating primitive life forms in lab. They could be eventually successful. But they can never explain how a living being becomes life less. These events are all run by Supreme Intelligence.

    There is someone and only ONE behind everything that happens in Universe. We all are mere players for this Supreme Intelligence's game.

  3. I don't think you have to stop chanting during periods. But some mantras are very powerful which are supposed to be recited like Brahmins do - proper pronunciation and sound. Some say reciting mantras in an improper way may bring bad luck. But if you really want peace of mind chant Hare Krsna mahamantra. The mantra is so easy that it doesn't have any tough pronunciations and it gives you peace of mind like no other mantra in my view. Most other mantras are so powerful and have thundering words and sounds, though they may give peace of mind but only reciting in proper fashion one does justice to them.

    Please chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. I'm sure you will find this mantra so mellifluous and will give you peace of mind very quickly. Lord Krsna is all pleasure, reciting his name anyone will get peace of mind.

    Hara Hara Mahadeva!

  4. I don't know this is the right forum to have your question answered. Lord Krsna makes you wise, knowledgeable and tells you from your inside what's good to do. If you think you won't be able to live happily with this gal who might become your future wife, you better not marry her and be miserable. If you think you can accept and be happy after marriage so be it. But don't blame Krsna for making you do this. Don't run into fire thinking Lord Krsna will save you as he loves you. It's utter foolishness. Similarly don't think that Lord Krsna will make you happy even after you make a wrong choice and marry the gal.

    Hope this helps.

    Hara Hara Mahadeva!

  5. Sandy123,

    It's strange that you become angry while you chant Hare Krsna mahamantra. The mantra is so pleasant and powerful at the same that it calms and soothes the mind. The very word of Krsna means pleasure and while chanting or saying the name of Lord Krsna one gets pleasure, atleast I do. Even if you think of problems while chanting mahamantra, your mind will be drawn to the Lord sooner or later depending on how agitated your mind is. I suggest you stop focusing on problems and put a picture of Lord Krsna infront of you or atleast imagine in your mind while chanting. This will surely help.

  6. Recently Lord Sri Krsna appeared in my dreams. He was quite tall, was shining like gold and had flute in his hands. He looked at me as he was walking in the clouds and before I showed him to my mother he vanished. As I am staunch believer in Lord Shiva, I don't know what to make out of this dream. I never dreamed of any god before in my life.

    Any sincere devote can help me with this dream. Thanks alot

  7. I'm afraid you are being judgemental here. Nobody knows why he did that to your friends except he alone. I suggest you take your friends along with you to the temple and confront the same priest and ask him why did he do that. Don't be afraid he will curse you or something. To give you an example I have encountered quite a few priests who behave rudely with all except temple authorities. I guess such priests do not enjoy their duty to preach God.

  8. Lord Krsna doesn't get angry with anyone and is impartial to every living being. We all have to answer our own karmas. It's just a mere coincidence that these things happened when Lord Balaji's photo was removed. Tell your mother that Lord Krsna loves her family more than what she thinks and is giving her family opportunities to get close to him.

    Tell her that life is full of struggles and nothing remains premanent. Everything changes.

    Lord Krsna is all pleasure. Introduce her to chanting of Hare Krsna Mahamantra. It will lighten her heart.

  9. I believe you want to give up all the attachments since you have lost your loved ones. I assume you don't want to get married because you are afraid deep down one day you will have to go away from wife & kids...and you don't want to experience the pain you felt before. And if you think giving up attachments and leaving a monk life is the only way you want to live so that you can be happy or atleast do not have to go through life's struggles.. then I'm afraid you are mistaken. Living like a saint is not easy as everyone thinks. They have their share of life's struggles.

    You are right that you should give up attachment to your life, people in your life and any possession you have - as attachment leads to misery. Besides you don't have to go to Kashi or anywhere else to unite with God and understand him. God is everywhere..he listens to everybody. I believe if one wants to know about God he will give enough opportunities to know about him. If you want to attain moksha then giving up attachments is just one of the beginnings. I believe, not every saint who gives up normal life attains liberation.

    If you really want to get married then you can and lead a normal life without attachments and die happily. But if you don't want to get married and dedicate your life to god..you can also do that.

    I'm not suggesting you to get married. But it makes me believe that you want to give up everything so that you don't have to struggle in life. Even Buddha, the enlightened one had to struggle in his life even after liberation. Struggles are part of life as Lord Krsna says. Accept them but do not react to them, always remember nothing is permanent, everything changes.

    My advice to you is if you believe knowing about God is all you want in life..then do it. Read everything about God. Meditate and contemplate. Do something for your survival

  10. I kind of agree with Gadiyar. Though I'm firm believer in God, I have a radical point of view. I believe God created us for his own amusement and pleasure - you can find the basis for this in Bhagavad-Gita though not explicitly mentioned. He is playing a game with all of us giving several opportunities to win in the game of life, go back to Godhead or fail and take repeated births. If you play by the rules you will be a very happy soul..through spiritual ways.

    I came to this abstract after thinking for really long may be for months and my basis is why does God have to create several universes.. several planets and place souls in each planet (reference Bhagavatam) unless he is doing something he is required to like his duty or he wants to amuse himself by letting us play in his game.

    Also from Gita, God (Lord Krsna) though in all his power can do anything he wants but still is impartial to all of the living beings.

    Lord Krsna also says the whole universe will cease if he stops working and I believe all this makes sense only if he is acting under certain laws or rather rules he sets for his own game.

  11. hello admin,

    Glad finally someone took the initiative. The whole forum has large volume of information and some of the threads are really not helpful when it comes to knowing anything. Moreover the forum could be well organised, for instance separate sections for topics related to each particular scripture (Gita, Bhagavatam, Upanishads etc.,) and for requests. I believe some of the threads could actually be deleted..as they do not offer anything and if people can refrain from making posts just for the sake of making them.. it would be great.

    I'm still struggling to continue any section as I get lost after a while. I would be very happy to help you to make this forum very user friendly for all of us.

  12. I don't know about abodes in spiritual sky. From what I read and contemplate, we will be spirit souls like a speck in a cosmos. We'll have no body no identity but wholly merged into the Supreme Soul or Ultimate Truth.

    Lord Visnu doesn't need to attain moksha to go back to his own abode since it's his duty to come down and maintain the balance between good and evil. He is just doing his job.

    You will know you have attained moksha when you are in eternal bliss, nothing can disturb your mind and nor you are attracted to sense objects. Also an enlightened one will know his own past, all his earlier life forms, his present and his future.


    Telugu or Kannada both has base as Tamil.


    Some word in Telugu such as Vrayu (write) looks different but indeed they were derived from Tamil (e.g vrayu (vrai) from varai).





    Here I would like to inform that Telugu/Kannada sentence may be formed without a Sanskrit word but not without a Tamil word.


    Understand the fact.



    You say that Telugu and Kannada are based on Tamil. Then how is that, Telugu grammar is almost identical to Sanskrit grammar. I don't know about Kannada so I can't comment. Besides Telugu language doesn't have incomplete alphabets (Varnamala) like Tamil. I believe that Tamil is one of the oldest languages but not basis for Telugu for sure. There must have been another language which preceded Tamil... which must have got obsolete. Tamil, Telugu and other languages must have evolved from it. Just because two languages share common words doesn't mean one gave birth to other unless the language which gave birth to another language is more complete than the new language.

  14. Only god knows when this topic will end may be it will continue even after we are long gone. I'm sure the entire forum is full of the posts discussing who is supreme of Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu.


    Upanishads declare both are one and Vedas also do so but not explicitly, and the whole purpose is to use human life wisely to get rid of birth and death cycle.


    Great sages composed Upanishads and we are mere mortals, we can't even comprehend the knowledge they must have possessed in their lives.


    There were instances where Lord Vishnu took help of Lord Shiva and Lord Shiva took the help of Lord Vishnu. It clearly shows both are equal and nobody is superior. They are just doing their duty.


    What are you going to achieve by proving the supremacy of Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu. It will only satisfy your ego. We all know what Krsna says in Gita about ego. Make the most of your lives worshiping either of them and go back to Godhead.

  15. Mahesh.. I don't know where did you get these facts? I'm not sure about some of them, but I know for sure some of them are absolutely ridiculous.


    Buddha never created religion..he was only interested in helping others to get them out of suffering, a pristine quality of an enlightened one. Ppl who followed him made him God since he alleviated their suffering and created religion after his death.


    Regarding Lord Parasurama - there is a story behind killing his own mother but she was revived back. "Once Parasurama's mother sees a very young handsome man when she goes to bring water for cooking and gets attracted to him. She gets home late and her husband, Parasurama's father wonders why it took so long and learns what happened through his clairvoyance as he was a great sage. When he knows what happened he gets very angry and orders Parasurama to kill her and since Parasurama who knows that it's his duty to do everything as his father says kills her. Then his father asks him for a boon for obeying his order to kill his own mother and then he asks to bring her back to life and his father does so"


    The story shows it's very important to obey one's parents even if it affects own one's life. Without knowing the real facts plz do not post anything since some ppl might take it for granted as most of us are very lazy to read everything but good at judging or giving opinions




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