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Posts posted by sylvester22


    I went thro your chart.Present dasa is of Rahu who is in 12th and also 10th from Moon.10th house is suffering from Dwidasa dosh.Please try to garland Durga with 18 lemon every week on saturday during Rahu kalam.After the first sat,do it also on sunday as anything started should be done on second day also.


    If possible try to visit a big kshetra like Kanchi or Madurai and worship Goddess with full earnest prayers.My best wishes to you.


    Thanks for the reply. But Rahu is placed in lagna not in 12th house, i request you to check it out.


    im not defending anyone but being indian myself i know that such a statement is largely ( if not totally ) untrue and is resulting out of improper analyzation .


    its not true that In India there are more dirt than anywhere else. all nations have had their pros and cons and will continue to do so . india after years of exploitation and sufferings have accumulated a lot of problems , but that doesnt make them the dirtiest nation !!


    most problems are directly related to poverty . and harm to women and priest indulging in wrong things has far greater occurance in west than in india !!


    the casteism that you are speaking about is also there in west . in fact it is within the mental setup of mankind . here we discriminate on caste and back in western nations you discriminate between colour and race . the same psychology finding expression in different modes through certain nasty individuals !!


    im not trying to show that west is all bad ............just showing you the faults and inadequacy in your biased statement :)



    This also looks funny.You are comparing 'cancer' with 'cough'.


    The main cause of most of the problems in this country is due to different Hindu Mythologies and discrimination by language. Hinduism is followed differently in different states in India with no uniqueness. Racism in west is viewed differently but in India racism is a result of different Hindu mythologies. It would be more dirt if you dig deep.



    At least Hindus are well enough to know what Morale and Ethics are and live their lives accordingly. That is respectable AND admirable.


    People like you do not know what it means to be One with God. Do you think every tom, dick and harry can do that? In order to become One with God, One MUST make him or her clean - physically, mentally AND Spiritually. That is what Hindus are doing and Hindus should be proud that they have a noble goal in life. They should not entertain people like Christians and Muslims.

    This is the funniest post and i cant stop my self laughing. In India there are more dirt than anywhere else. Corruption, Poverty, Child Labor, No.1 in AIDS, Unhealthy food as a result of lethal capitalism, unemployment, starvation of the good, harm to women,lack of good drinking water, Priests indulged in wrong things, workers given low wages, Good food only for the rich- this don't happen in the western world,caste discrimination and the list goes on.............................


    This is what should be respected and admirable?:mad2:


    I`ve created this thread simply because it seems everyone here in this spiritual discussion forum is only interested in being one with God or simultaneously one with but different from God. We have lost the very essence of what all the sages, Gurus, incarnates, and even God Himself has been trying to convey to us since time immemorial. That our goal is Love!


    There can never be oneness with God or devotional service to God if we don`t know what is Love!


    1 Corinthians 13:1-13, " Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It doesn`t boast. It is not proud. It is not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. Love doesn`t delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trusts, always perserveres. Love never fails."


    Now, I know why Kaliyuga never leaves. It`s because we stopped learning what Love is all about.


    You are the only enlightened person here. Its for the love the world lives and its for the love the universe is made of.


    Human Jesus?

    No, Jesus was God.

    You didn't get the memo?

    Jesus walked on water, parted the sea and healed the sick.

    Jesus was not portrayed as any human.

    He raised from the grave and ascended to heaven.

    How is that anything human?

    Jesus is God according to the apostle Paul.


    If you don't know your Christian myth very well, then maybe you should not be posting on the topic?


    I meant that Jesus had the pictorial identity of Humans and lived the life of humans unlike other Gods with 5 hands, 6 legs, 8 heads, blue colored, half snake and half human. The people who carried out this research should also be advised to carry out research on these Gods.:idea:


    There is a new documentary out called The God Who Wasn't There. It specifically challenges the historical authenticity of Jesus Christ. The producers have presented the views of some of the top academic theologians who have arrived at the conclusion that the story of Christ is a myth.


    This comes along with a new book by R.G. Price entitled Jesus, a very Jewish Myth.


    There is a website that deals specifically with the Christ myth theory.




    Is it possible that in fact the story of Jesus is a myth fabricated in Greek language by Hellenistic Jews looking for a marriage of the Jewish and the Greek traditions?


    We don't have any evidences supporting the existence of Krishna, Rama and now there is a claim about Jesus existence. One thing that might support Jesus is no myth is that he is portrayed as an human unlike other Gods which may be different.


    I think this (Melvin's) typical behavior of an example Christian/Muslim behavior.


    But in Hindusm (Buddhism and Judaism alike), we have different opinions about Divine beings. Both Hindusm and Judaism believes that God is beyond life and death and IF He wants to come down and mingle with Humans, there is nothing to stop Him from doing so (other than His own Will).


    Frankly speaking - the Future does not need Christians and Muslims.


    Why do you have different opinions? Does it mean that you don't have the clear knowledge of God? Hinduism also portrays God to be in every living things. He is not an 'alien' as you are saying.


    Hmph ... Don't talk like you know so much. Everything you say so far have no evidence whatsoever. Matter a fact, you have been pushing others to accept your "loosely based" facts and have not given any respects to the forumers here when they said - "ENOUGH!"


    You're a daydreamer ... and all you're doing is daydreaming.


    Oh ... a Virtuous does not feel loneliness and sadness. If they do, they means that they still have attachments in the World (which they are suffering for).


    If you look back the thread you would know who had started this. You are the person who don't have any virtue and any respect for others. Simply with your blind eyes don't call others IGNORANT.



    Truth is something like one without a second. Truth never changes with time.

    But see how inconsistent you are.


    First, The world is flat... then round [1st contradiction]

    Secondly, the big bang theory and now the string theory[2nd contradiction]


    third, this and that... yuck too many.


    and now human came 20000 years ago.... and then later Human came from Pluto.


    Which Truth you want me to know;)


    As I said ealier.. the curve of your so-called truth is Asymptotic by nature.

    It seems that you are converging to the Truth.. but that is the Illusion.


    y=ex ------- Cheers.



    The truth one should know is " adharma would be defeated by dharma"


    If you really believe that adharma would be defeated by dharma then it should happen very soon, may be by 2012 or by 2010 or by 2011.


    thats a common knowledge that all of us here in this forum have .


    i had to shout , understand and memorise "asatoma sadgamaya........... " as the school prayer from the age of 3 .


    i asked you to elaborate on what is 'light' or 'knowledge' by your understanding ?

    in other words....

    what are the conditions for reaching that stage and what are its symptoms .


    in one word , give us a small summary ......


    Virtuous, should be able to realize the truth, the feeling of loneliness and sadness, give equal respect and never quarrel.


    When you reach the stage you would be detached from the world.



    What are you driving at? confused animalist.How do you propose to redeem the world?.Are you by any chance advocating eating human meat instead of Animal meat? :P




    Thanks a lot i changed my error.:)

    I like your reasoning ability. :idea:


    You should come forward with your views about Lemuria, its existence and its destruction. You should always use your ability to reason for good things.:crazy:


    i didnt say that it is against spirituality . i merely said that the topic is not something sufficiently spiritual !!




    please elaborate what "light" means to you for others to understand in a few words .

    Light refers to Knowledge and Knowledge is the power of every souls that distinguishes them. Knowledge takes you closer to God and Ignorance( darkness) prevents you from getting close to God.


    sylvester ,


    dont you think that it is ridiculous and idiotic to start such an non-spritual thread with non spiritual posts in a forum designated for spiritual discussions ?


    you being the most intelligent amongst others here in this forum(as your mannerism and behaviour seem to proclaim) , was it not natural for you to stop creating such a meaningless thread ?


    or am i to suppose that you are not capable of basic human intelligence , being the feline sylvester who hunts for mysteries with a tweeting canary ?:D


    The thread is not against spirituality by any means or to proclaim intelligence over others. There is a lot of differences within spirituality. I'm trying to help out people who are knocking the doors of darkness for light. Ignorance would always lead you to darkness. I'm happy to be a cat than a human being and i cease it here.

  14. The existence of Vanara kingdom in Ramayana clearly states that Ramayana should have happened during the period when Lemuria existed. Humans like us do not have the physical strength to take control of these creatures(Vanaras) which were described to be very much stronger and larger. So the lord (rama) should be incarnated into the body of a species which should be larger in size and stronger than the human beings. These species should have possesed mystic force or great armoury or plutonium or machine guns to have control over these creatures.


    "God has no forms" He is a Human, a ape and also the non living.


    Lemuria's existence was proved in south indian literature which is 2000 years old, about a massive land mass covering the bulk of Indian Ocean.





    one cannot argue with literature as there was no need for the writer to lie.


    Lemuria was supposed to have submerged 25,000 years ago and the civilisaton that thrived were well civilized than the modern day humans. The same should be the case with the modern day humans were the kali yuga seem to have peaked. There is an significant rise in the volume of earth quakes that are happening in the globe, Global warming pose a great threat to the progression of Human beings,flu pandemic has been declared, Global economy shattered. If one thinks what's happening around is an illusion then he would enter the black hole for his ignorance.


    Mayans had the psychic gift to see the future. No one else in this world could see the future like the Mayans did, they were great astrologers and loved by God, so their existence was ceased.


    No one can tell the world could come to an end by 2012 or move to 2013. This not a threat but the reasons for the end to be close over weigh the renewal of this world. Great civilizations has ended so fast, that's what history, gita teaches you. The human civilization is no greater civilization than the civilization of the past and its end is very close.


    This will put me into ignorance.


    Scientists always derive till they get closer to the solution

    And for sure their solution are asymptotic by nature.


    It seems they are getting closer to that Absolute Truth... but it never reaches that point.


    With that we can conclude that, Never is a point in time where their Analysis can be taken as fully valid.


    Just read the Gita once.... there is no room for doubt.

    The proof of the pudding is on the eating.



    Is there an evidence to what you are saying and believing? Come on! Bring them on!


    Its hard to make Ignorant people know the truth. To know the truth you need to break your superficial beliefs from your mind to get towards it.

    Come forward!:idea:


    Its easy to know the truth but it is harder to make absurd believers to get towards the truth.:rolleyes:


    Let the power of light bless upon these dark minds.:)


    He derive that from his own imaginations.


    Out of Africa theory is a well-known and currently accepted theory on how humans have left Africa in two batches - one in 250,000 years ago, and another 200,000 years ago. The Scientists and Historians have genetic and physical evidences to support this claims.


    Don't believe, just go to a search Engine and type Out of Africa and you will find out for yourself.


    PS : Stephen Knapp or Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source of information.


    One attains great knowledge not by just nodding to what one says but by doing research on what he is saying. It just fits well to you. In Ramayana, there is a mention of the Kingdom of Vanara, i would be happy if someone throws light into it.:eek4:


    :eek4: If someone could tell more about the Kingdom? How large was it? and did it dominated the so called Homo sapiens who were supposed to have lived there! or there was a species parallel to Homo sapiens at the time of Ramayana. ;)


    The depiction of Ravana in Ramayana as several headed person and qualities to fly does not match with the modern day humans. :mad2:


    These are a beginner's Questioning abilities to know truth. You don't have a single evidence to support your view and you have this ability to argue with no truth. This makes you look like an IGNORANT person even below animals:eek3:


    To live and Die for someone like Rama could be a greater honor than to live as animals in disguise of human. :)


    Homo sapiens came into existence only by 200000 years ago , and Ramayana was sought to have happened millions of years ago. If you could say clearly that Rama did belong to the species Homo sapiens?


    Oh really? Go and "buy" Life back to a dead man.

    Pay the Sun to rise up in the middle of the night.

    Or the rain to come down in a drought season.


    You're being ignorant to simple facts. It is NATURE which produces food, water, air and warmth FOR FREE. But it is always people who are greedy who charge money for things they consider is theirs to own and sell.


    And it is people like YOU who agree with this foolish and greedy people, ready to beg on your hands and knees so they could throw scraps for you to feed on. And when all is done, you blame it on God because it is always so easy to blame things on God rather than blame yourself.


    People like you - IGNORANT - who are the true cause of Kali Yuga.


    You are very much ignorant with your life. You cant live in this world with what sun gives and rain gives. You need money to enjoy what sun gives, rain gives and nature gives. If you don't know this simple fact you should be really called ignorant.


    If God really created the humans then it is his responsibility to provide food and water to them. I have a pet with me and i cant see it starve a single day. If God is really good why did he create the humans to suffer everyday to live and punish them later for being ignorant of not calling his name. I'm not talking about millions of people who starve 3 time a week, im talking about the millions of working bees in India, China, Thailand and even in western countries who work round the clock to get a unhygienic, unhealthy food. why did God punish these workers for? For not calling his name? or karma of these millions? or for not fighting for food?

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