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  1. The japa is to be done by mouth and not listening to any CD. In the first hour after sunrise, any japa gives results faster. A simple yet powerful surya mantra is "OM HREEM SURYAY NAMAH".
  2. Do not wear any stones because budh dasa is going on and the ascendant lord is Moon. People may suggest him 2 wear a moti but it wont be of much help. Surya in mesh is exalted and in the 10th house gives him administrative qualities. In south indian temple you will find navgarhas(all 9 planets) installed. If it is not possible in the temple ask him 2 chant surya mantra 125000 times within a period of 40 days. For reducing the malefic effect of mars ask him to recite runamochaka mangala stotra/any mangal stotra every morning. All the best
  3. Hi, The native is pursuing the right career. He is bound to be successful in government services. As per the details posted by you his ascendant is karka and current dasa is antardasa of ketu in the mahadasa of budh. The negative effect is because mangal is in the same house as budh (9<sup>th</sup> house) giving him defeat in every effort. He is just stuck on the fortune front. The only effective remedy for all round success of the native is surya pooja. Chanting of surya mantra 125000 times within a period of 40 days will surely help him. If you have a south Indian temple nearby then he can perform surya pooja on Sundays throughout his life. July 2013 to May 2014 he is bound to be at a very high governmental post. If the effect is found positive for the next 40 days there will be stronger remedies that can be applied. You can always mail me at paragk72@gmail.com Wishing the native the very best.
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